Tough Ladders
FNGs: None today
Warm Up:
Mosey to the track and a mosey lap
Grab some fence for side to side leg swings x10 IC
Tiger claws x10
Front to back leg swings x5 IC
The Workout:
Ladder work – 400m at Long Interval, 400m recovery, 800m at LI, 400m recovery, 1200m at LI, 400m recovery, 1600m at LI, 400m recovery, 1200m at LI (this is where it got tough!), 400m recovery, 800m at LI, 400m recovery, 400m at short interval
Recovery mosey back to the flag and we were out of time
Not today 🙁
Christmas party tonight!
T-Claps (Recognition):
UTI for crushing the last 400m
Skidmark for an awesome CoT exercise about pax that we’re thankful for
187’s M, Fanny Pack’s M, the pax that we were all thankful for