Pennsylvania Sweat Box at Cobra
FNGs: None
Warm Up: Short mosey over to the GNC Parking lot for circle up.
- SSH x 20
- Good Morning x 10
- Standard Merk x 20
- Imperial Walker x 20
- Fazio 10+10
The Workout:
- Mosey over to in front of the Butchers Market for a Pennsylvania Sweatbox with bonus sprints
- Get accountability partner
- Pax Does the following exercises right in front the butchers market
- Squat x 20
- WW2 x 20
- SSH x 20
- Merkin x 20
- Freddy Merc x 20
- Lunges x 20
- After that set of 6 exercises above – pax does a parking lot suicide with 6 stops at parking lot “tips”
- Repeat the above until time
Mosey back to Teeter lot and then Jailbreak to flag
- Low Slow Flutter x 20
- Homer to Marge
- Homer to Marge alternating legs
- times up
- Family Cookout – check slack
- JoCo CSAUP – check slack
T-Claps (Recognition):
- Roger Roger’s family member with brain tumer
- YHC took us out in a Ball of Man
- Honor to lead men