
Apollo Creed Tribute

FNGs: None

Warm Up: arm Circles, GM, WMH, SSH.

 The Workout: 2 cycles of 12 Rounds 40 seconds on, 20 second rest.

  1. Jump Rope w or w/o rope
  2. Offset basketball merkin
  3. Heavy bag punching
  4. Pull Ups / TRX rows
  5. Punching w small weights
  6. Quick feet (curb)
  7. Slam ball
  8. KB squat,bob & step
  9. Wonder bra
  10. American Hammer
  11. Bent over row
  12. Mike Tyson’s off curb

Mary: each PAX selected an an exercise 10 count or in cadence

Announcements: Dauber’s Super Bowl Squares. Check slack. Donations go to HS Food Cupboard

Prayer: Stub’s dad’s best friend passed away. 

Cold cold morning at Ground Pounder

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  Hill billies, Imperial walkers, Sir Fozio Arm Circles forward and backward, Willy Mays Hayes, Side Straddle Hops, some merkins

The Workout: Large rock and rotate to the left after each exercise: Curls for the girls, Wonde, Rut rows, Overhead tricep press, Shoulder press, Ground Pounder. Move to the wall. Balls to the wall with counts of 10 by each PAX, people’s chair 10 second counts, individual calf raises cadence x 11. Repeated large rock work rotating to the right, and then the wall exercises. Played 2 holes of frisbee golf with squats before each throw on the first hole and monkey humpers on the 2nd hole. Breach also added a missed putt penalty for 5 merkins for each missed putt. Nice finish. Time’s up so brought it back to COT.

Announcements: Road cleanup scheduled for Saturday February 3rd at 9AM at the Walmart in FQ.  

Some football. Some rocks

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good Morning, WMH, SSH, Arm circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap

The Workout:
Football Passes. 3 Rounds 

Single Line. Single PAX ran a route. Caught pass from another PAX second in line. Then did 20 squats. PAX waiting in line did Hallelujahs.

Rock Work: Big Rock 3 rounds

Curlc, Triceps, Around the World, Deadlift, Single Leg Deadlift, Wonder Bra

Two Small Rocks 3 rounds 

Curls, Triceps, Alternating Lateral Raises


Mary: 3 rounds: Feet on bench: Should Tapx10, Slow Mountain Climbersx10 in cadence 

some stretches