
Bulbasaur, the best starter

The last of YHC’s Pokemon Q’s was here and the best was saved for last – Bulbasaur, the grass starter. This was also YHC’s favorite starter and warranted what turned out to be the hardest workout.

None today – would have been a good one to flex on but c’est la vie.
Warm Up:

SSH x10 IC

Hip hinge x10 standard and x10 w/each foot forward

Daisy Pickers x10 IC

Sir Fazio x10 IC forwards and backwards
The Workout:

Tabata style – 60s on, 15s off

We built up to some complex movements:



Clean & Jerk

Repeat those three three times through


Single Arm Swing


Burpee Snatch

Repeat those four three times through

Inspired by Dawgpound’s link in 1st F and combined with YHC’s desire to break down complex movements, we then broke down the Turkish Getup.

First 1/3 of the movement (lying prone to arm underneath)

Second 1/3 of the movement (from arm underneath to leg folded underneath)

Third 1/3 of the movement (from leg folded underneath to fully standing)

Full Turkish Getup

We repeated these all two times through and then did the full Turkish Getup for one more set.

We were smoked – the Turkish Getups were brutal.

Yoga – downward dog, shoulder needle thread, forward fold, slow roll up

Wear Red on Friday – OurLegsForCrabLegs is back.
T-Claps (Recognition):

Skidmark for pushing us all to be better on OurLegsForCrabLegs and helping us remember why we do what we do.

Laettner, Cupid, Emeril, and Dawgpound for completing the Pokemon challenge. They earned their Poffins (aka muffins) – great work guys!

Our country, our pax to be the leaders and men that they are called to be.

This Train is Leaving the Station

After 2 years as site Q at this AO, today was my final time leading the DT. I was out on solo EC and wondering if anyone would show. DT has had many times as a 1 or 2 person AO. Was pleased to see Buford and Tush at the ready. I explained the plan and asked if they wanted to audible – never bad to take requests when the group is small – but they were down for the challenge. Some solid chatter throughout – catching up on how the 12 Oaks workouts have been going (sounds strong by the way) and learning more of the adventures of John (talk to him, he has some cool stories to share).

FNGs: nope
Warm Up: standard loop jog, stretches back by flag in lot, arms/shoulders/legs after a mosey to top of Library Hill
The Workout: Started with hill repeats and did 5x on Library Hill, catching our breath between sets with SSH. Headed over to the deck and did a build set coming off the wall. Added an exercise each time and did tempo squats between each set (BTTW, plank, shoulder taps, plank, merkins, plank, bear crawl).
Mary: Headed back to flag and with time limited we did LBCs IC50
Announcements: Changes to Wrightsville, 3rd F and 1st F leadership engagement
T-Claps (Recognition): Buford for being a regular at DT the past 2 years and Tush for a strong start the past few weeks with F3
Prayer: Those being impacted directly by COVID dealing with quarantine, for some focus today on being a leader in the community to promote diversity and inclusion on MLK Day, for the nation as we start a week that will bring transition. We closed it out with a silent 30 count

Field Trip!

Field trip day at Downtown Train! Convinced Yogurt to join me at AGS on Sunday so was glad to see him in the parking lot when I pulled in. Also please try surprised to see Cowboy and Buford. Hope you both come back to DT again!

FNGs: Nope
Warm Up: Jogged to Womble, 10 burpees, merkins, daisey pickers, arm circles
The Workout:

Grabbed rock and headed to shelter for following workout out:

Round 1: 20 curls for the girls, 20 tricep extensions, 20 shoulder presses, 15 curls, 15 tricep, 15 shoulder press, 10 curls, 10 tricep, and 10 shoulder press

40 SSH in cadence

Round 2: (all with rock) 10 step up each leg, 20 squats in cadence, 10 step up each leg, 20 squats in cadence,  10 step ups, 20 squats in cadence

50 LBCs in cadence

Round 3: 15 curls, 15 tri, 15 shoulders, 10 curls, 10 tris, 10 shoulders

30 SSH

Round 4: 5 step up each leg, 10 squats, 5 step ups each leg, 10 squats

50 LBCs in cadence

Return rock and headed back to DT parking lot

T-Claps (Recognition): Cowboy for getting back at it and posting!

6 Men, 5 Presents, 4 Minutes of the Boss, 3 F’s, 2 Miles, and 1 Lady Stuck in the Mud

The title above  says it all, but some details will be here in the BB. Very honored to take the Q at such a great AO on such a great day. YHC wanted to get to as many places as possible today on the wonderful grounds of Disney to deliver the Christmas Eve beatdown. Don’t say I never gave you anything…

FNG’s: No…but Snap saw a friend post-workout and it sounds like that fella may start coming around to workouts!
Warm Up: Everything x 12. Good Mornings, Fazio’s, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Daisy Pickers and a quick mosey lap. It was a this time that the 6 men returned from helping the 1 lady. Mosey over to the bottom of the big frisbee golf hill and split into two groups. We would need these groups for a couple gifts today.

