
1st Monday Ultimate x2

33 Pax showed up for Ultimate under the Ting lights.  2 FNGs and several Kotters.


Mike Synnott; Olaf (Curling with Dauber, Ice, Frozen, Elsa!?!, Olaf!)

MJ Salamanca; Beer Pressure (Macho Nacho’s neighbor, Shredder EHed after a couple beers, Peer Pressure, Beer Pressure).

Warm Up:

Light mix of SSH, Good Mornings, HBs, IWs, SFAC, and Squated Morrocan Night Clubs.

The Workout:

Pax counted off by 4 and split into two teams.  1s and 2s on field 1 and 3s and 4s on field 2 for F3 style Ultimate Frisbee.  Every time the frisbee dropped Pax knocked out an exercise; merkins, burpees, squats, star jumps.  The scoring team called out the penalty exercise, which both teams partook.


A couple more Good Mornings to stretch us out.

Announcements: 2nd F Panera, May Challange, Bed Builds.

T-Claps (Recognition): Lots of EC this morning & several Kotters (welcome back).

Prayer: Injured and sick Pax, our country, Pax leadership in the community, and a selfish request from YHC for God to fix the media!

Ultimate Frisbee: 20 PAX Under the Lights at Ting

FNGs: Welcome Aaron Wilkins – Originally from Cleveland, OH area, owns an appliance store.  I referenced “Clinger” from M.A.S.H. to a bunch of younger guys with no clue; “Maytag” was offered up until Bobby Dall nailed the naming with Snuggle/Snuggles!  Thanks for bringing him out Sparky.  Help him get on our socials please.  F3 Introduction and guidance discussed.

Warm Up:  Good mornings, SSH, Frankensteins, Daisy Pickers, Static stretches.  Gump divided up the teams and we were off!

The Workout: 10 V 10 match this morning; very competitive; no wind – lots of great throws, catches and defense!  Exercises were called out after each score.  Lots of burpees and merkins.  Very physical today with a lot of hustle and finesse.

Mary:  Static stretching, Frankensteins

Announcements: See Slack/FB; Vicious Cycles on Wed; collection going around to buy Frenchie an alarm clock – see Breach for details.  Don’t ever forget your name BTW during name-o-Rama!  2nd F At Panera

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: UNSPOKEN;  Go Bears.  YHC took us out.  Honored to lead.  Thanks Gump for washing the pinnies!

Ultimate Bloodbath

Your YHC led this bloodbath 232-4 (OK,  it was all fantasy in my head as we did not keep score). 23 PAX joined in some Ultimate fun. It was good to have several PAX that had never played with us out there. Thanks for letting me “lead” (and I use that term lightly)


Ground Pounder – moist feet, dry backs

FNGs: None 

8 HIMs posted to GP on a dreary wet morning.  YHC brought the music box & a basketball.  Macho showed up on time and gloveless – much respect 

Warm Up: 10x3cts of: Good Mornings, Willie Maze Hays,  Daisy Pickers, 20 Sir Fazio Arm Circles, 20x3ct SSH, Arm stretches

The Workout

Circle of Rock: Mosey to the Rock Pile pick your large rock. Alternate rocks between exercises.

3 sets of 10x3ct of each exercise:  Rut Rows, Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tricep Press, Wonder Bras, Ground Pounders and Bus Drivers.

(always easy to tell which rock is Farva’s)

Heavy Hoops:

2 Rounds: Each PAX rotated between taking shots and exercises: shoot from 3 designated areas. 2 free throw attempts at each location followed by 1 attempt at a layup. Miss all 3 shots and add a 2 Burpee penalty.

Rest of PAX perform exercises till cycle completed (ie 1 shot is made from each of the 3 areas).

2 rounds of SSH, Standard Plank Hold, Plank Jacks, Lunges, High Knees, Moroccan Squat Hold, Emperial Walkers and Hillbillies

Burpees OYO for all PAX

Mosey to the half wall

10×3 Step Ups, 20 Derkins, 20 Erkins, 20 Dips

Announcements: Wilmington Race still on as far as we know.

