
9 MEN vs Hurriane Debby

Hurricane Debbie is flooding the streets, but that didn’t stop 9 MEN that courageously faced the wind and the rain. Everyone was soaked in about 10 seconds of exiting their vehicles.

EC: 3 miles ShootingBlanks, Downrange, Mr. Terrific

FNGs: Didn’t show, Debby scared them off?

Warm Up: Side-straddle hopps, shoulder taps, plank jacks, 

The Workout: 5 rounds of 4 Corners, escalating. Mosey between corners, sprint to the finish line, pick up the six when done with your round

Round 1, C1 5 burpees /  C2 10 Murkins / C3 15 LBCs / C4 20 squats. 

Round 2, C1 5 burpees /  C2 5 burpees, 10 Murkins / C3 5 burpees, 15 LBCs / C4 5 burpees, 20 squats. 

Round 3, C1 5 burpees, 10 Murkins /  C2 5 burpees, 10 Murkins / C3 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs / C4 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 20 squats. 

Round 4, C1 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs/  C2 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs / C3 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs / C4 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs, 20 squats. 

Round 5, C1 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs, 20 squats /  C2 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs, 20 squats / C3 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs, 20 squats / C4 5 burpees, 10 Murkins, 15 LBCs, 20 squats

Mary: LBCs, Low-slow flutter, Have a nice day

Announcements: Shooting Blanks has some generators for sale

T-Claps (Recognition): Courageous PAX in the hurricane wind and rain.

Prayer: Shooting Blanks’ family member is moving next week, health concerns, safety in the storm

Spartan 500 at Paradise City

YHC made my triumphant return as the Q at Paradise City this 55 degree comfortable morning.  About 7-8 showed for Extra Credit with Pikachu and Skidmark leaving early to get in the extra mile (nice work).  great pick ups on the EC run of this 6.  Returned after EC to see a large gathering in the parking lot which looked great!  We had a visitor from F3 Chartlotte in town – more on that at the COT

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  A quick lap around the parking lot and then circled up

  • Windmills x 10 🙂
  • Wide Grip Merkins x 10
  • Side Strattle Hops x 20
  • Fazio 10F and 10R
  • Seal Claps x 10
  • Right over left and left over right stretches
  • Pax instructed to find an accountability partner of equal speed to put him

The Workout:

We did the Spartan 500 with running a 0.25 mile in between each sets.  Partner up with a man of similar speed but that can push you.  Do the set of 50 exercises at opposite corners with your partner.  See image below for details.

Goal was to do this 10 times or 5 laps.  T claps to (at least) Pikachu, Skidmark and 187 for finishing all 10!  I think most of the rest got 8 so a spartan 400!


The lead pair got back to the Basketball courts a little early and led group in ab exercises.  YHC arrived and closed out mary with a 5 count around the horn holding 6 inch leg lifts.


  • JoCo CSAUP
  • Sleep in Heavenly Peace (check slack)
  • Cookout (check slack)

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • Mookie for running a 2:08 half marathon yesterday and still posting
  • Visitor from Charlotte (Greyhound) – his step daughter is having a baby today


  • Greyhounds Daughter and doctors
  • unspoken