
Week 1 Day 1

EC: Dawgpound, Lucky Charms, Emeril, Buford
FNGs: Nope
Warm Up:

Onnit Kettlebell Warm Up

The Workout:

Stand your ground workout 1


Onnit Kettlebell Cool down


Frosty December 7th
Christmas Party December 14th
Challenge to Onnit Pax to think of something by the end of this week we can do for the Holidays.  I would like us as a workout to either donate food together at a church,  donate toys to a toy drive.  Something that can bring us together this holiday season and allow us to think about others in our community.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Lipstick Delegation Tour Day 5

EC: Lucky Charms, Skidmark, Pikachu, Banana Seat, Yosemite, YHC, Slide Rule
Warm Up: Lap around lot to loosen up the legs.

SSH x100 I mean what else would we start with?

Imperial Walkers x15

Delegation Tour continued at Crazy Ivan. YHC called out on the slack that we would be doing some Yoga, I believe the message was taken as a joke. At least 15 HIM’s showed up with bells in hand. YHC quickly sidelined Banana Seat and said “This is going to be a real delegation” YHC may have planted the seed on delegation the previous 4 days 🙂
The Workout: PAX split up for a Banana Seat Kettle Bell Beatdown (you had to be there to know what took place) and a Sarah Beth Yoga Session
Mary: Plank hold for final 4 minutes with various plank positions, including Pickle Pounders x25
Announcements: Check the Web
T-Claps (Recognition): Yosemite for completing his first Fritter. Banana Seat for the Lipstick Fritter and truly taking on the delegation Q!
Prayer: Quiver’s Family, Crab Legs, All those running HSHM tomorrow

*Dumbo and Slide Rule went out for a 4.5 mile run, as they didn’t think a real kettle bell workout would happen.

Determined to have a nice day!

Pick up the Q this week for TBD, had not done a Q at womble for a while. Rolled in at 5:23 to see a crowd had already gathered. We were 11 strong after Aquaman checked for FNG’s we were of.,

FNGs: none
EC: Aquaman, Dahmer
Warm Up: Mosey’d to the Ivan lot for warp ups, did 15 ssh, 15 Daisy Pickers, 15 Imperial Walker, 10 Have a Nice day.

The Workout:
Thang 1:  From Warm-up completed the lap around the field to the small picnic shelter and from some Partner Work, Dora 123, 100 Step Up’s, 200 LBC’s,300 Freddy Mercuries
Thank 2: Mosey’d to the Playground for 2 sets of 11’s from the playground to the path, Monkey Humbers and Star Jumps, the Hillbillys and Squats
Thang 3: Mosey’d to the large shelter, split with one partner on the wall did 10 count BTTW and Erkens for other partner switch partners, then 15 count Peoples Chair with Dips, switch 10 counts BTTW, with Derkins, then 15 count peoples chair and dips again and switch.

Mary: Started with Homer to marge, the went around the circle, I let it get a little squirley here, but it reigned in, we cover almost all of the standard mary exercises and some burpees.

   Count-a-rama:  11
   Name-a-rama: 9 Meh’s 2 Resect
Announcements: CSAUP Frost on Dec 7,  Christmas Part Dec 11th, Upcoming Holly Springs Half.
T-Claps (Recognition): Utah for continuing to post.
Prayer: Obie and I’s Job situation as my company has been sold. Unspoken
NMS: An honor to lead, it does not seem so long ago that I could not run for a whole workout, much less lead one. My days are always better when I work out with F3. I will continue to push myself, and you men keep me motivated.

We’re not coordinated enough for that

FNGs: None – but return of cotter Sputnik from Raleigh who had been 2 years since his last post and now resides in the springs. Welcome back!

Warm Up:

Breakdancer x10 IC
Tappy taps x10 IC
Good morning x10 IC
Mosey lap around lot
Frankenstein kicks
But kickers

The Workout:

Circle up for pass the bell – 50lb bell gets passed around a tight circl with pax in squat hold. When the bell gets to you you overhead press it once. We went counter clock wise.

Parnter up based on kettle bell weight and mosey to the end of the parking lot with one bell per pair

Modified beep test
Start at end of lot
Partner 1 does KB swings
Partner 2 sprints to end of lot and back
Swap and repeat
First round – 80% max speed (your partner’s swings should give you a judgement on if you’re speeding up as we keep going)
5x Yurpees – thank Emeril for digging this one out of the exicon. It’s a burpee with a clap merkin at the bottom and two tuck jumps at the top instead of the jump clap

Repeato sprints – second round 90% speed
3x Yurpees
Plank hold IC x20
Third round – 100% speed

Circle up for pass the bell again – this time clock wise

Mosey down to amphitheater with one bell per pair (apparently some confusion here…..)
Drop bells on amphitheater and get into the grass for an experiment

Groups of 3 – barrel rolls while chopping feet. This went very poorly. Emeril almost took Dawgpound out at the knees in our group. Some groups were too chicken to get grass on them. Either way, this one can go away to never come back. As Dawgpound said later “we aren’t coordinated enough for that”.

