
The Dawgpound has the Fastest Feet in South Wake

Crazy Ivan Backblast

FNGs: none
Warm Up: SSH x 20, Hillbillies x 10, Imperial walkers x10, Daisy Pickers x 10, sir fascio arm circles x10
The Workout:  Group Exercise while 2 pax run a lap around the parking deck and then run the agility ladder. The Dawgpound showed us how fast the ladder can be done.
Mary: no time
Announcements:  Sleep in Heavenly Peace Event 4-24   8-11 am
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Prayers to be better fathers, husbands & sons. Prayers for our children as they start to return to normal

Not Plenty of Stretching

I haven’t even been to Captain Caveman for about 6 weeks, so this would be a challenge for YHC to cook up a solid workout as a 1st time Caveman Q for the PAX this morning. Challenging yourself with something unfamiliar is a way we grow. Comfort provides for complacency most of the time. In F3…we seek to accelerate!

FNG’s: none
Warm Up: Bounce step followed by SSH x 20 IC. Sir Fazio’s IC x 10 (F/R), Foot Trace, Spinal Rotations, Neck stretch, Good Mornings.
The Workout: 50/10 Tabata 4 rounds with 7 exercises. Exercises were: Ballistic Curl, Grave Digger, Seated Shoulder Press, Plank Pull Throughs (Pikachu pulled it through right over his finger today leading to a bloody glove…ouch!), Rows, Warrior Squat, and Bow Draw.

We finished the main set with 3 minutes of Death March!
Mary: LBC’s x25 IC, Polish Hammers x 10 IC, Dying cockroach x 25 IC, Pickle Pounders x10 IC, WW2’s x 10. Finished with about 4 minutes of stretching.
Announcements: Yoga, stretching, rolling monthly challenge is on! Bed Build donations and effort on Slack. Volunteer opportunities at the Spring Classic.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Spoken and unspoken…Lipstick took us out. Honor to lead men!

Gassed Out

EC:  Lipstick, Skidmark, Pikachu, Fanny Pack, Full House, YHC

FNGs:  Pre-blast rumors were told of 3 FNGs to be brought by Katniss and 187.  YHC was the source of said rumors and they were absolutely unfounded by anything resembling fact.  FULL DISCLOSURE:  These statements were made to ride the coat tails of Katniss’s awesome backblast and pump up the numbers for my Q.

As everyone arrived on this fine Monday morning to Paradise.  The air was cool and fresh.  This was fortunately not a morning where the smell of garbage from the landfill hung in the air.  The PAX assembled and intel on the need for gloves was requested.  YHC figured we would be on our hands a bit so better safe than sorry.  This info caught the ear of our resident Pokemon/Nantan – “Bear Crawls!?” he asked excitedly.  It wasn’t in the plan but this was the second Paradise in recent memory where Pikachu called out for Bear Crawls.  I would see what I could do, I told myself.

Warm Up:  A familiar mozy around Paradise.  We ran towards the bottom of the ramp, as we mozy’d a car was moving fast to arrive to Paradise “on-time”.  Bobby Dall emerged from the car and joined us.  Pikachu reiterated his desire for Bear Crawls.  “Bear Crawls up the ramp!?”  I was starting to feel as though I was in a warped version of Green Eggs and Ham.  “Would you?  Could You?  On a ramp?”  The run continued to the top of the ramp where Windmills were performed.  Something was said about “Recover”.  I guess if you need to recover from Windmills…  Skidmark… YHC pressed on and we continued to the back corner near the tennis courts,  On the way, Skidmark looked back on his childhood and ran with his arms spread as if he were a bird or a plane.  Arrival at our next stop, YHC called out Side Straddle Hops.  We went to 25, YHC shouted “RECOVER” followed by Side Straddle Hops.  Lipstick was provided with his typical 50 SSH to start his Monday, Skidmark was given a moment to recover.  We pressed on to the lot, just beyond the barrier outside of the basketball courts – Daisy Pickers.   Warm Up over…

The Workout:

Mozy to the tunnel opening.  PAX watched out on the bypass as THE LAW descended on one unlucky speeder.  YHC reflected on Bobby Dall’s entrance to Paradise this morning.  Lucky for him, no one was on Sportsmanship way this AM as they have been for the last few weeks.

Thing 1:  Tunnel time was not on the menu but the first event was added per request from Pikachu.  Bear Crawls repeats up the hill.  Followed by lunge walks down this hill.  PAX repeated 5x bear crawls with returns.  At some point during this event, the first foul smell was noted.  Did Lipstick, take a Lipstick in the tunnel again?  No time to investigate, let’s clear out – next thing.

Travel to the next thing was a weave through the Paradise lot along Sportsmanship Way, back towards the ramp, and then back towards Sportsmanship again, following the outer rim of the lot.  As we approached our destination, a release…  Warbucks owned it immediately and proclaimed that he was powered by Tijuana Flats.  Full House cried foul, based on his examinations their were notes of chocolate and blueberries.  Something was off and not just the smell.

