Skipping to the John

EC: Boy George and UTI grabbed 2 miles on the EC route (you may know it from Paradise City EC)

Warm Up: We went through some dynamic stretching starting with the very difficult and dreaded: WALK.  Walking away from the start of the run, we warmed the legs and made some space for some Butt Kicks, followed by Karaokes, SKIPPING!!!!, and finalized the warm-up with some lunges with a twist.  END WARM UP

The Workout: The main event was a modified and simplified running route.  There is this whole thing about not leaving the 6 behind or losing people or something…  😛

This week we turned right once we left Ting and went straight down Main/55.  We had some folks returning for the 6 and continuing on past town Hall, turning back for Ting just after the Car Wash.  A bonus Port-o-John was spotted which reassured us we were on the right route and that all was right with the world.  From here, this is where we basically be followed the return route of the Holly Springs Half Marathon the all of the way back to Ting.  There were some slight modifications near the end following a reverse of the typical Paradise City EC route.  Extra miles, extra hills, extra FUN!!!  4.7+ miles of it!!!

Announcements:  Derek Davis 5k this weekend, keep an eye out for Lipstick, 187, and the shovel flag.  A post will likely hit the Facebooks, F3 Camp is also still happening this weekend – spots still available,

Prayer: Brandon, friend of Peak Week and Roger Roger, was placed in a coma to overcome some of his injuries incurred from an accident on the water.  Chips mentioned a young boy Dawson that needed our prayers, he sustained a concussion and was under observation in the hospital.  I checked in with Chips tonight and it sounds like he is home and doing much better.