Day 1 of OCR’s 5 Pack

Pax of 22 making sweat angels at Paradise City

EC: Emeril, Nemo, Peeping Tom, Squatter, Dawg Pound, Lipstick, 187, Axe

Shout outs:  Yogurt for grabbing the 6, Lipstick and Nemo for extra extra credit, M4L on the Q Assist, Mookie working hard on the ramp, Squatter for traveling in, Dumbo for not throwing up

The Warmup

Quick warmup jog

½ mile job with warmps – SSH x20, Imperials Walkers, Appolo Creed Burpees, Good Mornings/Windmills,


The Workout:

Partner Dora

Balls to the wall/Partner Dips x3 rounds


LBC’s, Low slow flutter, Homer to Marge, Elbow to Knee crossover situps, stretches


Crablegs, Double D

OCR working on a 5-pack this week.