Thing 2:  11s on the stairs.  WW2s at the bottom (10 to start), Burpees up top (1 to start) – MATH!  OYO!  LET’S GO!  As the PAX worked to finish their task, complaints continued about a specific aroma.  Lipstick was pretty far from the group but that never stopped him before.  Laettner proclaimed “When it’s me, I own it!”  Thing 2 – FIN

Mozy in reverse course around the outer rim of the Paradise lot until we are at the top of the Bear Crawl hill.

Thing 3 (appetizer):  Sprint up the hill to the back corner of the lot.

Mozy around the back and to the bottom of the ramp.

Thing 3:  In the events of the morning it became clear what these men needed.  Probiotics!  Yogurt wasn’t present so all I could do was provide the medicine he would normally prescribe after a workout at Paradise (or any Ting-based AO) – SPRINT REPEATS!!!  Regardless of the need for probiotics, YHC had already decided to incorporate Yogurt’s 7-minute routine to the Main Event.  It played out as it normally does EXCEPT…  Someone ripped one at the starting line and held up the launch to ensure everyone got a good wif… FOR SHAME!!!  (nice one bro)

Return to the lot for Mary

Mary:  Oops, Bear Crawl repeats took all the time we had for Mary – Let’s not forget Bobby Dall’s hurried (but late) entrance – 5 BURPEES!!!

AnnouncementsLONG ASS RUN this Saturday

Prayer:  YHC took us out – Great morning in the gloom!

Who let the dog out?

FNGs: None

EC: Emeril.  Was hoping Dawgpound would show up but apparently he’s on puppy duty and EC is a no go for the next couple weeks.

Warm Up
Spinal Rotation
Hips in barrel
Foot Trace

The Workout:

Each exercise 10 each side or 20 combined

Round 1:
Seated Shoulder Press
20 LBC in cadence

Round 2:
Seated Shoulder Press
Ballistic Curl
20 LBC in cadence
Round 3:
Seated Shoulder Press
Ballistic Curl
Arched chest press
20 LBC in cadence
Round 4:
Seated Shoulder Press
Ballistic Curl
Chest Press
Romanian Deadlift to single leg deadlift
20 Low Slow Flutter in cadence
Round 5:
Seated Shoulder Press
Ballistic Curl
Chest Press
Romanian Deadlift to single leg deadlift
Death March
20 Low Slow Flutter in cadence
Round 6:
Seated Shoulder Press
Ballistic Curl
Chest Press
Romanian Deadlift to single leg deadlift
Death March
Squats of some form
20 Low Slow Flutter in cadence
Work back down removing an exercise.  We threw in some burpees and Merkins to replace the core exercise.  We got through all 12 rounds.

Homer to Marge was all we had time for

Long ass run, Ted Talk (Shield Lock)

T-Claps (Recognition)

Mike’s family (Pumpkin Spices friend that passed), Sadiq, Doc and Norm

Sounds of the interstate and the smells of the dump…this is what it’s all about

FML Q battle this morning in the Springs. Skidmark already had the upper hand but we couldn’t put a finger on why.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies
The Workout: 3 Man Indian run with stops for 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 LBCs. Stops at the traffic light, top of the hill in Bridgewater, the stop sign, and then the bottom of the hill when the greenway goes to trail. 7’s on that hill with in cadence lunges at the top and absolutions at the bottom.
Mary: Stretching
Announcements: Long Ass Run, Covid Shots for Group 3 are out there
T-Claps (Recognition): Dumbo grinding through the shoulder. Great to see him. Bondo, Cause I know he is not a fan of the mosey to up Anchor Creek Way
Prayer: Dumbo took us out

Snatch is a favorite

A little uncertainty heading into the workout with the health of the Q’s shoulder. No injury, just sore after jabbing a needle into it. Apparently there was some interest in Yoga, but no one spoke up so we relocated some weight.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Good mornings, SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies
The Workout: Consisted of building on previous exercises and creating a flow.
Tabata style: 45 on, 15 off for 9 minutes, alternating the exercise every minute.. 3 sets of 9 minute workout
Set 1: Clean, Kettlebell Swing, Merkins
Set 2: Clean & Press, Snatch, Jump Squats
Set 3: Clean & Press & Lunge, Snatch & Squat, Burpees
Mary: Stretching and finish with have a nice day
Announcements: Long Ass Run, Bacon doing Goggins Challenge, Update to Freed to Lead (What’s your story)
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Docs Daughter, Norm’s daughter and family, A client of Dahmer. YHC took us out

Do You Even Lift Bro?

Sometime in the prior week YHC got the idea to bring out the deadlift bar to Captain Caveman and pair each pax’s reps with reps on the mace. This format also fits well for Crazy Ivan – maybe it’ll make an appearance there.

The pre-blast mentioned lifting but didn’t quite give pax an idea of what to expect. Waking up early for EC yoga YHC decided to bring enough weight for reps of 135 and 185 thinking that 135 might be a bit too light. The sad news the day before about Daft Punk set up our play list and put the number 28 into play at various times too.

Yoga happened (thanks Dawg, Emeril, & Redenbaucher) and the cars began to roll in.


