
A bit of rain, lightening, thunder, but no breeze

Good times under the shelter with some rocks for a full body workout featuring the best of counting by Socrates.  Humid and warm and we just wanted a breeze and keep dinner in its proper place.  Good work men.

EGG-cellent workout

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, GM, WMH, Arm-circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, Michael Phelps.

The Workout:

Circuit #1: PAX chose a coupon (sets of dumbbells, weight plates, weight vest, mace bell, kettlebells, slam ball)

Selected exercise from Easter basket (plastic eggs).  Stacked exercises.  Did each exercise 10 count in cadence: Triceps, Row, Curls, Halos, Ground Pounder, Death March, Shoulder Press. 

Circuit #2: Selected exercise and number from Easter basket: Urkins, Durkins, Dips, Step Ups; Round 1: 15 count; Round 2: 10 count

Circuit #3: Each PAX did 10 inverted rows on playground then murder bunnies the circumference of the playground. PAX alternated doing 10 merkins and 10 squats while waiting for inverted row bar and for other PAX to complete their murder bunnies

Mary: American Hammer, Box Cutter, LSF, Shoulder Stretch. 

Announcements: April Ab Challenge, Bottle Share coming up, 

T-Claps (Recognition): No Regerts new to F3. Two posts in a row. 

Prayer: PAX struggling to find work, struggling marriages, sibling with addiction. 

Do any of us remeber what we say to the FNG at the begining of the work out?

FNGs:  Welcome S. S. Minnow.

Warm Up:Once around popcorn, SSH, Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Imperial Walker, Hillbillies,

The Workout: Standard rounds of playing with our rocks.

Big group of respectable men and YHC. 

Apollo Creed Tribute

FNGs: None

Warm Up: arm Circles, GM, WMH, SSH.

 The Workout: 2 cycles of 12 Rounds 40 seconds on, 20 second rest.

  1. Jump Rope w or w/o rope
  2. Offset basketball merkin
  3. Heavy bag punching
  4. Pull Ups / TRX rows
  5. Punching w small weights
  6. Quick feet (curb)
  7. Slam ball
  8. KB squat,bob & step
  9. Wonder bra
  10. American Hammer
  11. Bent over row
  12. Mike Tyson’s off curb

Mary: each PAX selected an an exercise 10 count or in cadence

Announcements: Dauber’s Super Bowl Squares. Check slack. Donations go to HS Food Cupboard

Prayer: Stub’s dad’s best friend passed away. 

Cinder Blocks are heavy

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, GM, WMH, Arm Circles.  The PAX did a great job reciting core values and F3 mission. No penalty burpees.

The Workout:

Grab a Cinder Block, Cusack for a bit. 10x Ground Pounder, 10x Rows. Cusack. Did 3 rounds.

Curls and Triceps as we walked to bathroom building w blocks.

Dora : 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC (single count). Partner farmer carry both cinder blocks 50M and back.

return blocks.

Mary : Stretches and circle of ab exercises called out by each PAX. Final set of Good Mornings.

Announcements: Trash pick up today 9AM Walmart FV.  My Way anniversary party today 5:30PM My Way in Holly Springs

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Motor Boatin’s sister to ER last night . Uncertain. All PAX dealing with injuries and illness.

Cold cold morning at Ground Pounder

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  Hill billies, Imperial walkers, Sir Fozio Arm Circles forward and backward, Willy Mays Hayes, Side Straddle Hops, some merkins

The Workout: Large rock and rotate to the left after each exercise: Curls for the girls, Wonde, Rut rows, Overhead tricep press, Shoulder press, Ground Pounder. Move to the wall. Balls to the wall with counts of 10 by each PAX, people’s chair 10 second counts, individual calf raises cadence x 11. Repeated large rock work rotating to the right, and then the wall exercises. Played 2 holes of frisbee golf with squats before each throw on the first hole and monkey humpers on the 2nd hole. Breach also added a missed putt penalty for 5 merkins for each missed putt. Nice finish. Time’s up so brought it back to COT.

Announcements: Road cleanup scheduled for Saturday February 3rd at 9AM at the Walmart in FQ.  

Football! YOU BET!

