I like big tires and I cannot lie.
FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey towards rock pile, large circle around the island. SSH IC 20, Imperial Walkers IC 10, Hillbilies IC 10, Moroccan Night Club IC 10, 5 burpees for late PAX, Mosey back to tires.
The Workout: YHC explained how the tire exercises would work. There were a few audible mumbles after explaining each exercise…but no questions. Once the ME starts neither rocks nor tires touch ground. Only if Q of group calls exercise to include the coupon, was it allowed to touch the ground. So during the rotation PAX had to pass the coupon to the next group. 5 burpees per drop to be tallied up and done at end…a few more audible mumbles. After a quick count off in groups of three we sent Group 1 to the Tires. Group 2 to the Rockpile and Group 3 went on an Indian run. 2 Rocks per PAX. This is was a shared leadership experience. Rock exercises from each PAX calls exercise for reps or cadence. Too many to list but the normal staples were done (Curls/press/row/abs/forearm) until Indian run group relieves. Group 1 got 3 rounds of Rocks exercises in. (the goal was 4 but time did not allow) Rock Group sprints up the parking lot and relieves the Big Tire Group. Big Tire Group. 3 PAX per tire. For each exercises the tire only touches the ground for #2. 1. Tire press / Squat Jumps (touch tire) 10 reps (modified hold above head or at chin if too heavy to press) 2. Flip & Drag Tire from cone to cone / Abs (2x) One PAX flips tire up to next cone then other man drags it back. The PAX that aren’t flipping or dragging do abs awaiting their turn. We found this one to be very challenging and needed to pick up the six on occasion. 3.Bench Press & Rows / plank hold IC 10 count One PAX benches tire while other PAX rows, odd man out does a plank hold IC. 4. Shoulder shrugs / Derkins 10 reps (not sure if any group got to this one due to time). Indian run group (timer group) middle circle ,stop sign down to main parking lot then down to the rock pile circle. They replace Rock group, Rock group sprints up a replaces tire group, tire group does Indian Run. Repeat cycle.
Mary: 35 burpees for dropped coupons during the workout
Announcements: Banks Road AO starting back up on Mondays. Continue to sign up for spreading mulch at Bass Lake. Come out to the Nest for continued CO-Q Duel.
T-Claps (Recognition): Those that EC’d. Thanks to Breach and Sprinkler for assisting in the CO-Q. Great work on the clothing drive last week.
Prayer: Quiver’s Family member dealing with COVID. 1st day of school and families dealing with the new logistics of managing. Pray to God for your objective in life.