
Pennsylvania Sweat Box at Cobra

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Short mosey over to the GNC Parking lot for circle up.

  • SSH x 20
  • Good Morning x 10
  • Standard Merk x 20
  • Imperial Walker x 20
  • Fazio 10+10

The Workout:

  • Mosey over to in front of the Butchers Market for a Pennsylvania Sweatbox with bonus sprints
  • Get accountability partner
  • Pax Does the following exercises right in front the butchers market
    • Squat x 20
    • WW2 x 20
    • SSH x 20
    • Merkin x 20
    • Freddy Merc x 20
    • Lunges x 20
  • After that set of 6 exercises above – pax does a parking lot suicide with 6 stops at parking lot “tips”
  • Repeat the above until time


Mosey back to Teeter lot and then Jailbreak to flag

  • Low Slow Flutter x 20
  • Homer to Marge
  • Homer to Marge alternating legs
  • times up


  • Family Cookout – check slack
  • JoCo CSAUP – check slack

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • Roger Roger’s family member with brain tumer


  • YHC took us out in a Ball of Man
  • Honor to lead men


Red October 5/17/2021

14 Pax took to the pavilion at Red October for a Tabata style kettlebells and then some workout.

Sprinker, Felix, Fram, Pots, Dawgpound, Dumbo, Emeril,  Farva, Norm, Lipstick, Yoshi, welcome FNG Murdoch and Breach on the Q

Warm Up: Circled up in the traffic circle for some 22 counts reps of SSH, Daisey Pickers, Windmills, Fazio Arm Circles, and Imperial Walkers/Hillbillies

The Workout: 7 Stations of fun: Partner up with one partner using the tools partner 2 is on a dealer’s choice kettlebell exercise, at the 2 mins mark partners switch.

Station 1 Sandbag- Brupess with a snatch

Station 2 Pain Stick- Overhead press in the front and back

Station 3 Barbell- Rut Rohs

Station 4 Weight Plate- Squat and press

Station 5 Tire- Farmers Carry around the circle

Station 6 Kettlebell squat to upright row

Station 7 Kettlebell sandbags- Squats and shoulder shrugs

Mary: Combined effort with Mutiny- Pickle Pounders and Lo-Slo Flutter.

Announcements: JOCO CSAUP this weekend, sign up on Slack, South Wake picnic on June 26th, details in Slack. Bed build on June 12th
T-Claps (Recognition): All pax for the effort during the May challenge.

Prayer: Emerils family friend who is recovering from thyroid cancer, and always for our first responders and military that are out there on the front lines.