
Audible Action at The Ballfields

It’s been nearly 3 weeks since YHC took the Q. For me, that’s a pretty long time and a good amount of time to cook up some great plans for beatdowns of all kinds. YHC had a great plan for what we would do at TBD this morning.  With today being the IronPax work out and the usual R4TJ offerings, I knew I had to come up with something quite different.  Just started the EC trek up Stinson when I saw Nemo rolling in, so I did a U-Turn and grabbed him. During our EC on this awful humid morning, YHC scrapped his previous plans in an effort to not kill any pax or himself. Those plans will be a fall workout.  Everything but warm ups were audibles today.

FNG’s: not today
Warm Up: SSH x25, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Fazio Arm Circles, Daisy Pickers, And 25 Standard merkins.
The Workout: Mosey to the dugouts by the ball fields. Started with a 30 ct. IC Balls to the Wall, then mosey to the poles at the end of the path for 5 burpees. Pax then moseyed to opposite side dugouts for People’s Chair 30 ct. IC, followed by a Mosey to opposite poles for 5 star jumps. We repeated this procedure 3 times with wall exercise counts descending to 20 for round 2, and 10 for round 3. However, exercises at the ends increased to 10 then 15 burpees and same with star jumps. Finished with an every pax 10 count of People’s Chair.

Next did 30 merkins in honor of Bondo’s oldest child. Nemo told Bondo to answer age 2 for fear we would do more burpees. Did 21 squats on the same note for Sprinkler.

Mosey to the rock pile lot for 11’s.  Exercises were Ground Pounders IC and WW1’s. We alternated taking the rock with us or leaving it behind on each pass. Finished up and moseyed back for Mary.
Mary: Not much time, so finished with a 10 ct. each pax plank hold.
Announcements: Mulch, couple weeks to go.  CARPEX CSAUP invite is out there.  Virtual BRR.
T-Claps (Recognition): Bondo! That guy keeps up with everything we do. RESPECT!
Prayer: Tetanus nephew with liver issues and healing.  Healing for Tetanus and back issues right now.  Coal Ash father in law with colon cancer. Moby and his family member now in hospice.  Those that are jobless. Those that are addicted.   Hope and freedom in those places.  YHC took us out.

Red October Collaboration

FNGs: None
Warm Up:  Joined Mutiny PAX.  Fonzie led us around the track with stops for SSH, Hb, IW, Merkins, and Good Mornings.  RO PAX headed to the pavilion.
The Workout:  Dauber had each PAX call out an exercise with a minimum of 8 reps to a maximum of 15 reps.  Rinse and Repeat before moving on to the next round.

Round 1:  15 Swings, 10 Curls (L/R), 10 Tricep Extensions

Round 2:  10 Rut rows (ic), 20 Step-ups (10 each side), 10 Lawn mowers

Round 3:  10 Nipplers (ic), 10 calf raises (ic), 10 upright rows

Round 4: From our six, 10 weight over chest with 6 inch legs elevation (ic), 10 single leg squats, 10 skull crushers

Round 5: 10 Midget love handles (each side); 10 man-o-makers (R/L) hand on bell merkins, 10 chest presses from our six

Round 6: 10 Figure 8 (ic), 10 up and over shoulder, 10 arm curls across our body

Lost our count due to the interruption and chaos caused by Mutiny PAX infringing on our shelter space.Bunch of talkers.  We all sweated our you know whats off this am; humidity sucked.

Mary:  Joined Fonzie and Mutiny PAX for some yoga, box cutters, windmills, have a nice day.

Announcements:  Fonzie two-year Q weeks continues; check socials for Greenwood team challenge

T-Claps (Recognition):  Fonzie two year; RESPECT presentation for Sprinkler.

Prayer:  College kids starting school; FedEx new nighttime delivery; Unspoken

Fonzie led us out.


An honor to lead Red October with the collaboration plan.