The Workout:

Present 1: Two groups. Group 1 stays on the path and does AMRAP SSH until Group 2 returns. Group 2 does 5 burpees, takes the big hill, 10 squat jumps at the top, moseys along the ridge to do 15 merkins at the end, and mosey’s back. Then group 2 gets their turn. Indian Run to the community center, 2 lines.

Present 2: Group 1 Bear Crawls the length of the lot and at the end does AMRAP Monkey Humpers. When group 1 reaches the end and starts exercising, it’s group 2’s turn for the bear crawls. Mosey over to the wall behind the school.

Present 3: The whole PAX does a People’s Char for a 15 count per PAX. 2 Lines, Indian Run over to the large high school parking lot.

Present 4: A stacked up 4 corners with the whole group. 10 Hand Release Merkins, Sprint the long stretch down, then stack on 15 Star Jumps, then lunge walk the short end, the stack on 20 LBC’s IC, then sprint the long run back, then stack on 25 Pickle Pounders IC. 2 Line Indian Run back for Mary…was hoping to get to the Abyss, but not this time.

Present 5: YHC threw on the tunes. The great Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band! Their rendition of Santa Claus is Comin to Town is a bit over 4 minutes. So the Mary routine would be…
Mary: Constant AMRAP Squats with a burpee on every “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”. During the sax solo, we did SSH. I think we did, 16 burpees during the song… Have a Merry Christmas!
Announcements: Only 1 SW workout tomorrow at KungPOW…5:30.
T-Claps (Recognition): Deadbolt and DoubleD holdin it down on Christmas for us. The 6 Men (Deadbolt, Oboe, Dumbo, Buford, MadDog, and Roger Roger) helping the 1 Lady out of the mud up on the road. Apparently, she skidded off somehow this morning….HIM!
Prayer: Every PAX shared a hope for 2021 for their family. YHC shared that as men, we often want to fix problems, destroy obstacles, and provide solutions. Whereas we have many opportunities to do this, we shouldn’t lose sight of the times we are simply supposed to be present and walk beside someone else in their struggles and their pursuits…even those in our own home. YHC has been learning this lesson lately and wanted to share and challenge. There is the 3rd F, 2nd F was enjoyed by several after, and I’m hoping the 1st F delivered at Disney on this Christmas Eve. YHC took us out. Honored to be among these mighty men this morning!

Caveman Peak And Valley

EC: Dawgpound, Emeril, Dahmer
FNGs: Nope
Warm Up:

Foot Trace
Spinal Rotation
Ring out the shoulders
Fazio Arm Circles or Blah blahrm blah blahs
Neck stretch

The Workout:

We went over the two options for the game. Remember the game from onnit. Start at four reps for three exercise. If you finish in enough time then increase the reps from 4 to 6. If you don’t finish the reps in time you lose your recovery time.

Option 1:
Switch Squat
Side Draw
Option 2:
Switch Squat to forward lunge
Front Draw
Battle Lunge (Reverse Lunge to start uppercut
We then did 20 minutes of work. 45 on 15 rest.


6 minute abs!!!

   3 rounds
       10 Seconds Plank
       10 Seconds Knees to elbows
10 Seconds Mountain Climbers
20 Seconds Hug your knees
20 Seconds Bicycle
       20 Seconds Russian Twist
20 Seconds Bowl

We had time and did some downward dogs and pigeon poses.


Happy Holidays

T-Claps (Recognition):

Dawgpound and Emeril for keeping the Steel Mace and kettlebell workouts going

187 M

Fanny Packs M

DB and M4L 2020-21 Reunion tour kickoff

I love Disney.  It’s always been one of my favorite AOs.  I remember the beta opening and Co-Site Qing it with Kid Cracker.  So much to do, well lit, away from homes and no cars.   🙂  So that’s why this morning, M4L and I decided to leave those grounds and head for a dimly lit, residential street with more cars that I counted on!

We wanted to bring back an old favorite – the Jamison Park hill.  Jamison Park was the original 12 Oaks (look it up) and it was great to see 7+ pax from the 12 Oaks hood make the journey to the east side for our Beat Down.

I planted the Shovel Flag on this 35 degree, cold, damp, foggy morning as 25 #HIM showed up in various clown cars.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: At 5:30 on the dot – we were off.

  • Mosey out of the soccer field parking lot and head to Middle Creek High School.
  • Stop at first intersection – Merkins x 20
  • Hand Release Merkins x 20
  • Mosey to end of road near Jamison Park entrance
  • I forgot what we did
  • Quick disclaimer to use your inside voices and we entered Jamison Park

The Workout:

Thang 1:  Pakistani Dora

  • Gather at the bottom of that big ass hill (At Jamison Park Drive and Wesley Ridge)
  • Partner up for Pakistani Dora – one partner runs hill – other partner does reps with cumulative counts
    • Turkish Get up x 100 (audible to 75)
    • LBC x 200
    • Squats x 300
  • It sucked but great effort
  • Even great effort by the White Accord that was paralyzed for several minutes by the sheer amount of man candy beside her car


Thang 2:  The 7-11

to celebrate M4L’s first job in America – we moseyed to the half pipe for a round of 7-11s

  • In the half pipe – do a set of 7s with Squats one one side – Star Jumps on the other side (6-1, 5-2, 4-3, 3-4, 2-5, 1-6)
  • When you cross in the middle at the bottom – do 11 merkins (every time)

