
Early 4 Year at Disney

My 4 year would be the Memorial Day Murph, but out of town plans led me to ask Dawgpound if I could take the Q from him at Disney for an early celebration. This was just before the challenge and I appreciate he gave up a coveted Q spot late in the month, and was pleased to see he picked up a different AO this morning. It was an honor to lead, was pleased to see such a great turnout, and what better place than Disney for me to celebrate. I am a proud Disney site Q alum. Preblast promised nothing fancy, just moving around and putting in the work, with a guarantee of a good tour.

FNGs: None today, so no bonus point awarded
Warm Up: Quick jog around lot, circled up for Good Mornings, Daisy Pickers, Windmills, Imp Walkers, Hillbillies and had to throw in Goofballs for good measure. 5 burpees OYO too.
The Workout: Jog around back of fields and down the hill to the road, circled up for a couple sets alternating SSH ICx20 and a shoulder burn (arms out, fazio front, arms out, fazio reverse, arms out, seal claps, arms out, overhead claps, arms out, recover). On the jog back to entrance and grabbed a low pole for alternating deep tempo dips ICx10 and tempo merkins ICx10. Did this 4 times. On the jog to the lower lot, each man on a line, dropped to plank hold, shoulder taps, plank hold, nipplers, chill cut, merkins, plank hold, recover. Did this 2 time. On the jog to back corner of building for alternating low slow flutters ICx20, 15 and 10, with the other half holding BTTW, so 3x on the wall for each of us. On the jog to big lot lined up in groups of 4 for a bear crawl Indian Run. PAX hold plank while man in back bear crawls to front. Each man did 4 bear crawls. 10 quick merkins to burn out and then on the jog to The Abyss for 2 rounds with LBC up top and Star Jumps at bottom. On the jog back to flag.
Mary: Not much time so heel taps ICx22 and LBC ICx2
Announcements: Cletus 7 year anny celebration with Deadbolt on Q, wear red Fri, ZERO excuses and support Breach raising money for Travis Manion Foundation – let’s go big tomorrow for this.
T-Claps (Recognition): from me to all of you for the experiences over the past 4 years, and for putting in the effort start to finish today – might not seem like we did all that much but when you think about it we did not stop working the whole time
Prayer: 16-Bit mother-in-law, those impacted by the shooting in San Diego. As leaders in all we do, let’s be mindful of looking out for others especially when it comes to mental well being. YHC took us out

The Undertaker

After hearing about Summer Slam for a while YHC decided to pick up one of these Kung Pow Q’s to celebrate his favorite wrestler growing up – The Undertaker.

The pre-blast promised trying to kill pax – thankfully we didn’t accomplish that but we did celebrate accordingly.

FNGs: None today. I hear there’s a free F3 shirt if you bring an FNG to Kung Pow.

EC: YHC, Cupid, Cancun, Deadbolt (great work on 5 pack w/5 ECs!), Roger Roger, and MadDog.
Warm Up:

SSH x20

Daisy Picker x20

Good Morning x10

The Workout:

Pax were warned that The Undertaker attributed good cardio to his many years of success. Many remarks were had about that assuredly being the only thing.

1st Thing – mosey down the street to a nice hill near Bibleview ct. Pax were informed of The Streak – The Undertaker’s 21 match winning streak at WrestleMania, widely regarded as the greatest winning streak in sports history.

Special back blast reading bonus – the first pax to message me directly (Slack or Facebook) with the name of the wrestler that broke The Streak gets a free beer/lunch if you don’t drink)

To celebrate the 21 straight we did 21s on said hill – starting with 1x squat at the bottom and 20x LBCs at the top. It’s like 11s but a lot harder.

After ~15 minutes we audibled – none of us are The Undertaker and this was going to take too long. We had other career highlights to get to.

2nd Thing – we moseyed back to the pool parking lot. Pax were reminded that one of The Undertaker’s signature moves was the chokeslam. Chokeslamming each other seemed like a bad idea (especially on a day with no disclaimer) so instead we could lead with one strong hand. We did this by doing 10x Turkish Getups on one side (don’t worry though – the other side was promised to be fulfilled later). We then moseyed out of the neighborhood and crossed over to the church where we fulfilled our other 10x Turkish Getups (on the other side, unless your name is Cupid and apparently you can only do them on one side).