Prayer Requests: Pumkin ask for prayer for several men going through the Blue Light Academy. Forceps asked for prayer for Aunt’s family loss of her husband as well as his ex and son dealing with loss of son.

Glorious Game of Ultimate Under the Lights

FNGs:  none
Warm Up:  Good AM, Frankenstein, SSH
The Workout:  Ultimate 5 on 5, under the lights at Ting park on the pitch; 42 degrees F, raining (moderately)….two teens (Macho Nacho & Frenchie) paired with 6-footers of Norm & Shredder (both with deceptive speed) and SNAP who simply ran everyone in the ground gave a good effort.  Was it enough?  It was tied 7-7 I believe with 3 minutes left until Mary.  Did Kubota make the incredible no-see catch with his glasses fogged/dripping of rain?  Was it the long distance toss/catch between the dynamic duo of Chad “Mahomes” Breach to speedster “can’t catch me”  Pikachu?  Or was is Dauber threading the needle to a diving Gronk-esque Forceps?  You had to be there.  Outstanding game gentlemen.
Mary:  Michael Phelps….trying to stay warm as we circled up.
Announcements:  Beer Ruck; HSPD Toy fundraiser  – keep the $ coming PAX!  FVFD Toy collection – drop off with Sprinkler; Ted Talks with Bacon next Tuesday
T-Claps (Recognition):  All the PAX who embraced the suck this morning!  Thank you!  It was glorious!
Prayer:  Praise – successful surgery 187 M; prayers for Pikachu’s M; prayers for Forceps uncle who recently passed.  Unspoken.  First responders; military.  Dauber took us out.

Ground Pounder 12/5/20

FNGs: None 

6 HIMs posted to GP on a gorgeous morning.  YHC brought the music box & a basketball.  Mumblechatter did not disappoint.

Warm Up: 10x3cts of: Good Mornings, Willie Maze Hays,  Daisy Pickers, 20 Sir Fazio Arm Circles, 20x3ct SSH, Arm stretches, Pigeon Pose

The Workout

Circle of Rock: Mosey to the Rock Pile pick your rock and don’t share it

2 sets of 10x3ct of each exercise:  Rut Rows, Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tricep Press, Ground Pounders, Bus Drivers,

4 sets of Standard Press, 10x3ct: Windshield Wipers, Box Cutters, 30 ct 6 inches, Plank Rock Spanks, Single Arm Merkins, 10×3 ct Rock Homer to Marge

Heavy Hoops:

2 Rounds: Each PAX rotated between taking shots and exercises: shoot from 3 designated areas. 2 free throw attempts at each location followed by 1 attempt at a layup. Miss all 3 shots and add a 2 Burpee penalty.

Rest of PAX perform exercises till cycle completed (ie 1 shot is made from each of the 3 areas).

SSH, Standard Plank Hold,  Supermans, Plank Jacks, Lunges, High Knees, American Hammers, Squats, Squat Hold, Shoulder Tap Merkins, Boat Canoes, LBCs, Split Jacks, WWIIs, Hillbillies

Burpees OYO for all PAX

Mosey to the Wall of Pain

15 ct Ascending Testicles; 20x3ct Moroccan style Peoples Chair, 30 ct BTW, 20x3ct Al Gore style People’s Chair.

Announcements: Ted Talk w/ Bacon on 12/15,  Ultimate at Ting 12/7

Prayer Requests: M’s health issues, healthy marriages, COVID victims, Dovetail’s move and home search, safety and protection for those traveling this holiday, those suffering from depression



FNGs: Welcome 2.o Hacksaw
Warm Up:  Dozen PAX circled up (10, 1 late, 1 via FaceTime)….Circled up.  Introduced a young man to F3.  Ran around the parking lot.  Sir Fazio arm circles, daisy pickers, good am, seal & overhead claps.  5 burpees for tardiness.
The Workout:  Lots of Rock exercises – each PAX called an exercise of 10c or 10 cadence count.  Worked on counting with newer PAX.  Went around the circle twice completing curls, tricep, rut row, overhead press, etc.  used technology and had Frenchie FaceTime with us.  Tried to split up the groups and do a red rover routine.  Epic failure.  Mosey to the wall for 10, 15, 20 count BTTW and People’s Chair.  More rocks.
Mary:  Shredder took over Mary with various stretches including pickle pounders, H2M (each exercise the younger bucks wanted more), crab cakes, break dancers…
Announcements:  Ted Talk with Breach -great example of a PAX who has served and continues to serve.  Farva’s dog
T-Claps (Recognition):  New guys coming out to GP weekly – AWESOME.  Thank you to those PAX and 2.0s who volunteered for the half marathon.
Prayer:  COVID, PAX wife(s); Country; Unspoken (apologies forgetting the other requests)