Co-Q Duel Kickoff at Downtown Train

F3 Southwake Co-Q Duel got started in a big way at DT. Record attendance for this site that averages 3-5 #HIM as we had 36 strong post. Was excited to have our newly named Weasel Shaker, and a guy who has had a major impact on me over the past few years, Mookie as the surprise Co-Q. DT is sort of like a “poor man’s Disney”, lots of great rides available and I was looking forward to showing a couple of them off for all the new faces posting to DT for the 1st time. Mookie and I decided to do a little split Q so everyone had a chance to spend time with both of us, and we went with 2 DT classics – repeats on Cemetery Hill, and a visit the drug store. Mookie would lead the hill work and I would take drug store with a group switch in the middle. Quite the impressive scene as I headed back to the lot from EC to find guys looking for overflow parking. Was cool to see guys reconnecting and catching up a bit on life, with some great mumble chatter out there this morning. Thanks to all who posted and thanks for a solid start to the donations for Healing Transitions.

FNGs: Not today, but I noticed several of or newer guys out there this morning. and it’s great to see you all coming back and really getting to be part of F3.
Warm Up: Stayed at the flag knowing we would be opening the workout with a jog and we did some SSH, Good Mornings, Fazio Arm Circles, Mt Climbers and of course, a Nemo classic the Goofballs.
The Workout: Counted off by 2s to split the group and headed out on the jog towards Earp where 1 group veered off the tracks to head over to Cemetery Hill and the other headed up and along the back road to the drug store. Mookie took his group through hill repeats and focused on keeping together by adding sets of burpees at the bottom, merkins at the top and mixing in low slow flutters, shoulder taps and LBCs. Cemetery Hill is a DT favorite and I was glad to see Mookie pushing the PAX to put in the work on these repeats. At the drug store we worked through another DT classic set that really just involves doing a bunch of different stuff with little, if any, recovery. Without details of count/cadence it went something like this: BTTW, People’s Chair, BTTW, straight into plank, shoulder taps, plank, merkins, plank, nipplers, plank – then on the feet and hold out the arms, slow seal claps, hold out arms, overhead claps, hold out arms – then drop and bear crawl across lot, plank hold for 6 then merkins, then crab walk back. Recover, repeat. We worked in some SSH too, and 2nd set we stopped short of the bear crawls for time. After the full set at each spot, the groups met midway and swapped. Then we converged again for a fellowship jog back the flag.
Mary: Circled up and did a set of 6″ hold/low slow flutter, LBC, Homer to Marge, American Hammers. Then Mookie treated us to some clockwork merkins and closed us out with some good stretches.
Announcements: After name-o-rama we brought back a tradition I really like and we asked the 6th man in the count to tell us how he got his name and what he has appreciated about F3. Tetanus was the 6 in the circle and he explained his name and talked about how he appreciates the accountability and how he looks forward to posting. Co-Q Duel continues this and next week – head over to Nutcracker tomorrow for Moby and some surprise Co-Qs, Mulching Bass Lake going well.
T-Claps (Recognition): Guys out on EC, Boy George for posting after a tough 50k trail race this weekend, everyone who brought donations, Pikachu for a great setup for trunk coffee 2nd F
Prayer: Let’s keep Quiver’s uncle and family in our prayers as he recovers from covid, unspoken, YHC shared a message about the work we each need to put in to being good leaders. 10 count silent for unspoken and YHC took us out.

Honor to lead and to co-Q with Mookie, hope you all have a strong start to the week

Hilly Springs Ride

FNGs: None
Warm Up:  Did it before we arrived.
The Workout:  10 mile loop through Holly Springs.
Mary:  None – unless you stayed for Thunder
Announcements:  mulch
T-Claps (Recognition):  these 4 amigos, especially Doc with his back injury.
Prayer:  Doc – back injury.


What Is A Mahktar N’ Diayes Anyway?

FNGs: Yes! Welcome Omaha!  Arch nemesis of his (former) Patriot’s QB often used this in cadence…hearing it makes the FNG nauseous, and that made YHC smile, so we knew it was perfect.
Warm Up: Following the welcome and disclaimer to the FNG, mosey across the street to the church parking lot. 10 each IC: Good Mornings, Sir Fazios F/B, Overhead Claps, and Hillbillies. 25 IC Side Straddle Hops.
The Workout: 18 PAX showed up after the preblast by Mookie. After much EH’ing by fellow PAX (specifically Pablo, Dumbo, Mookie, Deadbolt, and M4L), YHC was provided with the opportunity to put the EH’s to rest. With that, YHC spent an inordinate amount of time preparing for this Virgin Q (afterall, YHC was still pure and wanted it to be with the right one, time was right, he was ready, etc.). His kids and wife may or may not have seen him pacing the halls as if he were about to give his left kidney. YHC even bought a watch, which he struggled with towards the end, and was lucky, frankly, to end on time…but not really because we were across the street and still had to get back to the pool parking lot. My bad if you were late to your next engagement.

