Bulbasaur, the best starter
The last of YHC’s Pokemon Q’s was here and the best was saved for last – Bulbasaur, the grass starter. This was also YHC’s favorite starter and warranted what turned out to be the hardest workout.
None today – would have been a good one to flex on but c’est la vie.
Warm Up:
SSH x10 IC
Hip hinge x10 standard and x10 w/each foot forward
Daisy Pickers x10 IC
Sir Fazio x10 IC forwards and backwards
The Workout:
Tabata style – 60s on, 15s off
We built up to some complex movements:
Clean & Jerk
Repeat those three three times through
Single Arm Swing
Burpee Snatch
Repeat those four three times through
Inspired by Dawgpound’s link in 1st F and combined with YHC’s desire to break down complex movements, we then broke down the Turkish Getup.
First 1/3 of the movement (lying prone to arm underneath)
Second 1/3 of the movement (from arm underneath to leg folded underneath)
Third 1/3 of the movement (from leg folded underneath to fully standing)
Full Turkish Getup
We repeated these all two times through and then did the full Turkish Getup for one more set.
We were smoked – the Turkish Getups were brutal.
Yoga – downward dog, shoulder needle thread, forward fold, slow roll up
Wear Red on Friday – OurLegsForCrabLegs is back.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Skidmark for pushing us all to be better on OurLegsForCrabLegs and helping us remember why we do what we do.
Laettner, Cupid, Emeril, and Dawgpound for completing the Pokemon challenge. They earned their Poffins (aka muffins) – great work guys!
Our country, our pax to be the leaders and men that they are called to be.