3rd Thing – one of the storylines most often remembered about The Undertaker was the one with his brother Kane. They frequently fought and partnered with each other. To celebrate this pax were told to partner up with someone of similar spead for a mix of competing and supporting – we raced to opposite ends of the parking lot and back (as in pax went opposite directions from their partners – apparently this was very confusing). Once they got back the winner plank holds until their partner gets back at which point they lift each other up with 5x Patty Cake Merkins. We repeated this 3x times.

4th Thing – Pax were reminded of two things. 1 – The time when “in nineteen ninety-eight when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table” and 2 – The Undertaker loved lightning and even once used it to destroy the ring. To honor these two things we were going to throw outselves on the ground to the tune of Thunderstruck – SSH the entire song and a Burpee everytime you hear Thunder or Thunderstruck.

Pax seemed smoked but we weren’t at the starting point so we moseyed back to the pool parking lot for some very limited Mary.


We continued celebrating The Streak with 21x IC of the following:

Low slow flutter


Crab cakes

Homer to marge (with some nice demonstration by Deadbolt)

Picklepounder (it is Mother’s day weekend)

Grasshopper 5k for Sergeant Rick Leach
T-Claps (Recognition):

Deadbolt for 5 pack + ECs

All the pax venturing outside of their norm for Main Event May

Caitlin and Kid Cracker and his team as they beging working to help her.

We kicked off St. Patrick’s Day with a Boom!

Rolled into the Trot on this St. Patrick’s Day trying to sort out exactly what we were going to do today. After getting out and talking amongst the PAX I nearly forgot I had the Q when the time was near until Pots asked who had the Q.


FNG: None

Warm Up: Field Trip up to Wake Chapel Christian Church. BTW I have been going here all my life. If you are looking for a Church Family or want to visit, we would love to have you. Awesome Preacher who preached from the bible and the Word of God!! Circled up there for side straddle hops (21), Hillbillies & imperial walkers (21), Sir Fazio Arm Circles (21), Good Mornings (21)

The Workout: Counted off into 2 groups. Group 1 stayed at Pittsboro Street at the end of the cemetery doing AMRAP while Group 2 ran through the cemetery all the way to the other side of the church to the pedestrian drop off. (20) of each exercise and moseyed back up the stairs down the ramp back to group 1. Group 1 repeated every exercise done by group 2. We did a total of 4 circuits.

Monkey Humpers—Donkey Kicks

Low Slow Flutter—Merkins & Deep Squats

Nipplers—Shoulder Taps

The run was a little longer that I expected so we had to cut it short and hit the road. We moseyed across the street down Fayetteville Street. 1/3 of the way we stopped for lunges (3) and a push up. Rinsed and repeated. 1/2 way we stopped and 10 jump squats. Kidcracker and Breach were racing I think, and we all met at the American Flag in Varina. We then did dips, merkins, urkins and moseyed back to Possum Trot Parking Lot.

Mary: LBC (15), Homer to Marge (20), Chill Cut IC to (40) Have a Nice Day

Announcements: Jersey Mikes in Fuquay Has Teamed up with Military Men in Actions to raise Money for this Awesome organization. All proceeds got to them. March 31st. Come out and Show your support!!

T Claps: Fram for EC and He is back!!! Norm branched off a got some miles!

Prayer & Praise: Maggie Petterson neighbor of Roger Roger. Cousin of Roger Roger having health issues and a hard time. Crab legs, Bondo’s M having a procedure today. Pray that all goes well.

Bondo celebrating 35 years with his company and retiring June 30th! Congratulations! My son Will is celebrating his 21st Birthday today! God is Good!!

YHC took us out. It’s an Honor to be apart of F3!!

Everyone Needs a Little Mercy

A beautiful weather morning for 13 HIM to show up at the “Happiest AO in SouthWake”. YHC had pre-blasted that loud voices would be heard during a few audible exercises at Disney today. YHC had also heard that a decent contingent of Disney regulars had a pretty stationary (albeit painful) beating at Possum Trot the day before, so I decided to keep the feet moving. Fairly certain we got a bit over 2 miles.