Ok, the workout: Mosey to the curb where YHC had already chalked the named exercises on the asphalt. ALARMS and BLIMPS were in play. Some PAX had never heard of them, but they were about to find out. Split into 2 teams. Special thanks to Mookie who offered to lead Team 1 while YHC led Team 2. Six exercises were spaced across the parking lot for the ALARMS and BLIMPS. PAX on Team 1 would travel to each location via Bunny Hops (Stations 1 – 3) and Lunge Walks (Stations 4 – 6). PAX on Team 2 would travel to each location via Bear Crawl (Stations 1 – 3) and Crab Walk (Stations 4 – 6). Squat or plank hold for the 6 before starting each exercise. Teams that were doing BLIMPS then did ALARMS, and vice versa. Thank you to all PAX who helped YHC get through the counting…he was winded for sure.

BLIMPS: 10 Burpees, 15 Lunges IC, 20 Imperial Walkers IC, 25 Merkins, 30 Plank Jacks IC, and 35 Squats.

ALARMS: 10 Burpees, 10 Jump Squats, 10 Mountain Climbers IC, 10 Rocky Balboas IC, 10 Mahktar N’ Diayes IC, and 10 Seal Claps Sobriety Style (YHC felt this was fitting given his recent F3 ‘departure’).

Question was asked after the fact: What is a Mahktar N’ Diayes anyway? YHC answered that it was a plank hold to chill cut and back up IC. PAX said, “Oh, we did more than that.” YHC responded, “Yes, you were doing Absolutions but there was no reason to correct you because you were doing more than required.” Well done!

Following the completion of the circuit, YHC was a little stressed because we still had 20 minutes to kill (lesson learned). YHC was not feeling that a ‘rinse and repeat’ of previous exercises would be well-received. Audibled for an Indian Run to Mookie to meet at the parking lot entrance (each Team goes opposite way). At the entrance, YHC called for a jailbreak back to the mailbox followed by a mosey to the rock pile.

At the rock pile, PAX picked up a medium sized rock. The following exercises were performed IC between 15 and 25 reps, and much thanks to the PAX that stepped in to help YHC get through this: Curls for the Girls, Tricep Extensions, Rut Rows, Bus Drivers, Midget Love Handles, Midget Cookie Pouches, American Hammers, Overhead Press, Low Slow Flutter, and Chest Press.

Mary: With 6 minutes remaining, YHC lucked out. Mary consisted of the following IC: Freddie Mercuries, LBCs, Homer to Marge, Pickle Pounders, and Have A Nice Day.
Announcements: Mulch at Bass Lake – get signed up! Continue to visit AO’s that you don’t frequent very often; and Q Swap in August.
T-Claps (Recognition): Mookie for his assistance; all other PAX for their encouragement and willingness to step up and get YHC through this VQ.
Prayer: Those in recovery due to substance, verbal, physical, or mental abuse and/or health; Bondo’s granddaughter Piper; YHC’s cousin (cancer) and M’s grandfather (hospice has been brought in); Omaha’s marketing career; First responders; and Leaders of our country that we may get through the chaos that is rampant today; Unspoken.

Dumbo took us out.

It is a privilege to lead; thank you. YHC will keep learning, striving to do better next time.

Vicious Virgins

FNGs: None in sight
Warm Up: Not at this workout
The Workout: We showed up.  This happened:

Mary: Nowhere to be found
T-Claps (Recognition): Everyone that posted at this new seasonal AO
Prayer: Ended with COB (circle of bikes)

Let Me Teach You a Lesson…

It normally doesn’t take this long to squeeze out a backblast, but this one needed to take some time to do it justice. We all joke at the lessons M4L can provide. Sometimes he shows to workouts he commits to, sometimes he doesn’t. Sometimes he does 1/2 of the workout, sometimes he does 1/2 Side Straddle Hops, sometimes he does a full one or just flaps his arms. On that Friday, last week at Kung Pow, he delivered one of the more memorable Q’s I’ve been a part of, and truth be told…when he shows to Q, they always have a lesson.