Back into groups of 2
Partner 1 does bttw
Partner 2 does 10x turkish getups.
Swap and repeat. There was some modifying here to sets of 5 getups at a time. Modify as needed.

People’s chair while waiting for the six.

Repeato turkish getups and bttw going to 6 getups this time

Mosey back to parking lot with instructions to get the heart rate back down

Circle up for pass the bell – 2 loops both directions

Thunderstruck – side straddle hop during the song, burpee every time you hear thunder or thunderstruck

All holds 10s
One arm up plank (once each arm)
One leg up plank (once each leg)
Same side arm and leg up (once each side)
Runner’s pose
Pidgeon pose
HAND (Have A Nice Day)

See slack/FB.

New Kettlebell AO starting Monday in Fuquay – same site as Mutiny.
T-Claps (Recognition):

Sputnik for getting back into the gloom!

Scout’s family. Dauber’s daughter and all other HS seniors figuring out their path forward.

Developing a Reputation

17 Pax mosied at Paradise City for a high intensity bootcamp. The smell was ripe this morning as Pax set off for EC and continued to linger throughout the workout. Welcome back Kotter (Pilgrim). Special appearance by Roger Roger and his truck.

7 for EC: Lipstick (early or late I’m not sure but there was one pit stop), UTI, Emeril, Full House, Pablo, Warbucks, Skidmark, and Pikachu ran from home.

Q was informed he may be developing a reputation. 2nd Q in a row that has gone longer than 3 miles.

FNGs: I’ve been told my workouts may not be FNG appropriate and the SouthWake site may need to say high intensity bootcamp.
Warm Up: Small mosey lap and circle up for 10 cc SSH, 10 squats, 10 cc lunges, 10 merkins, 10 plank jacks, 10 WWIIs, and 10 American hammers
The Workout: Catch me if you can run around the complex. Partner 1 does 5 jump squats then catches Partner 2. I full lap. Went back for the 6 as Cowboy pulled a Lipstick.

3 man Indian Run from the bottom of the ramp across the parking lot to the stairs.

1 time down 7 SSH, return to start 7 SSH (not done in Cadence)

Next time 7 SSH, 7 squats

3rd round 7 SSH, 7 squats, 7 Lunges

4th time 7 SSH, 7 squats, 7 lunges, 7 merkins

5th round 7 SSH, 7 squats, 7 lunges, 7 merkins, 7 plank jacks

6th round 7 SSH, 7 squats, 7 lunges, 7 merkins, 7 plank jacks, 7 WWII’s

7th round 7 SSH, 7 squats, 7 lunges, 7 merkins, 7 plank jacks, 7 WWII’s, 7 American Hammers

Get the 6 and everyone did 7 SSH, 7 squats, 7 lunges, 7 merkins, 7 plank jacks, 7 WWII’s, 7 American Hammers together

2 groups of Indian runs back around the complex to the start.

Mary: 4 minute plank hold with Peter Parkers and 1 arm up, 1 leg up.
Announcements: CSAUP in South Wake Dec 7. Pikachu and Mookie doing Insomnia run of 13 miles starting at 3:30 AM before U-Turn (WTF)
T-Claps (Recognition): Way to kind this morning Tetnus.
Prayer: Family and community of HS after young girl was killed last week.

Tiger War

It was  a brisk morning rolling into  TigerBlood with a good crowd ready to get after it.  After a quick check for FNG’s the PAX were off to get things under way.

FNGs: nope

Warm Up:

Ran along the side of the middle school towards the track for with some butt kickers, karaoke, and high knees along the way.  The PAX knocked out 2 laps around the track stopping along the way for SSH X 20, dips X20, Good Mornings X 20, Fazio Arm Circles X 20, Step up on bleachers X 20, and squat hold Moroccan night clubs X20.  Mosey behind the schools making our way to the far parking lot next to the elementary school.

The Workout:


The Pax paired up and 8 went to one side of the parking lot and the other 8 remained on one side of the lot.  The Q had prepared a special deck of cards for War, but realized when pulling the deck out that the wrong deck of cards was brought. There were some secret jokers in the other deck that will have to come out next time.Here is how the Game of F3 War went down…

Each group had half a deck of cards.  One person from each group took turns pulling a card.