Always come ready to lead.  Anyone can step in and Q.  Safe environment.  Honored to lead – Dauber.  Thanks Shredder for your help with Mary and volunteering at the table.

Have Rock, Will Travel at GP

I picked up the Q the night before the AO and all I had planned was a field trip. Everything else was inspired on the move and it turned out to be a solid beatdown.
: 1 – ButterBurger
Warm Up: Circle up for the disclaimer for the FNG and 10 counts in cadence of the following: Side straddle hops, Imperial walkers, Hillbillies, Good mornings, Fozzy arm circles forward and reverse, and Daisy pickers. Then it was off to the rock pile for a medium to large rock with the warning that we will be traveling with it. Also, an additional warning that if the rock was too small then I would be reassigning a new one. All rocks looked solid and we began our mosey that ended up being about 1.5 miles total by the end.
The WorkoutFollow the leader for several alternating rounds of John Cusack and curls for the girls at a nice slow pace for time under tension as we started our walk into the woods.

We stopped  on a path in the woods shortly after the bridge for some 11s – Rock Spanks in cadence, bear crawl, squats on my down, bear crawl and repeat as we cycled from 1/10 to 10/1.

Everyone switched rocks after the 11s and back to the mosey. This time we alternated rounds on the move between tricep extensions in cadence, John Cusack, and a brief pause for squats.

We made our next stop at Veterans Park by the flags. Set our rocks down by the path and find a bench for 15 Irkins, 15 dips, and 15 Derkins. Then it’s time to a switch rocks and back for a quick mosey over to the shelter where we stopped and did 10 Ground Pounders in cadence.

Set the rocks to the side of the path and proceed under the shelter for alternating rounds of Wall Sits and BTTW’s. Once finished it was almost 8 o’clock and we had to get moving to get back for Mary.

Switch rocks and pause for 10 Ruh rohs in cadence followed by more alternating rounds of John Cusack and curls for the girls at a slow cadence on the move. We stopped at the start of one of the disc golf holes on the way back for some calf raises and then once again switched rocks.

Continue the mosey with John Cusack and tricep extensions. The six were falling behind so we switched to lunges while they caught up. We alternated John Cusack and overhead press along with a few reps of look at the pretty trees (thanks to Quiver) as we finally made it back to the rock pile to return the rocks.

Mary: We had about 10 minutes for Mary and with all of the exploring we did I had to throw in some Dora. Partner up for 50 World War II‘s, 100 Freddie Mercury ‘s, and 150 mountain climbers, while you alternate jogging around the parking lot. For the final minute of the Q everyone did mountain climbers to make sure that we had enough reps for Dora. After that final minute everyone was sufficiently smoked.

Announcements: Holly Springs Half is next weekend and volunteers are needed to man the aid stations.
T-Claps (Recognition): Frenchie and Macho Nacho bringing out another FNG. We had 4 Pax under the age of 20!
Prayer: Pax and their families, as well as the state of the country.

Bats, Zombies, and Werewolves oh my!

I couldn’t miss this opportunity for a Halloween Q when it became available and threw everything I could think of from start to finish! Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

  • FNGs: 1 – Cyclops
  • Warm Up: Circled up for some Good mornings, Candy pickers, then announced that arms do not drop for Halloween Bats: arm circles forward, Seal claps, Overhead claps, Arm circles reverse, Seal claps, Overhead claps, Frankensteins and some Michael Phelps to finish it off, then some Willy Mays Hayes to get the legs right.