On an aside, these guys at Wescott are bringing it and I’m not saying it because it is home turf. I have yet to see a duplicated workout and every single one has a signature footprint. Pablo’s manhole merkins, Deadbolt and DoubleD’s Reagan era burpeefest, and who could forget that time where YHC almost killed Fram, DoubleD, Sprinkler, and Fonzie with cardio cul-de-sacs a few weeks ago.

I will say this, anytime I have seen M4L Q, I always come away with something. It could be an exercise routine, it could be something personal he has shared, but more importantly, his Q’s always extend beyond just a workout (hence F3- more than a workout) and have always shown me to appreciate the moment and embrace these great things we have… F3 and each other. Just like we tackle these workouts, we are also going through everything life throws at us together.

On this Friday morning, it was destined that something special was gonna happen. Pre-Blast yielded 8 HC’s, which was a really high number considering none of the regulars were HC’ing the night before. Also, nobody HC’s anymore…anybody else notice that?

Picked up Deadbolt… yes- we drove only being a half 0.4 mi down the road.  Arrived  to a completely full Wescott parking lot, 13 PAX limbering up, representing all areas of SouthWake-some from Fuquay, another from 12 Oaks, even one from Cary and also from Raleigh. 15 total- A new record at Kung Pow.  Full House later shared that he was undecided that morning, but just like Nemo from a few weeks ago, he was drawn by the pre-blast marketing campaign.

What on earth did M4L have planned? Whatever it was, it was about to go down as we were at 5:29 and the mumblechatter was starting to rise above the level that gets us exposed on our neighborhood Facebook page.

Time to mosey. Extended the 15 PAX group across the street to do some warm-ups at the Veterinary clinic across the street.

FNGs: None, but would be alot cooler if there were…
Warm Up: SSH X10, Burpee X10, Uneven Merkins- Right arm extended forward x10\Left Arm extended forward X10. Mumblechatter= more burpee X10, then followed by a mosey back to M4L’s vehicle.

The Workout: Upon arrival, M4L pops the trunk. Strategically stacked where several bricks with the words “No OYO” spray painted on them. Everybody grab a brick- one for each hand. I’ve seen this workout once before, but judging by the other faces they had not and wasn’t sure what they were more surprised by…the possibility that they’d have to carry these bricks the whole workout or what M4L meant by “No OYO.” As suspected, Midget instructed PAX to mosey with bricks in hand down Wescott Ridge. PAX stopped about halfway down among the trees lining what we refer to in Wescott as the ‘fairway.’

As a tribute to New Mexico, PAX performed a series of quick feet with bricks in hands. Recover on the mosey to Bells Walk (oh- if anyone puts the bricks down, 10 burpees with bricks for all PAX). At Bells Walk, M4L calls for a Indian Brick Walk with curls where the trailing PAX double times it to the front curling alongside group of 14 PAX who are also curling in single file. Made it to the end of the cul-de-sac for 31 Monkey Humpers with bricks (31 years since entering the US) . This was also in honor of one of our favorite Wescott residents, bless her heart. She is looking for a gently used Oboe, so if anyone knows a friend of a friend who has one let us know. A real Oboe…not you, Oboe. Really- not kidding.

After those were performed, M4L called for a faster paced Indian Run with bricks, except halfway down the street, Q ended up ‘dropping’ his bricks.. 10 burpees OYO all PAX. Continued to the end of Bells Walk and onto Dumbo’s house. How we were able to fit all 15 PAX in his driveway was beyond me, but we did and its unfortunate he did not have a Ring camera to capture this. There was mumblechatter as to the other cameras he has in his house, but we would need to wait for him to return from vacation to either confirm or deny.

Inside the driveway, all 15 PAX performed 31 tricep extensions , followed by 31 overhead presses. With arms already significantly torched, M4L now reveals the true meaning of the lesson behind the “No OYO” bricks. He instructed PAX to partner up. From here, one member of the unit would give their bricks to the partner, so one carries all 4 on the mosey, while the other stays with him for moral support. Do not leave your partner- He will need you.

