
Q Source “Preparedness”

“Preparedness” qsource topic last week was key for me this morning.  Encourage everyone to check the source out on if you haven’t yet. It was great to lead you guys and welcome 28 men including 2- FNGs. Randy(China Grove) and Jeff Toke (Centerfold)

Warm Up:Jog around courts

20 ic SSH, 15 ic good morning, 10 each ic hillbilly  and imperial walkers, 10 gazing arm circle forward and reverse ic, 6” extended arm pulses ic
The Workout:count off and partner up. Each group grabbed a medium rock and met at end of lot

Alarms was the exercise of choice

A(arms) p1-curls/triceps p2 -bear crawl50yds Switch

L(legs) p1-goblet squats p2 -alternating lunges 50 yds Switch

A(abs) p1-wwII w/rock p2-peter Parker’s 20 IC Switch

R(run) p1- run around courts p2-sprint to end of lot and backward run to start. Switch

M(merkins) 20- paddy cake merkins, p1-20 diamond merkins p2- 20 wide merkins Switch

S(squats) p1-squats, p2- 5 shuffles , burpee 50 USA and back.  Switch

Mary: Fedex volunteered to take on Mary

lbcs, pickle pounders, homer to marge, low slow flutter, 6”, 45degree hold, 90 degree hold, American hammers, windmills, and 5 burpees oyo.

Announcements: new slack channels for triathlon s, rugged maniac(price increase Friday) run/bike/run event next week(Matt, Randy mentioned this but I don’t recall how to sign up, more details would be great if you talk to him)

take me care of the women in your life this Thursday. They may say they don’t want anything but don’t buy that!!!

Prayer:Shredder speedy and full recovery. Guidance in our marriages and relationships to keep them strong.