FNG’s: None
Warm Up: SSH x 40IC, Good Mornings x 20IC (always a crowd pleaser), Sir Fazio Arm Circles (F/R) x 10 IC.
The Workout: Counted off by two’s and formed two lines for a lengthy Indian Run to the front of the high school by the circle. Group 1 would bear crawl around the circle, while Group 2 did AMRAP dips on the nearby benches. We then rotated. Now it was time for voices to be heard. We stayed in our groups and each group took a turn doing an Indian Run line from the circle up the hill of the parking lot and return, while the other group did the “loud call”  AMRAP exercise. Warbucks called for group 2 to do Pickle Pounders while Group 1 was gone. Roger Roger called for Group 1 to do WW2’s while Group 2 was gone.

We basically repeated this sequence in a couple more spots on our travels today. Next, we went to the bottom of another hill around the side of the high school. Each group took a turn sprinting up and down the hill with 5 Star Jumps at the top. The group waiting did AMRAP LSF’s.

Back to the Indian Run lines…this time to the Abyss. Once again, Groups took turns going down the stairs and returning, while other group did the “loud call” AMRAP exercise. At the bottom of the Abyss, groups did Mickey Mouse Merkins.

Round 1: 3 Mickey Mouse Merkins at the bottom, Group 2: Burpees at the top, Group 1: Hand-Release Burpees at the top.

Round 2: 5 Mickey Mouse Merkins at the bottom, Group 2: Homer 2 Marge at the top (as Bondo said…everyone needs mercy sometimes), so Group 2 returned the favor this round.

Final Round: 7 mickey Mouse Merkins at the bottom, Group 2: Shoulder Taps, Group 1: Star Jumps.

We did one final whole group Indian Run back to the flag for Mary.

Mary: Zebra Kicks x 20IC, LBC’s x 20 IC, Box Cutters x 20IC, american Hammers x10IC (cuz everyone deserves some mercy).
Announcements: Long Ass Run, March 27th. Check the Slack.
T-Claps (Recognition): Great job to the PAX for picking up the six many times today…this is what we do men!
Prayer: Maggie Peterson., friend of Roger Roger with breast cancer. Pikachu’s M and some ongoing pain concerns. Bondo stepped up to take us out.

DB and M4L 2020-21 Reunion tour kickoff

I love Disney.  It’s always been one of my favorite AOs.  I remember the beta opening and Co-Site Qing it with Kid Cracker.  So much to do, well lit, away from homes and no cars.   🙂  So that’s why this morning, M4L and I decided to leave those grounds and head for a dimly lit, residential street with more cars that I counted on!

We wanted to bring back an old favorite – the Jamison Park hill.  Jamison Park was the original 12 Oaks (look it up) and it was great to see 7+ pax from the 12 Oaks hood make the journey to the east side for our Beat Down.

I planted the Shovel Flag on this 35 degree, cold, damp, foggy morning as 25 #HIM showed up in various clown cars.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: At 5:30 on the dot – we were off.

  • Mosey out of the soccer field parking lot and head to Middle Creek High School.
  • Stop at first intersection – Merkins x 20
  • Hand Release Merkins x 20
  • Mosey to end of road near Jamison Park entrance
  • I forgot what we did
  • Quick disclaimer to use your inside voices and we entered Jamison Park

The Workout:

Thang 1:  Pakistani Dora

  • Gather at the bottom of that big ass hill (At Jamison Park Drive and Wesley Ridge)
  • Partner up for Pakistani Dora – one partner runs hill – other partner does reps with cumulative counts
    • Turkish Get up x 100 (audible to 75)
    • LBC x 200
    • Squats x 300
  • It sucked but great effort
  • Even great effort by the White Accord that was paralyzed for several minutes by the sheer amount of man candy beside her car


Thang 2:  The 7-11

to celebrate M4L’s first job in America – we moseyed to the half pipe for a round of 7-11s

  • In the half pipe – do a set of 7s with Squats one one side – Star Jumps on the other side (6-1, 5-2, 4-3, 3-4, 2-5, 1-6)
  • When you cross in the middle at the bottom – do 11 merkins (every time)

