NutCracker BackBlast 7/24

Warm Up:

Jog around the parking lot, circle up for 22 counts of Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, Merkins and WW2’s

The Workout:

Split into 2 groups for a 1:15 second 5 set count of exercises you rest with the amount of time you have left after completing your set.

Group 1: 15 reps of Squats, Merkins and Mountain Climbers

Group 2: 12 reps of Thrusters, Lunge Jumps and Bicep curls with a cinder block

Switch up

Pax together: 5 rounds of burpees 10, 10, 11, 11, 10

Group 1: 15 reps of Boat Canoe’s, LBC’s and WW2’s

Group 2: 12 reps of Shoulder tap Planks, Up and Over the cinder block and Plank Jacks

Switch up

Pax together: End with 3 rounds of burpees 10, 9 and 10.



Named FNG (Warbucks) reminder of the Sasquatch this weekend in Greenville

Pax of 12 to include a FNG

@BlueHen, @TheNatural, @SlideRule, @PSI, @Puddles, @Nemo, @DaBusiness, @Dumbo, @DawgPound, @187, @Breach

Welcome FNG Warbucks


Ended in prayer.