Apollo Creed Tribute
FNGs: None
Warm Up: arm Circles, GM, WMH, SSH.
The Workout: 2 cycles of 12 Rounds 40 seconds on, 20 second rest.
- Jump Rope w or w/o rope
- Offset basketball merkin
- Heavy bag punching
- Pull Ups / TRX rows
- Punching w small weights
- Quick feet (curb)
- Slam ball
- KB squat,bob & step
- Wonder bra
- American Hammer
- Bent over row
- Mike Tyson’s off curb
Mary: each PAX selected an an exercise 10 count or in cadence
Announcements: Dauber’s Super Bowl Squares. Check slack. Donations go to HS Food Cupboard
Prayer: Stub’s dad’s best friend passed away.