    The Workout: Halloween survival prep will take place in several locations

  • First we’re off to the rock pile, because we need to get strong enough to face whatever monsters we may encounter. Little did anyone know we’d get all of our reps in one shot for each exercise! 31 count for each exercise: Curls for the girls, overhead press, ruh Roh, tricep extension, ground pounders, bench press, sit-ups, and rock spanks just because it’s GP. I was impressed as there wasn’t a medium or small rock to be found in the circle. Return all rocks but one and mosey over to the paved game area by the school.
  • Rule #1 of Zombieland is Cardio and we’re about to have some fun, while getting plenty of it. This 4 corners workout consisted of 10 seconds fast feet, run, 10 in and outs, run, 10 squats, run, and 10 star jumps, but that’s not all! This is a rotation circuit where we need a zombie and a gatekeeper(to clarify, no key-master present or needed for this, thanks Shredder lol). The gatekeeper is at the cemetery and performs ground pounders with the rock to keep the zombies in the ground; however, this zombie becomes free after completing 10 getups and will chase the pax while performing Frankenstein walks. If pax are caught they owe 10 burpees. First two rounds all pax were safe, but then pikachu became the zombie. He was on his 4th getup before our fast feet were done and we all felt the need for some serious speed as we took off! He caught us all at the star jumps and we all performed the 10 burpees. Shredder was up for our 4th time through and Pax were thoroughly smoked on legs at the finish.
  • Turns out pikachu’s freakish speed was due to a bite from a werewolf and he infected us all. The only cure is silver, and luck would have it that there were two sets of “silver” bleachers nearby. We split up into two groups and went head to head up the bleachers performing “bleacher” merkins, 1 at the bottom, 2 on the second, etc, until we reached 10 at the top. All pax waiting for their turn and waiting for the 6 performed flutter kicks. Time to mosey back to the start and see what’s in store for Mary.
    Bloody Mary: circle up with the Q in the middle leading by example.
    25 crunches, 20 Mtn climbers, 15 side crunches (left then right), 10 In and outs, and 5 Scissors kicks. Seemed like enough, but not quite finished as we needed to repeat the whole circuit two more times.
    Finally it was time to have a nice day!
    Announcements: park cleanup
    T-Claps (Recognition): Macho Nacho for getting his Dad out as an FNG, Frenchie for giving a HC and getting a HC from Macho Nacho for ultimate on Monday.
    Prayer: Pax dealing with health and personal issues, the country, and safety.

What if you have 3 nipples?

FNGs: None

9 HIMs posted to GP on a perfect morning.  YHC and Dauber Co-Q.  YHC brought the music box & a basketball. Dauber led the warm up and Circle of Rock while Forceps led Heavy Hoops & COT

Warm Up:

Mosey to Veteran Park and back. 10x3cts of: Good Mornings, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, 20 Fozzie Arm Circles, 30x3ct SSH (60 total in case math are hard).

The Workout

Circle of Rock: Mosey to the Rock Pile

10x3ct of each exercise:  Rut Rows X 2, Curls for the Girls X 2, Overhead Tricep Press, Wonder Bras, Ground Pounders, Standard Press, Nipplers, 6 Inches, Rock Spanks, Single Arm Merkins, Bus Drivers, Rock Extensions

Heavy Hoops:

Round 1: Each PAX rotated between taking shots and exercises: shoot from 3 designated areas. 2 free throw attempts at each location followed by 1 attempt at a layup. Miss all 3 shots and add a 2 Burpee penalty.

Rest of PAX perform exercises till cycle completed (ie 1 shot is made from each of the 3 areas).

SSH, Standard Plank Hold,  Supermans, Plank Jacks, Lunges, High Knees, Squats, Squats, Shoulder Tap Planks

Round 2: Each PAX takes 1 free throw at each station (2 Burpee Penalties per missed station)

LBCs, Love Haters X2, Fredie Mercuries, Dying Cockroaches, Emperial Walkers, Hill Billies, Standard Merkins, Boat Canoes

Burpees OYO for all PAX

Mosey back for COT

Announcements: F3 getting great community press; Virtual HSHM Nov14th and 21st; Ultimate Frisbee 1st Mondays in November at Ting

Prayer Requests:  Prayers for 187’s family and for those looking to transition jobs. For all those spoken and unspoken.