I’ve never seen lights worn like that

Wow. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, South Wake loves virgins…Q’s that is. 30 Pax posted for a virgin Q this morning by Aquaman.

The amount of Pax that posted at EC was incredible too. I’ll try to get them all: UTI, Pablo, Lipstick, Crosby, Gumby, Dawgpound, Deadbolt, Double Doink, Slide Rule, Cowboy, Nemo, Peeping Tom, Mookie, , Wiggly, Skidmark (again sorry if I forgot anyone)

New light vests should come with instruction on how to put it on. Said pax had the lights somewhere down around his groin area and through his legs. I think there was some concern with it not staying on his shoulders.

Welcome FNG Boogie

Warm Up: Slight mosey to the bottom of the ramp for SSH x 21, IW x 10, Hillbillies x 10, Fozio Arm Circles forward and reverse, Chinooks, seal claps and over head claps at 10 cc
The Workout: 3 groups of 10 for Indian runs. At each corner do 5 merkins, 10 pickle pounders , 15 LBCs, 20 Hillbilly Squats. Try for 3 loops. Also add in 2 double merkin burpees every time the first pax in the line got back to the front.
Mary: Skidmark led Mary for 30 cc Freddy Mercury’s, 15 cc Boxcutters, Protractors, and finish with some plank hold exercise
Announcements: See announcements on Slack and FB. CSAUP long ass run 2/9 start from New Hill on ATT. Valentines Day challenge. Phones and devices away from 6-8.
Prayer: Several prayer requests, Brexit’s MRI, an aunt’s funeral on saturday (sorry can’t remember right now who it was)