Cletus has an Abyss also
Another wet and soggy day to post in the gloom. The rain wasn’t too bad at all but the puddles represented as YHC found a few big’uns on the warm up mile. PAX of 10 posted for a shelter beatdown. Sliderule needed a last minute fill for Q and Yogurt didn’t do social media the night before so Banana Seat was happy to be back as YHC for Cletus just like old times. 0545, no FNG’s, let’s hit the puddles.
HC from Crosby but no show. Crazy Time must have did him in.
Warm Up:
Jog around the park for a short 0.3 mile loop back down to the shelter.
Good mornings, slow x10
Stretch upper
SSH x20
Stretch lower
Table top circle walk
The Workout:
Deconstructive burpees x10 each
– 5 steps (squats, leg outs, merkins, leg ins, squat hops)
10 burpees OYO to perfect
Partner up – same size
Upper body:
Dirkens from bench
Dips w/feet up on bench
P1: Abyss merkins – P2: Irkens (touch chest)
3 rds : x15, x12, x10
Somewhere in here YHC noticed Straight Cash getting some air from the side of the shelter. No merlot sounds, maybe just a breather needed.
Lower body:
1-legged seated squats, switch legs
Box jumps
Partner hold squats
3 rds : x15, x12, x10
P1 – BTTW nipplers x10
P2 – plank jacks
2 rds
Lipstick lead his country cadence count for us on this and YHC tried it out on rd 2.
Lower back raises on table top with partner x10, switch, rinse and repeat
Dauber showed up during this exercise, took of breath taker, and peaced out! Guess he was D.O.N.E.
Big boy sit up-ups – found this on the exericon and wanted the PAX to try one each. Yogurt was the only one successful
Partner leg pushes x15
MOBY – Sally: 6 inch hold with hello dolly’s at the acoustic sections
We did reverse Name-o-rama.
Crosby band at Big Easy, pictures
2 weeks left until WB. Rain training welcomed.
See slack and FB for all others
Full house dad GI bleeding
Doug Stein knees and new born
Shredder’s recovery
Aqua-mans son from concussion
Courtney tumor (Hasselhoff request)
Miller family, Dad with weeks to live from brain tumor (BS request
Lipstick MIL cancer treatment
As we were departing we forgot about Breath Taker. The boys from Woodcreek picked it up and will chip in on the $50. Not sure who is wearing it yet but heard they may drop it off at Nemo’s front porch.
It was great being back at Cletus to lead the PAX. The shelter workouts are one of my favorites probably bc you don’t really get a break for 45 mins. YHC had to catch some breath a couple times especially after abyss merkins. Always humbling to be able to lead such a great group of HIM. Until next time…
BS Out!