
Bikini Season Ain’t Over Yet

It’s been a good while since YHC had been to The Nut. Not much has changed. Missed a few 12 Oaks regulars and saw some familiar faces. I was asked upon arrival if I was lost. What a welcome! Anyway, I had planned to do the zero week challenge but later found out it would happen later in the week so I threw something together. Here is how it went down.

Warm up – agility
Air squared
Girl Fight
Good mornings

Crab Boil
Crab Cakes x12 IC, crab walked another two spaces, Crab Humpers x12 IC, crab walked another two spaces, Crab Jacks x12 IC.
WWI’s x10
Rinse and repeat backwards

Track – Catch me if you can
Partner up P1 runs backwards, P2 3 burpees then run to catch P1. Switch. Repeat for 4 laps.

Mosey to trailer ramp
Ramp slides up, bear crawl down
R&R opposite side

Mosey to playground
Cindy Crawford
5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 LBCs and 25 toe raises
4 rds

Broad jump 50 yds in front of school

Alternating v-ups
Heels to Heaven
Windshield wipers
Australian snow Angels
J Lo’s

Announcements on slack.
Prayers for our world.

Again it was great to be back out to an old AO. Thanks for letting me lead today fellas.

BS Out!

Getting Dirty at The Nut

It’s always great to come back to The Nut where YHC once had the honor of being site Q. It was good to see some of the usual suspects including a few new(ish) guys YHC hadn’t met.

Dahmer was the first on the scene and ready to roll for some EC so the two of us headed out and quickly ran into the 12 Oaks crew doing EC. Great work!

Warm Up:

Mosey around the parking lot
SSH x 20 IC
Frankensteins x 10 IC
Good Mornings x 10 IC
Daisy Pickers x 10 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 fwd/ x 10 rev IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Hillbillies x 10 IC

The Workout:

The Main Event was a “Dirty McDeuce” which consisted of 4 stations with 3 exercises at each: 1 arm exercise, 1 leg exercise, and 1 ab exercise for a total of 12 exercises. Pax counted off into groups of 4 and since there were 12 of us, it worked out perfectly to have 3 HIM per group. Each group went to the station corresponding to their number to begin the workout. Traveling between stations was done by jogging a full lap around the parking lot. Round 1 was 10 reps for each exercise, round 2 was 15 reps, and since time was running short, we went back to 10 reps for round 3. All groups completed all three rounds and then we went straight into…


American Hammers x 20 IC
Homer to Marge x 20 IC

YHC went 1 minute over time so next time we will have to end a minute early to compensate.


JOCO CSAUP Sat., May 22nd
Memorial Day Murph
Bed Build in June
5k for HS Police Officer the same day

T-Claps (Recognition):

Great to run with Dahmer during EC and T-Claps to Flanigan, Moby, and the other 12 Oaks crew members for EC as well.


Pax that are injured
Those that are traveling
Family members who are sick

2nd F was at Panera and although no one else came from The Nut, YHC caught up with those returning from The Nest.

Great work out there, HIM. It’s always an honor to lead.

Dawgpound Celebrates 4 years

EC:There was 22 plus people running EC. So yeah I don’t have the names here.
FNGs:Pile Driver
Warm Up:

Circled Up and bounced while I went over the Disclaimer. Did a count off to have an understanding on how many Pax where there.

Mosey to the field and circle up.
Bat Wing
Fazio Arm circles Forward
Fazio Arm circles Backward
Seal Claps
Overhead Claps
Good Mornings
1 Burpees
2 Burpees
3 Burpees
4 Burpees
5 Burpees

The Workout:

Moseyed to the Bus Drop off. We split up into pairs and then a pair took one of the three islands.

Run in opposite directions around the island. When you met your partner do 7s counting down of Broke Back Shoulder Tap Merkins. Every time you meet you decreased the number. We went down to 1. Once that was wrapped up we did laps around the island. Partner A did bear crawls and Partner B did Lunge walks. When Partner A needed a break Partner B took over the bear crawls and Partner A did lunges. After one lap we switched to Gorilla Walks and Lunges.

Mosey to the wall for mobile balls to the wall. The pax waiting held their Squat Hold. As pax held balls to the wall and moved down the length of the wall.

Moseyed to the playground and split up in three groups. One group went with Emeril to the hill. One group with Flanigan to the play ground and the last group with me to the wall. The hill group was the timer. 5 trips up the hill running backwards. The folks against the wall held squat while lifting up one leg and switching. The playground group did pull ups. Once the 5 trips where completed group one went to the wall. Group 2 to the hill and group 3 to the playground. Repeat until all groups ran the hill.

Then we made our way up the stairs. We then found our original partners and wheelbarrow to the flag pole/stop sign.


Circled up for Mary:
Did a modify Onnit 6 minute Abs:
Plank Hold
Peter Parkers
Mountain Climbers
Big Boy Sit-ups
Freddie Mercuries
Russian Twists

T-Claps (Recognition):

All unspoken prayers

Am I Being Punished???

YHC took that Q at a somewhat unfamiliar site at the Nut today. I haven’t been to this site in about 9 months and have only Q’d here once before…and that’s where I was a different version of myself. But it is a challenge to Q at a place you never have or a place you haven’t in a while…I feel a challenge to all PAX brewing here. Anyways, in addition to arriving early, getting a lay of the land, deciding against a planned field trip, and laying out some cones, YHC also tried out some bike rack dips. Just too wide and unstable, this would not be used in the workout. But, you should try out everything at a site. Look for the unused portions of your grounds. A 2.0 and and FNG showed up, so YHC did adjust the workout slightly, but I will say, our FNG AND 2.0 held up just fine.

FNG’s: Welcome Seminole! Big Miami sports fan, loves The U!…when someone said Seminole, he hated it…so YHC decided that’s the name!
Warm Up: Mosey lap around the bus loop stopping along the way for SSH x40, Good Mornings x12, Sir Fazio Arm Circles x12 (F/R), Daisy Pickers x10, Squatted Seal Claps x10, and Imperial Walkers x12. Finished with standard Merkins x20.
The Workout: Mosey over to the front of the school and the knee wall for 20 Step Ups, and 30 Dips. On to the next Thang for 11’s. We had Bobby Boucher out there brushing up on his sprints! We started at the bottom of the parking lot ramp and would sprint to the top. On the bottom, it was Hand Release Merkins. At the top, it was WW1’s, with some great counts here and there by our 2.0, Shortstop. Moby…you got a great kid there!

Next up, we’d head back to the knee wall for 40 Irkins, 20 Prisoner Squats, and 10 Dirkins. This is where YHC realized he wanted the FNG to just get a relatively full taste of the various elements of an F3 workout. We got to most things but bear crawls and rock work so…

We went to the large driveway on the other side of the school for a short suicide routine between cones previously set up by YHC. 1st Cone was 10 burpees, 2nd cone was 20 standard merkins, 3rd cone was 30 star jumps. We the moseyed over for some wall work.

Wall work consisted of: People’s Chair for a 20 count per PAX, 20 Prisoner Squats, Ball to the Wall for a 10 count per PAX, Shoulder Taps x20 IC.

Mary: Finished with 15 counts IC of American Hammers, Homer to Marge, LBC, and Low Slow Flutter.
Announcements: Bed Builds in FV this weekend I believe, Jersey Mike’s Wednesday military missions in action fundraiser.
T-Claps (Recognition): Shortstop for taking up some counts during 11’s. Our FNG Seminole for more than keeping up.
Prayer: Quiver and sick/injured PAX, Bernie’s family member with infant in NICU. YHC took us out. Great to see some fellas I haven’t in a while.