Not sure Fram got that memo, even with 4 bricks, he was running a 5K pace and YHC was having trouble keeping up with him as he made his way up Wescott Ridge and down to the Palm City cul-de-sac where M4L used to live. At the cul-de-sac, M4L shared a story of what F3 means to him and specifically how PAX should never do life alone- hence the “No OYO” bricks. We all carry something and should never feel afraid to ask for help and lean on your brothers to help you through difficult times. A message that hit home with everyone that morning.

On the return, PAX mosey’d with their bricks again, making sure that each partner didn’t leave the other behind. At the top of the hill, M4L did a quick check of the lead PAX to ask where their partners were. If they were left behind, he instructed them to apologize for leaving them behind as a reminder that we are all accountable to ensure we are picking up the six.

Mary: Merkins on the “Bring Sally Down”- A tribute to “Gone in 60 Seconds” (67 seconds to be exact-the amount of time remaining in the workout)
Announcements: Q Swap coming in August; New AO- Something Awesome on Monday
T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX getting out there this morning. A great crowd, great workout, great message.
Prayer: Healthcare workers, Bondo’s new grandchild Piper. Continued health for families near and far.

Double D took us out!

Don’t Buy The Fake News From Dem Boys Runnin For The Toilet

Me and Fanny Pack were up late getting ready for this morning’s workout. Fanny Pack was mowing the grass while I cleaned the bathrooms in case any random speed walkers with irritable bowels needed to make a pit stop. 520am came quickly and the gloom brought out some star power including the likes of M4L and Doc among others, and the place was looking pristine. We also welcomed back Cotter Kid Cracker, and Bondo who was making his second appearance since his FNG workout on Monday.

FNGs: Nada

Warm Up:

We started with a mosey around the soccer fields (doing our best to steer clear of the tennis courts) to the far parking lot for some warm up exercises….

Daisy Pickers x10, Annies x12, Imperial Walker x15, Hillbilly x15

The Workout:

Indian run around and past the amphitheater and make a left turn over the small bridge and another left at the fork in the path around the baseball fields. Stopped at the volleyball courts for a spontaneous 5 burpees OYO. Then continued to loop around baseball fields with an Indian run until we reached the bottom of the decline in the path (behind the fence of the outfield). This made for a nice hill to incorporate into the workout.

11’s with the Hill – Side Straddle Squats at the bottom and burpees at the top…Poop eater decided to make a stinky in the middle of our burpee reps. Luckily Florence was “Johnny on the spot” with a plastic baggy…

Next was an Indian run to the parking lot for a Dora rock workout.  Performed triceps extensions, shoulder presses and curls for the girlz – x100 reps each. PAX were told instead of doing high reps, to go slow and focus on form. Partner A started the rock reps while Partner B did evolution of man (Bear crawl 25 yards, lunge walk 25 yards, sprint back to their partner) around parking lot. Then trade places until all 100 rep goals were achieved.


Plank hold while we went around the circle and each PAX gave a 10 count for a good shoulder burn.

Low Slow Flutter x20, boxcutter x15, LBC x20, homer to marge x20, monkey humper x20, have a nice day


-New seasonal AO @ Womble on Wednesdays at 1745 (Vicious Cycles)

-Greatest Place On Earth (Disney) Celebrates Dumbo’s 2 yr Anny tomorrow

-Volunteers still needed as Mulching Continues on Saturdays

-Consider donating to N2N…every little bit helps…more info and how to donate on 3rd F

-TBD NOW RATED BEST WEDNESDAY AO In SOUTHWAKE per all major news outlets

T-Claps (Recognition):

Kid Cracker for Getting back out to the gloom

Prayer: Florence starting a temporary job in South Carolina, Family that M4L mentioned that is going through a difficult separation (wife Aria), military and first responders

6 Year Anniversary Gala at Cletus

Wow – 6 years.  When I first gave into the 18 month long headlock by Gnard Dogg from Raleigh – I remember telling my M that “maybe this will be good – I can catch a Friday workout a few times a month to change up things for me at the Y (Sad Clown).  Little did I know that 6 years later, I would have accomplished the following:

  • Probably 1,000 posts
  • 7 half marathons completed
  • 2 Blue Ridge Relays
  • Maybe 3,000 miles of running
  • 10+ CSAUPs
  • 100+ Q-ed workouts
  • Hundreds of Clown Car rides
  • Stronger Marriage and relations with my kids
  • Major advances in my career / leadership (I accredit some of this to F3)
  • Countless memories with hundreds of new friends


Rolling into the parking lot at Cletus, Mookie and I got a little concerned.  On the way over in the clown car, we discussed what we would do if we had more than 25 Pax.  I did not want too many in our group(s) given Covid.  I quickly discussed what I had planned to Mookie as we drove over.  I remember him looking at me like “Are you crazy?”