Jail break to flag


Bondo will be turning double Respect on Saturday so he led us in Mary

  • Side plank dips
  • Pickle Punders


  • Social tonight at bombshell – HIM only – so M or 2.0
  • BBQ

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • Praise to Bondo son for coming thru surgery


  • Peakweek co-worker
  • Fanny M
  • 187 M
  • Breach Mother

Here was namorama:

Breach took us out with a great message

This is the way…Over and Back, Up and Down…

Well, it’s been 8 weeks since I’ve been surrounded… As most of you know, I’ve been out of commission serving the family while my wife recovers from surgery.  I’d like to thank everyone who reached out, it meant a lot. While we still have a bit to go, I’m able to get out a bit more! So why not take the Q…. It is Disney, so what would it be without some direction… Which way should I go? We’ll go together… This is the way.

Warm Up: Mosey around the lot, circle up for 50 SSH IC, Frankenstein 10, Imperial Squat Walkers x10, Standard Merkin x10. Mosey a bit for 5 Burpees.  Mosey again.
The Workout: Thing 1: Over and Back- Reached the smaller side lot by the baseball fields. PAX Lined up down a single row. Burpee Dan’s were on the menu. It’s a stack-em up. 1 Burpee to start, lunge walk across the lot, 2 burpees, lunge walk back, 3 burpees…. to 10. We mixed in some crab walk and bear crawls.

Thing 2: Up and Down: Standard pyramid work. 10-50, 50-10. Standard Merkins (10), WW1 (20), Squat (30), Mtn Climbers (40ish..), SSH (50) – all exercises in cadence. Together. We went up and then came back down.  Mosey back for Mary w/ a waive to the abyss. Not this time.
Mary: Popcorn mix – Wide Grip Merkings, Box Cutters, LSF, Homer to Marge, Pickle Pounders, LBC’s, all 20 counts.
Announcements: Frosty – Saturday 12/5 6-10 from Possom Trot (Ruck event to 5 AO’s in FV)
T-Claps (Recognition): Full House for mapping the 4 mile EC. YHC joined him at 0450.
Prayer: 187/M, Quiver’s friend and his M – see his 3rdF donation, PAX recovering from COVID, Fanny Pack’s M surgery 12/20.

Bday Q #2

It was a little cooler this morning than yesterday but at least it was dry. Good to be back at The Nut with some familiar faces and a great showing with 13 total PAX in attendance. Thanks to all for coming out this morning and allowing YHC the honor to lead.

FNGs: None

Warm Up:

After the F3 mission statement quiz/refresher we did a quick mosey around the parking lot and circled up for
– Good Mornings x 10 IC
– Daisy Pickers x 10 IC
– Windmills x 10 IC
– Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
– Hillbillies x 10 IC
– SSH x 20 IC

The Workout:

We moseyed to the side parking lot where it became apparent that another group (Gladiators?) had infringed on our territory so we continued the mosey around the back to avoid potential conflict with the offending party. We settled on the circular loop for a modified version of 4 corners. PAX numbered off and split into 4 groups 0f 3 (and one group of 4 to account for the odd number).

Each round consisted of 4 exercises – one at each cone. Traveling between cones took place via alternating between crab walk, bear crawl, crawl bear, and lunge walk. At the completion of each round, we moseyed to the gate and back (roughly 200m round trip).

Round 1 – 20 counts of each exercise: Merkins, WW2’s, Carolina Dry Docks, LBC’s
Round 2 – 15 counts each: Squats, Dips, Squat Jumps, Low Slow Flutter
Round 3 – 10 counts each: Merkins, WW2’s, Carolina Dry Docks, LBC’s
Round 4 – 5 counts each: Squats, Dips, Squat Jumps, Low Slow Flutter

We collected the cones and moseyed back to the front of the school. After partnering up, partner A ran a lap around the parking lot while partner B did an exercise until partner a returned then partner A did the exercise while partner B ran. Round 1: Irkins, Round 2: Dips, Round 3: Step ups

With 5 minutes remaining, it was then time for…


American Hammers x 20 IC
LBC’s x 20 IC
Homer to Marge x 10 IC w/ each leg up


CSAUP this Sat.