Round 1:

  • Diamond – LBC
  • Hearts – SSH
  • Spades – Squat jumps
  • Clubs – Boat Canoes

The highest card was the winner and everyone had to do the exercise and amount of reps based on the card number.  Face cards were 10 and Ace was 11. The losing team had to do 1 burpee after the exercises were complete.  Both groups had to run down the parking lot to third light pole and back ready to pull the next card. Peak Week and the Q faced offed for a good ole’ fashioned duel going into double war.  Peak Week just lost and the penalty was 10 burpees for his team.

Round 2:

  • Diamond – little baby dips on the curbs
  • Hearts –  Star jumps
  • Spades –  merkins
  • Clubs –  SSH
  • Face Cards – run to the 1st island and back, run to the 1st light pole and back, run to the 2nd island and back

Same rules apply to round 2 but there wasn’t a run after each card was pulled unless it was a face card.  One good ole’ fashioned duel went down again with the Q, but this time was beat out and a 5 burpee penalty was applied.

With some mumble chatter about the definition of a boot camp and the amount of running the PAX finished WAR and assembled into two indian runs making their way back  to the parking lot for Mary.


Six inch leg hold moving to twelve inch back to six inch up to twelve inch and into flutter kick.


SlideRule mentioned a shield challenge with four men drinking a beer together for the month of January.  He also mentioned starting a small group bible study  in the new year.  More details to follow.


Prayers were lifted for the family and friends of the 14 year old girl that was hit by a car in Holly Springs yesterday and lost her life. Prayers were also lifted for a friend of Banana Seat that died of a heart attack along with all unspoken prayers.

It is always good to get out and lead the group.  Watch out for the Joker in the future.

Mercy vs. Grace

FNGs: Welcome Fanny Pack
Warm Up: Two Native American laps around island with hose, then circle up for standard issue warm up.
The Workout: We went for a big lap around the fields with our trusty kettle bells in hand making a stop at the stage, playground, shelter, fence line, and back to parking lot.  There were exercises performed at each location incorporating full body motions (you had to be there).
Mary: Back to lot for Mary in the normal fashion with Pickle Pounders. Each member was encouraged to watch and learn new techniques from fellow PAX.  We also performed LSF’s in the normal way a PAX does.
Announcements: Picnic tomorrow, 12 October 2019, 11a-2p.
T-Claps (Recognition): All of the PAX that came out.
Prayer: Prayers for those suffering with loss, pain, hopelessness, worry, anger, addiction, and all of life’s troubles.

CHiPs word of the day: A lesson on Mercy vs. Grace was given out and explained in a manner only a PAX can understand.  2 John 1:3.

Burpees X 0 = My legs hurt

During last week’s COT at Possum Trot, Fonzie made a comment about the Iron PAX challenge highlighting that we don’t do enough leg work.  With that in mind, I set out this week to begin combating that notion.  45 minutes later I had problems standing up after saying the prayer and we’re not even going to talk about trying to walk upstairs once I got home.

FNGs: None

EC: Cupid

Warm Up:

Moroccan Night Club x 10

Smurf Jacks x 10

Good Morning x 10

Cotton Pickers x 10

Nancy Kerrigan x 10 each direction.  This is a variation on the traditional arm circles.  You lean your torso forward and extend one leg out behind you.  Circle arms for a 10 count forward.  Switch legs and then do 10 circles in reverse

The Workout:

Today’s workout was to be a modification of four corners, where we were doing exercises on each of the four sides of the outside of the tennis courts with some sort of lunge walking between sides. It took a lot longer than I thought it was going to so in order to get through everything I wanted to we switched to moseying between sides on our 2nd lap.

We began in the parking lot with an easy set of 20 prisoner squats.

Lunge walk to the side of the tennis courts nearest the road.  Reminded PAX that it wasn’t a race and to make sure to use good form on the way over.  Squat hold for the six.

Bobby Hurley x 16

Walk Like an Egyptian to the next side of the tennis courts.  WLaE is essentially a lunge walk Indian run.   PAX line up and step forward in to a lunge and hold it.  The exion calls for the person in the back to run to the front but since I promised no running yesterday on Slack we bear crawled to the front.  Once that person go to the front we lunged forward with our other leg and held it while the next PAX bear crawled to the front.  We cycled through the line two times to get to the next spot.

Everyone grabbed a rock and came back down to the road.  Goblin squats x20 and then all PAX lined up and held squat with their rocks while 5 counts were given all the way down the line.

Lunge walk to side by the ball field.

Floating lunges x 10 each leg.  Lunge forward and then backward with the same leg, not touching in the middle.  Forward and back counted as 1.  This hurt.

Walk Like an Egyptian back to main parking lot.  This time, instead of bear crawls, we did duck walks to the front of the line.  We had less time than I wanted at this point so we only did one cycle through the line and then moseyed to the center of the lot.

Everyone grabbed a partner and back-to-back people’s chair for a 30 count.

Mosey to the street side where we did Bobby Hurley x 20.