As it became obvious that the Pax count would be near 40 – we decided to go with the Audible and split the pax.  I am very glad we did.  T-Claps to Mookie for the co-Q

FNGs:  None – Shovel flag planted at 5:29
Warm Up: Got things started with a mosie down to the field near the small pavillion.  The one we always warm up in when the crowds are big

  • Hand Release Burpees x 5 (OYO)
  • Good Morning x 10 (IC)
  • SSH x 20 (IC)
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 20 (IC)  – note:  no one of Moroccan decent was offended with this reference
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 (IC)
  • Hell – it’s time to go

The Workout:

Pax of 38 was split into roughly half.  Mookie too one to the lower field and YHC kept the other half up top at the Soccer field.  It went down like this

Thing 1:  The Elle McPhereson

The Split pax on the soccer field would split again into two groups.  Groups would perform exercises on duct taped sheets in two (2) of the four corners (diagonal from each other).  Group 1 would sprint 50% around the track while Group 2 did the exercises.  Group 2 does AMRAP until all of Group 1 makes it to the opposite corner.  Group 1 would signal with a “yell” for Group 2 to stop the reps and run the same direction (clockwise around the field to them).  This was repeated for 20 minutes while the other Pax was down on the field.  Basically we were looping the 1/2 miles around the soccer field.

Group 1 (Arms and Chest)

  • Burpees
  • Wide Grip Merkins
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Diamond Merkins

Group 2 (Legs and Abs)

  • Jump Squats
  • WW1
  • Star Jumps
  • Mountain Climbers

Thing 2:  “The Michigan”

This workout was from the original scrolls of Southwake.  It was named by a Ohio State fan.  “Because it sux”.  The pax gathered on the end line of the soccer/football field.  All we did was sprints and Jack Webbs.  It went like this

  • Ten – 100-yard dashes +  2 Hand Release Jack Webbs (2 hand release merkins and 8 halleluiahs) 
  • Eight – 80 yard dashes + 4 Hand Release Jack Webbs
  • Six – 60 yard dashes + 6 Hand Release Jack Webbs
  • Four – 40 yard dashes + 8 Hand Release Jack Webbs
  • Two – 20 yard dashes + 10 Hand Release Jack Webbs

That went on for 20 minutes – it was a smoker

The 2 groups converged on the North Tennis Courts for Mary and COT


  • Low Slow Flutter
  • LBC Ladder (IC)
    • 5
    • 10
    • 15
    • 20
    • 10
    • 5
  • Have a nice day


  • Mulch
  • Q Swap in August

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • Gump for 5 years of F3!
  • YCH for 6 years
  • Kid Cracker for the Kotters – welcome back brother!


  • Unspoken
  • 1st responders
  • Brony’s friend with Cancer

YHC took us out in prayer

Photos, 2nd F and Busch Latte

I love you all

DB Out!

Just in time.

Five for some rock work at Downtown Train.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: 20 burpees OYO, SSHs, Merkins, Good Mornings, Daisey Pickers, Hamstring Stretch

The Workout: Mosey’d to rock pile for some rocks and headed to the parking garage for a full body workout. Completed the following sets:

Set 1: Curls for the Girls (x 15, 20, 25), Tricep Extensions (x 15, 20, 25), Peoples Chair (10 second count each PAX x 2)

Set 2: Shoulder Press (x 10, 15, 20), Rut-Rohs (x 10, 15, 20), Bus drivers (x 10, 15, 20), lap around parking garage

Set 3: Chest press (x 15, 20, 25), Overhead chops (x 15, 20, 25), SSHs (x 40)

Set 4: Squats (x 15, 20, 25), Curtsy Lunges (10 each leg x 3), calf raises (20 x 3), LBCs (x 50)

Mary: 10 burpees OYO, American hammers x 25, leg raises x 10

Announcements: July 4, 1776 workout led by Skidmark

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Nemo’s friends, co-workers, neighbors dealing with Covid.