Early 4 Year at Disney
My 4 year would be the Memorial Day Murph, but out of town plans led me to ask Dawgpound if I could take the Q from him at Disney for an early celebration. This was just before the challenge and I appreciate he gave up a coveted Q spot late in the month, and was pleased to see he picked up a different AO this morning. It was an honor to lead, was pleased to see such a great turnout, and what better place than Disney for me to celebrate. I am a proud Disney site Q alum. Preblast promised nothing fancy, just moving around and putting in the work, with a guarantee of a good tour.
FNGs: None today, so no bonus point awarded
Warm Up: Quick jog around lot, circled up for Good Mornings, Daisy Pickers, Windmills, Imp Walkers, Hillbillies and had to throw in Goofballs for good measure. 5 burpees OYO too.
The Workout: Jog around back of fields and down the hill to the road, circled up for a couple sets alternating SSH ICx20 and a shoulder burn (arms out, fazio front, arms out, fazio reverse, arms out, seal claps, arms out, overhead claps, arms out, recover). On the jog back to entrance and grabbed a low pole for alternating deep tempo dips ICx10 and tempo merkins ICx10. Did this 4 times. On the jog to the lower lot, each man on a line, dropped to plank hold, shoulder taps, plank hold, nipplers, chill cut, merkins, plank hold, recover. Did this 2 time. On the jog to back corner of building for alternating low slow flutters ICx20, 15 and 10, with the other half holding BTTW, so 3x on the wall for each of us. On the jog to big lot lined up in groups of 4 for a bear crawl Indian Run. PAX hold plank while man in back bear crawls to front. Each man did 4 bear crawls. 10 quick merkins to burn out and then on the jog to The Abyss for 2 rounds with LBC up top and Star Jumps at bottom. On the jog back to flag.
Mary: Not much time so heel taps ICx22 and LBC ICx2
Announcements: Cletus 7 year anny celebration with Deadbolt on Q, wear red Fri, ZERO excuses and support Breach raising money for Travis Manion Foundation – let’s go big tomorrow for this.
T-Claps (Recognition): from me to all of you for the experiences over the past 4 years, and for putting in the effort start to finish today – might not seem like we did all that much but when you think about it we did not stop working the whole time
Prayer: 16-Bit mother-in-law, those impacted by the shooting in San Diego. As leaders in all we do, let’s be mindful of looking out for others especially when it comes to mental well being. YHC took us out