YHC BDay Q continues tomorrow @ Possum Trot

Beer mile coming soon – check FB/slack for details

T-Claps (Recognition):

Thanks to Moby for the chance to lead his site.

Good to see Flanagan out on the EC run.


Moby has a friend whose 6 month old has an abdominal obstruction.

Prayers for those struggling with health, finances, marriage, mental health. Reach out to those you haven’t seen in a while and check in. You never know who may be struggling silently.

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead this morning. It was an honor. We are stronger together.

Kick in the Face at KungPOW

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Things happened in the darkness.
The Workout: Apparently, I learned that what happens at KungPOW, stays at KungPOW. We don’t talk about KungPOW! There were coupons, rocks, Merkin Suicides, and a long fire hose Indian Run. The rest… well, you’ll have to talk to one of the fine gentlemen in attendance that day. We did leave a lot of footsteps in the frost at the church.

Mary: We reviewed the Mission and Core Principles of F3.
Announcements: CSAUP ruck style on Dec. 5th. CSAUP beer style with toys for tots on Dec. 12th. Oak wood 24 to benefit healing transitions in December.
T-Claps (Recognition): The great fellasof Westcott for welcoming YHC to their hood! Tetanus for pushing hard back into the gloom.
Prayer: YHC’s M, POTS cousin and family, unspoken. YHC took us out. Honored to be here.

Burpees, Busch Latte & Biscuits in an Eddie Van Halen Tribute at Kung POW


This morning – we honored the passing of a great one – Eddie Van Halen.  It was great to see the 12 Oaks Clown Cars roll up.  Midget almost jumped the curb in the Lexus.  YHC had been up since 3:15 and was fire’t up – lets do this

FNGs: None

The Workout:
Warm Up:

  • Double D took the flag and led us out of Wescott and over the the Church back parking lot.  We played a little frogger on Sunset Lake Road
  • I found a bluetooth speaker in the mulch so I decided
  • Gathered in a circle – YHC explained who we were honoring.  To begin the tribute – the Pax did “Burpee Eruption”  this was continuous burpees through the 1:30 Eddie Van Halen classic solo – “Eruption” – that sucked
  • Good Mornings x 10
  • Mountain Climbers x 10
  • Imperial Walkers x 10
  • Hillbillies x 10

Thang 1:  Running with the Devil

Van Halen Fact:  They started out named The Broken Combs, later became The Space Brothers, The Trojan Rubber Company, and then Genesis. Upon finding out the latter name was already taken, they changed their name yet again to Mammoth.  In 1978 –  Eddie was just 23 years old when they released their debut, self-titled album.  It had 11 songs and was only 35 minutes in length.  The opening track was “Running with the Devil”

11s while Running with the Devil played on loop

  • Bottom of Hill – Merkins
  • Top of Hill – Squats
  • 5k pace on the run or faster

Thang 2:  “Panama”

Van Halen Fact:  Released in January 1984.  This was the final full length album to feature the original members.  This album produced the bands only #1 single on billboard – Jump.    The kid on the cover was based on a famous Italian work of art called a “Putto”

Do this as a group – in a circle – no breaks – no rest – all to “Panama” on repeat

  • 60 Body Weight Squats (20 per round)
  • 60 WW1 (20 per round)
  • 60 SSH (20 per round)
  • 30 Burpees (10 per round)
  • 60 Mountain Climbers (20 per round)
  • 60 Merkins (20 per round)

Thang 3:  Hot Summer Nights

Fact:  Eddie Van Halen could never read sheet music.    Gene Simmons produced their 1st demo disk.   5150 named after mentally disturbed person.  Sammy wanted to name the 9th album FUCK but settled on just using the letters For Unlawful Carnel Knowledge

  • Cackalaca Choo Choo  (All this to 5150’s “Hot Summer Nights” on Loop)
    • Pax in a plank hold in large circle
    • 1 pax goes around the circle jumping over feet of planing pax
    • Every two jumps – he does a burpee
    • Next pax leaves and goes around

Double D led us back to my truck with shovel flag flying!