FNGs:  None

Warm-up:  Planted flag after rolling up facing 8 PAX ready to go!  Willy Mays Hayes, OH Claps, Seal Claps, Sir Fazios, Static Stretching with nice mumblechatter

Thang:  Mosey with football lateraling all the way, Ho-Ho-Ho! and picked up a medium rock.  Stubbs was funny and grabbed an XL.  Bastard.  (JK)  Circled up for the following exercises with rocks in cadence rotating one spot to the left:  Curls for the girls, Rutrows (when I came to the XL rock), bus drivers, ground pounders, squats, slap the rock, OH press…Singles with tricep extension.  On your six for six inches, nipplers and chest press.  Return rocks.

Mosey to various fields until we found a flat area on the pitch.  Ran routes for points.  Those PAX not throwing or catching conducted LBCs, Squats, Imperial Walkers, etc.  Competiion moved to 4 PAX playing football, QB, WR, Stationary defense doing SSH in front of QB and a Defender.  Rotated through all positions.  Lined up again for drop kicks/punts.  One PAX ran after the kicked ball while remaining PAX did exercises.  Moved into a 4 v 4 with GUMP being center/referee/cheerleader,  Lots of nice throws and catches.  Checked some PAX for stick -em.  Mosey back to parking lot for Mary.

Mary:  static stretches in a circle.  Some PAX got friendlier than others.  Something about a recent hike/tush play.  Lots of laughs for sure.  Each PAX shared a rose and a thorn.

Q forgot to do name-a-rama.  Blame his age.  YHC took us out.  Lots of Prayers for Family, Jobs, Surgeries

2nd F at Thanks a Latte.

Honored to lead. – Dauber

Some football. Some rocks

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good Morning, WMH, SSH, Arm circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap

The Workout:
Football Passes. 3 Rounds 

Single Line. Single PAX ran a route. Caught pass from another PAX second in line. Then did 20 squats. PAX waiting in line did Hallelujahs.

Rock Work: Big Rock 3 rounds

Curlc, Triceps, Around the World, Deadlift, Single Leg Deadlift, Wonder Bra

Two Small Rocks 3 rounds 

Curls, Triceps, Alternating Lateral Raises


Mary: 3 rounds: Feet on bench: Should Tapx10, Slow Mountain Climbersx10 in cadence 

some stretches 

Pi Approximation Day 22 July, 2023

FNGs: None

22/7 is the fraction approximation of Pi 3.14. It’s July 22, 2023. Happy Pi Approximation Day 22 July (22/7). 

Warm Up: Bounce, knee raises. One burpee for failure to know the F3 Mission and Core Principles. Mosey to rock pile and carry rocks to the picnic area. 

The Workout:

7 exercises, 22 reps x 2 rounds . Rotated after each exercise. 

Circuit One x 2 
  1. Curls
  2. Triceps
  3. Rows
  4. Wonder Bra
  5. Squats 
  6. Rock Spank 
  7. Ground Pounder 
Circuit Two x 2 (On your Six) 
  1. Chest Press
  2. Low Slow Flutter
  3. Skull Crushers
  4. H2M 
  5. Rock push through (plank position) 
  6. Leg raise over rock
  7. Monkey Humper (standing) 

Mary: Return rocks 

Announcements: Back packs for Foster Kids. See 3rd F Slack. 

Prayer: Gump’s son’s travel to Florida with mom for 3 weeks. Hazmat new role at work, more travel. Socrates starting back up school next week (teacher). PAX who are struggling w injuries or illness. PAX looking for work / in job transition. Forcep’s move to DC. 

Mumblechatter at Ground Pounder stays at Ground Pounder

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Old man hangs, Good Mornings, Windmills, Sir Fozio Arm Circles forward & reverse, Imperial Walkers, Hill Billy’s, Willy Mays Hays, Side Straddle Hops x 25 in cadence

The Workout: Each PAX picked two small rocks.  One for each hand.  Many reps of Curls for the Girls, Rut Rows, Forward arm raises, Overhead tricep presses, Lateral arm raises and Shoulder presses.  Repeat all 6 exercises until everything burned.  Mumblechatter took a sideways turn and the count was hard to keep on track during the whole set….  On to the small wall for a set of 11’s with Merkings and Dips.  Then mosey to the picnic tables for a round of squats, monkey humpers and star jumps.

Mary: Around-the-horn core exercises.

Announcements: F3 picnic.  3-Alarm run this Tuesday.  Open Ground Pounder Q still needs to be filled for 7/8/23.

Prayer:  Prayers for all those travelling.  Prayers for Socrates’s family.