Jail break to flag


Bondo will be turning double Respect on Saturday so he led us in Mary

  • Side plank dips
  • Pickle Punders


  • Social tonight at bombshell – HIM only – so M or 2.0
  • BBQ

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • Praise to Bondo son for coming thru surgery


  • Peakweek co-worker
  • Fanny M
  • 187 M
  • Breach Mother

Here was namorama:

Breach took us out with a great message

Crazy Ivan

Had a hard time coming up with a title because the mumble chatter was so minimal this morning. Nice group this morning that worked out and hopefully got the most out of the workout. Workout was no running friendly.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Fazio Arm Circles, Imperial Squats, Hillbillies, SSH. Practiced the three moves that would be used for part of the main event.
The Workout: 45 seconds on/15 seconds rest. Start with 4 reps of each. If you completed the exercises in 35 seconds, add two reps to each. If you didn’t make it in 45 seconds subtract 2 reps from each. Stay with the same reps if you complete the exercise between 35 and 45 seconds. Did this f0r 20 rounds with the following exercises: One arm kettle bell swings, squats, kettlebell snatch burpees.

After 20 minutes move to the wall for one set of Balls to wall and preacher chair with all pax doing 10 count. Added a 20lb kettlebell because no brought anything smaller. In preacher chair pax passed the kettlebell from hand to hand with arm extended. Went down the row and back. Then tried it with balls to the wall :/      Safety First of course.

Circle back up with a round of “Jump” by Van Halen. Squat hold and star jump on the jumps.

Mary: 6 minutes of Plank hold with varying exercises. Finish with have a nice day.
Announcements: CSAUPS, Christmas party, Oakwood 24
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: 187 and M, Pikachu’s M, Fanny Pack’s M, Pax and families recovering/navigating covid

Field trip to Veterans

FNGs: Nope
Warm Up:
SSH x10 and we were off – not much time for our intended field trip destination

The Workout:

Mosey to Veteran’s Park via Sportsmanship, Main Street, Crossway, and Folsom. Stop at each turn and periodically on straightaway – alternate 10x Star Jumps and 10x Chill Cut Plank Jacks at each stop.

At Veteran’s we did 7’s between the monument and the top of the hill at Chrismill – 7’s consisted of Star Jumps and Chillcut Plank Jacks.

Moseyed back to Ting along the same route with some focus on downhill running along Folsom and Main St.


Downward Dog was all we had time for


Check the coms
187 & M

Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Strong

Today our work was focus on being slow, holding the pose, and getting stronger. Thus we slowed it down as we built our pyramid.

We did a small number of Turkish Getups. I don’t know why guys don’t like Turkish getups. This is surprising to me. I think it is a problem that we are not doing enough Turkish getups in our workouts.

500 KB Swings: Dawgpound, Emeril, Pikachu
EC: Cupid
FNGs: None
Warm Up:

Bounce with Me
Foot Traces
Hips in the Barrell
Fazio Arm Circles Forward/Backward
Ring out the shoulders
Emeril’s Neck Stretch

The Workout:

3 Turkish Getups Each Arm

3 Turkish Getups Each Arm
5 Back Bow Draws
3 Turkish Getups Each Arm
5 Back Bow Draws Each Side
5 Overhead Squats Each Side
3 Turkish Getups Each Arm
5 Back Bow Draws Each Side
5 Overhead Squats Each Side
10 Uppercuts Each Side
3 Turkish Getups Each Arm
5 Back Bow Draws Each Side
5 Overhead Squats Each Side
10 Uppercuts Each Side
10 Halos Each Side
3 Turkish Getups Each Arm
5 Back Bow Draws Each Side
5 Overhead Squats Each Side
10 Uppercuts Each Side
10 Halos Each Side
15 Bent Over Rows Each Side
3 Turkish Getups Each Arm
5 Back Bow Draws Each Side
5 Overhead Squats Each Side
10 Uppercuts Each Side
10 Halos Each Side

3 Turkish Getups Each Arm


6 Minute Abs — Everyone loved it.
T-Claps (Recognition):

187 and Tracy

Dumbo the new Quiver

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Bounce, Jog, Bounce some more, Jog, Active Stretching
The Workout: Lots of chatter this morning.  Felt  like CarPex.   So we did some burpees to quiet the PAX.  Into the workout.


4 rounds, 5 exercises, 40 seconds on/20 seconds off.

Clean Series
Waterfall Pullover
Switch Squats
Bow Draw

Last round instead of the 20 second break between sets we did burpees.
Typically Quiver is pretty chatty at the Caveman workout. With Quiver a no show Dumbo took it upon himself to chat away.  The PAX did burpees during stretching, cool down, Mary as penance for his sins.

Mary:  Bunch of steel mace exercises and then 6 minute abs
Announcements: HSHM, Kettlebell challenge in Dec.
T-Claps (Recognition): TClaps to MoTown for doing his first workout yesterday and then coming today (from Apex) for EC + ME.  TClaps to M4L for sheparding him.
Prayer: Tracy, Ann Marie, Noahs Ark