  • Low Slow Flutter x 20
  • LBC x 20
  • Have a nice Day


Dumbo 3rd F at Holly Springs Food Bank

T-Claps (Recognition):


  • Unspoken
  • Famunda with some job uncertainties
  • YHC took us out


2nd F

  • We had sausage biscuits and Busch Latte

7 PAX Get a Variety of Stations at Downtown Train

Empty spot on the Q sheet for Downtown Train had YHC looking at an opportunity to break the Monday morning fartsack. This past month I really haven’t hit F3 mornings until Thursday. Might be the weather or maybe enjoying the weekends too much. Now with Vasoline firmly in place as site Q at AGS (doing a phenominal job btw), its taking a bit longer to get warmed up heading into the week…so here we are Monday morning at DTT and ready to rip the band aid off.

Arrived to a parking lot of several tax payer vehicles and one truck belonging to Nemo. He got the memo about EC and peeled off a few miles before the main event. Planted the flag and screeching around the corner comes Abe. Alright that’s 3. Yogurt sent YHC a message earlier in the morning on the way in saying he wouldn’t make it, but there was another HC coming from Coal Ash (still no sign of him). Deadbolt got the memo for this morning and he pulled in along with a very rare Kid Cracker appearance at this AO. Pumpkin Spice and then coming in hot on two wheels was Snap. 7 total on the morning- a good showing for a Monday. No POTS…not sure where he was this morning. And I guess Chaps decided that the gym was gonna inspire him more than Downtown Train. Would of had double digits otherwise.

Truth be told, YHC had no idea until the huddle (socially distanced huddle) what we were going to do, but I preblasted that the Q would be organized and challenging on the lungs. Sometimes those off script Q’s can be effective, especially when you have a great group of HIM like we had this morning. True to that promise we kept it moving with periodic episodes of pain and a 9 min Mary session DawgPound would be proud of. 5:30 hit and we were off with the following warm up.

Warm Up: Led PAX from the lot to the upper parking deck. Lots of cars parked up there. Wasn’t expecting that and with all these cars, it caused YHC to change his first thought on the run up there that we’d have to change up the first part of the Main Event and only do the warm ups for now.

Good Mornings IC X10, Fazios 10F\10B, Seal Claps X10, Overhead Claps X10, Imperial Walkers X10, Hillbillies X10, Squats X10 IC. Lead PAX from the upper deck back to the flag and just beyond to the 40 yard strip of street between the lot and the church.

The Workout: PAX performed a series of 7’s with merkins at the bottom, star jumps at the top with the 40 yrd sprints in between. Once those were finished up we moseyed to the church lot for some Build-A-Bears, with PAX performing SSH’s while they waited their turn to start their parking space. Lead PAX performed SSH’s as they finished and waiting for the six to finish. From the church lot, we mosey’d to the traffic circle in front of the library. PAX performed lunge walks all the way around the complete circle to get the legs primed.

At that time, Nemo asked YHC, “Hey Mookie-Why are we getting our legs primed?” Rhetorical question. From the lunge walks, we mosey’d to the rock pile. A bit darker out at this hour than what we see during the summer, but all PAX were able to pull a rock of their liking without snake bite or injury. Cusack’d the rocks to the back library lot.

PAX performed a series of 20 Curls and did a Suicide rinse to the midway point of the lot and back and then the back of the lot and back. PAX continued this format with 20 Tricep extensions and 20 Rock Presses each with suicides in between.

Cusack’d the rocks to the top of the traffic circle above Library Hill. Partner Up. Partner 1 held plank, while partner 2 ran down Library Hill to the West Elm intersection before coming back up. Switch out\Repeat.

Cusack’d the rocks back to the pile. Formed 1 line with an Indian run back to the flag for Mary

Mary: 9 Minute Mary because us old guys need the stretching. Start out with Clockwork Merkins (only the odd hours), Shoulder Taps X20, Nipplers X20, LBC X20, Dying Cockroaches X20, American Hammers x15, Downward Dog, Right over Left\Left over Right, 10 more Good Mornings to end it.
Announcements: Look for 3rd F opportunities- Dumbo needs volunteers for Food Cupboard
T-Claps (Recognition): Nemo on the EC. All PAX posting on a Monday to start their week off right.
Prayer: Health and healing for those impacted by illness. YHC took us out.