Mosey to the back and grabbed our rocks.  Held them over head and did 20 squats.  Everyone returned their rocks and we moseyed to the next side where we did No Surrender x 20.

After that we moseyed back to the parking lot to circle up for Mary.


Low slow flutter x 15

American Hammers x 15

Box cutters x 10

6 inches for a 30ish count.

The count wasn’t exact because I was doing it in my head and during this point someone mentioned my comment about burpees in the pre-blast.  I said that we were multiplying by 0 and that was the number of burpees we were doing.  It was pointed out that 0 wasn’t a multiple of 10 and then other’s starting indirectly calling in to question the public education system of Pennsylvania.  Clearly I got distracted.  Either way, we didn’t do any burpees.


Picnic on Saturday.  Signup sheet in the #2ndF channel in Slack.  Bring stuff.

Q Sheet challenge still going.  Even if its a couple weeks out, get your name on there and lead a workout.  If you’re new or nervous ask for help from a site Q.  It doesn’t have to be perfect and it doesn’t have to be gimmicky.  Just make people hurt (in a good way).

T-Claps (Recognition):

Fromunga for wearing a weight vest for no good reason.


FedEx’s coworker who got bit in the hand by a dog while at work.  Pray that he recovers full feeling to his hand.

Double D’s grandson getting tubes in his ears this morning.  Pray for his mother as any procedure on a child is always much harder on the parents.



This rock has sharp edges

Another glorious morning at the nutcracker. Pre beast created some mumble chatter about getting in an easy workout.
Few of the purple cobra pax made the trip to the nut. Pax 15 strong showed up and the smell of the dump contributed to all the yapping. Pain sticks in full effect for this one…

Pax: Moby, the natural, alpine, emeril, chips, peeping Tom, UTI, pumpkin spice, Pablo, particle board, blue hen, breach, da business, dumbo & YHC  

EC: blue hen, emeril, Pablo, UTI, YHC (sorry if I forgot anyone else)
Warm Up:jog around the lot, circled up for good morning x 10, morrican night clubs ICx 20 into seal claps x 15 into t-claps x 20 recover. Clock merkins 1-6
The Workout:split into groups of 5  Did two rounds of exercises x 2  rule was pain stick cannot touch the ground or one did monkey humpers x 10

round one group did chest presses with pain sticks, over head press with rocks, bear crawled across soccer field and jogged back around track  rinse and repeat

round two squats with pain sticks, triceps extensions, bunny hop across field and jog around track  rinse and repeat

we lunged walked with rocks and sticks back to rock pile, met in front for mary

Mary:low slow flutter ICx 30, American hammers ICx 10, homer to marge ICx 20, dying cockroach ICx 10, diamond merkins x 20
Announcements:picnic this weekend 11-2 Sharon Harris
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer:YHC took us out

0.0 miles is a long ways to go

It was almost 60 degrees this morning when 8 HIM gathered in the gloom for a 0.0 mile beat down. There was one PAX present for EC – UTI. Flag is planted and we circle up on the basketball courts ready to start the week off right!

EC: UTI. One is the loneliest number…

FNG: None.

Warm Up: SSH, Abe Vigoda, Fazio arm circles (F/R), Seal claps, Overhead claps, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies.

The Workout: Partner up for accountability. Bear crawl from the basketball court up the hill toward the tennis courts to the end of the guardrail. Stop for 2 sets of Irkins, Dirkins, and Dips. Thanks to Lucky Charms for the strong counting all morning!

We continue up the hill to the tennis courts via a crab walk. This seemed like a better idea on my couch than it did in the gloom. Note taken. At the top of the hill we stop again for a Lazy Dora with your partner.

Lazy Dora:
100 merkins. Partner holds plank and switch every 10 reps.
200 WWIIs. Partner holds 6″ and switch every 20 reps.
300 squats. Partner squat hold and switch every 30 reps.

Leaving the top of the hill headed back down, bunny hop to the top of the guardrail. At this point the arms are too smoked for Irkins or Dirkins so we do 20 dips and keep moving. Our next mode of transportation is Lt. Dans (1 squat then 2 lunge steps) back to the basketball court. With Lt. Dans we increased reps from 1-5 and then back down.

Mary: I think Mary might have been hanging out with Midget today. Neither were present but we had 5 minutes to kill so might as well do some more work! Big boy sit ups, Homer to Marge, pickle pounders, Have a nice day!

Announcements: Picnic (sign up for things we need), GrowRuck (contact Pablo for details).

T-Claps (Recognition): Wallaby. Welcome back to the gloom brother!

Prayer: UTI uncle (fell out of a deer stand), unspoken.

It’s always a pleasure to lead you men in the gloom. Thanks for the opportunity and I’ll try to do better next time!