
Paradise City 8-19-2024

Paradise City – Burpees and Speed

EC: Full House, H1N1, Yogurt

FNGs: None, but @Karoake could be considered a Kotter

Warm Up: 5 burpees OYO, 10 GMs, 5 more burpees OYO, 25 SSH, 25 OH claps. Circled the fields and tennis courts a couple of times with minimum 5 burpees OYO at each corner, plus one exercise, including merkins, big-boy sit-ups, and OH claps.

Main Event 1: Suicides on tennis courts. Been a long time since we visited these. Recalled immediately that fenced sections are three courts wide, which worked out great.

Each run = Far sideline court 1, back; far sideline court 2, back; far sideline court 3, back.

Exercises upon completing each run = Plank jacks, shoulder taps, OH presses

Finished with one last run to far sideline court 3, Karaoke led the way.

Main event 2: Sprints on Ramp

Format: Similar to suicides – Sprint to first blue sign “Foul ball area,” walk back; Sprint to second sign, walk back; Sprint to third sign, walk back. We had time for only three, but everyone accelerated.

Mary: Stretched those hammies while they were warm.

Announcements: 3-Alarm event is on, just like every Tuesday. This week, there will be extended fellowship afterwards.

Prayer: Full House dad in hospital. H1N1 death in family and co-worker’s family.

Hope all have a productive week.