UTI’s Paradise City Dress Rehearsal – ***Eeeaarkkk*** Is this thing on?

EC:  Buford (2mi), Aquaman (2mi), Yogurt (3mi+Ramps after), Lipstick(3mi), YHC (2mi)

FNGs: Uh Uh… not a one

Warm Up: The nose told the PAX that the garbage was already pretty warmed over from the day before and we were reaping the benefits.  Minus the HIM that had made it out for EC, the rest of the group needed a warming so we got started.  Burpees 3x per car (3 cars) that pulled into the lot right on time but delayed the workout start just enough, Windmills x10, Merkins x20, Side Straddle Hops x20, Fozio Arm Circles (10 forward/ 10 back).

The Workout: 12 PAX counted, broken into 2 lines of 6 for an Indian Run.  The PAX moved quickly without much need for coaching to “keep it tight”, we had some elites on-hand this morning and they were influencing the tempo.  The route was set by YHC to go around the Ting loop moving from the BBall Court, up the ramp, around and past the tennis courts, and back around to the base of the ramp.  Lots of mumblechatter this morning and some dissent in the ranks about the long Indian Run.  YHC extended the Indian run my continuing past the BBall courts and added that little loop onto the main drag and back to the base of the ramp.  A Jail Break broke out after the final turn towards the ramp.

YHC handed out the instructions for what came next.  PAX were asked to use the blue foul ball signs as markers for a modified B.O.M.B.S.  (Burpees, Overhead Claps, Merkins, Big Boy Sit-ups, SSH).  Breaking out into partners for support and accountability, PAX were told to bear crawl up the ramp to each blue sign.  At each sign, do the assigned workout to spell out B.O.M.B.S. staying with your partner along the way.  Once at the top, repeat in reverse down the hill.  Swap out the bear crawl with a crab walk down to the bottom.  Plank at the end for the 6.

A very quick count-off from Aquaman and we were headed up the ramp again.  This time it was a mozy to the back lot near the dumpsters.  Quickfeet down the curb until we reached a natural stop as the curb curved.  Mozy to the next corner.  On the Mozy, more dissent from a troublesome Lipstick.  Handed him 5 Merkins for the trouble.  (I hate to discipline him but otherwise, he’ll never learn…) He answered back with Diamond Merkins.  30x Squats at the corner followed by a mozy down to the tunnel.

Now that we were tired and hot, YHC gave everyone the opportunity to pop-a-squat.  We engaged in a little contest to see who could sit in the People’s Chair the longest.  It became a bit of a spectator sport as we wound down to Aquaman and Yogurt in their respective chairs.  Ultimately, Yogurt won!  Another competition followed.  Balls-to-the-Wall FTW.  Down to two, we had Pablo and Lipstick trying their hardest not to pass out.  Lipstick took the win!

Mozy to COT for Mary.  She never shows up to Run 4 The John but Paradise City is her thang.

Mary:  EC runners were put on the spot to help round out our morning.  Aquaman delivered with Boat Canoe’s (something he picked up in the mountains over the weekend I guess).  Lipstick brought the Pickle Pounders (So predictable :-P).  Buford brought us some Homer 2 Marge (there was some happiness in the mumblechatter for that one).  Yogurt finished it off with some American Hammers.

One last competition… YHC took the win on the biggest sweat puddle.  Aquaman thought he might be a contender but admittedly he might have been a little dehydrated after the weekend.


  • Meg’s Smile Auction.  Check-in on the volunteer opportunities but otherwise make an effort to show up.  It’s a good time with a good cause.
  • Margarita 5k event was mentioned – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/raleigh-margarita-madness-5k-run-tickets-54114664418/amp
  • Chat about form over reps.  It should be cool to have someone point out an issue with form to you, you cant always see these things yourself and its better if you can work to correct it rather than risk injury.  Plus, if you do it right – the workout should be better and better for you too.
  • Some folks are thinking of heading to Atlanta following BRR to meet-up with Crablegs at his final game on the tour.  Hit Slack to dig up more details and to confirm who is going.
  • PAX in attendance – if there was something more that I missed please let me know and I will update the post.

T-Claps (Recognition):  Nothing was put out there today per se…  I’ll send T-Claps to Abe who was getting it done out on the road today.  Great work Abe!

Prayer:  Crablegs on his Baseball tour for ALS, DoubleD – think of him today as he delivers his father’s eulogy