Disney’s very own has the Q

Did you know that Dumbo was Walt Disney’s favorite movie he made?  Seems like a fitting place for YHC’s virgin Q.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead you 31 Pax.

EC: Aquaman, Bulls Eye, Dahmer, Dawgpound, Maybelline, Nemo, Pikachu, ShamWow!, Warbucks

Warm Up: Quick mosey through the half pipe and back to the parking lot.  PAX circled up for the following: 24 SSH IC, 12 Good Mornings IC, 10 Fozio Arm Circles IC (forwards and backwards), Michael Phelps OYO, 10 Burpees OYO

The Workout: Mosey over to the big parking lot at the high school for 4 Corners with an accountability partner.  Pax did the following at each corner: 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks & 20 WWII.  Round 1 we moved between corners jogging on the long side and sprinting on the ‘short’ side.  For round 2 we replaced the 20 WWII with Al Gore for a 20 count.

Having finished round 2 it was time for a change of scenery so we moseyed back to the soccer fields.  With your accountability partner, one PAX runs to the middle of the soccer field while the other does balls to the wall on the fence.  We did two rounds of this.

Mary: PAX did 15 diamond merkins while YHC retrieved his phone for COT.  We then did the following: 20 Low Slow Flutter, 20 Homer to Marge, 20 Pickle Pounder, 10 Homer to Marge, 10 Pickle Pounders and Have A Nice Day!

Announcements: Check Slack/Facebook.  F3 Dad’s Camp registration opens soon.

Prayer: Moby’s father, Double D and his family.

YHC finished the morning with a few words about Lent.  During this time in the church year we are striving to either remove the things that keep us from being close to God OR to take on new things that would bring us closer to God.  That corresponds with this week QSource topic (The Jester) as well.  We all have things that keep us from being as close to God as we could be.  I challenge all of us to spend some time thinking about what they are for you and committing to work on them.  YHC took us out.

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead you men.  I will do better next time!