None today unfortunately.
Warm Up:

SSH x28 IC (In Cadence)

Daisy Pickers x10 IC

Good Morning x11 on my down/up

Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 forward/backward – keep arms up through spinal rotation

Seal Clap x10 IC

Overhead clap x10 IC

Chinook x10 IC

Windmill x10 IC

Spinal Rotation x10 IC

The Workout:

1 pax on the deadlift bar counts reps. All other pax perform exercises based on those reps/timing – exercises stayed constant for 5-6 pax worth of deadlifts on the bar and included:

  • Deadlifts – alternating between two-legged and single-legged
  • Ballistic curls
  • 360 swings
  • Pendulums

Wiggly made it clear from the beginning that 135 was too light. We had multiple 30+ efforts, a few 50s, and one 60.

For the round with 185 we kept it more reasonable but still very impressive – 3x 30+ rep efforts.

Ditch the mace

Absolution (groiner, down to chill cut, plank jack, up to standard – 8 cadence count) x11 IC (28 just wasn’t going to happen)

Boat / Canoe on my out/in – 28 total

Crab Cake x28 IC

Break Dancer x28 IC

Yoga – lots of forward fold to stetch those backs out

Write your back blasts!
T-Claps (Recognition):

Cancun – guy is killing it

Dawgpound – dude is strong

McNugget – picking up way over his body weight this morning

16-bit – getting back out into the gloom while on IR

Pumpkin Spice’s friend Mike’s family. Sadique (young man that Pumpkin mentors)

Sorry 16 Bit

It was raining so POTS came to visit. It is always nice seeing POTS. Also Peeping Tom came down from Carpex. They must not have a parking deck workout on Friday. I’m assuming he was avoiding the rain. Or maybe he likes being around us.

EC: Emeril and Dawgpound for some Yoga
FNGs: Nope not one
Warm Up:

You know you bounced with me.
Foot trace
Tootsie Roll
Spinal Twist
Bat Wing
Fazio Arm Circles Forward/Backward
Seal Claps
Overhead Claps
Randies — right after Bat Wing

The Workout:

We did a bit of exercises before the main event

30 KB Swings
5 Push Ups on Bell Each Arm
5 Swings to High Pull
5 KB windmills each arm
10 Thrusters Each Arm

We went into the main event a bit early. I had to much time at the end.

The main event was the game Tabata format. This is 45 seconds work with 15 seconds of rest. You do three exercises. You do the same number of reps for each exercise. We started off with 4 reps. If you finish close to 30 seconds you add 2 reps for each exercise. If you finish after 45 seconds you remove two reps to each exercise. If the exercise is one arm or one leg then you split the reps between the left and right side.

20 rounds of:
Swing to High Pull
Kettle Bell Pushups

I thought the three exercises went well together. Afterwards I was good and sweaty.


We did a bunch of stretching to loosen the legs. Need to put the work in after a workout like that so you can function the next day.


Uhh I don’t remember.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Sorry I don’t remember

Backtits at Captain Caveman

Warm Up: mosey, ssh x20, daisy pickers,good mornings, foot trace, sir fasio arm circles and thumbs up
The Workout:  all exercises are with weighted mace

1st set- wonderbra x10 in cadence per side, arm extension plus curl in cadence x20, push up with arm lift x10 per side

2nd set- side plank with arm extension x10 per side, bridge press x20, burpee x5

3rd set-45 second exercise 15 sec break- barbarian squat, bow draw, bent over row

4th set- 45 second exercise 15 sec break- lateral lunge, lunge w/ joist, behind the head pendulum(don’t hit those back tits)

5th set- wonderbra x10 in cadence per side, arm extension plus curl in cadence x20, push up with arm lift x10 per side

Mary: ring around the Mary
Announcements: see slack
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: pumpkin spice household over covid, Dumbo recovery

There are plenty of not stupid people apparently…

PAX: Steamboat, Buford, Dawgpound, Tetanus, Tush, 16 Bit, Pikachu, Wahoo, Koolaid, Spinman, Midget for Life, Moped, Emeril, Pipes, Super Spreader, Chaps, Dahmer, Pots, Pumpkin Spice, Wiggly, Snap

Apparently this one never published, was stuck in Drafts folder.  Oh well, better late than never.

Weather called for rain and cold this morning, Crazy Ivan was the only option with a roof over your head so I decided to make a call to divide the ranks into stupid and not stupid.  21 showed up so I guess there still hope for F3 South Wake.  Or maybe we’re just the weak ones…  Regardless, I was happy to work hard and stay dry this morning!

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey around the lot and then SSH, Sir Fazio, Frankenstein, daisy pickers, windmills, and mountain climbers.
The Workout:

Stairs and Sharing: We partnered up and one Pax ran up the stairs while the other worked on curls for the girls, triceps extensions, squats, and LBCs with a twist.  Partners switched off until they had combined for 100 of each exercise.

Grumbling Legs: We went halfway down the parking lot with front lunges and finished the lot with side lunges.  Then came back halfway with side lunges the other way and finished it with back lunges.  It wasn’t a popular one especially since the kettlebells came with us.

Tabata: 30 secs on, 10 secs off.  3 sets of halos, figure 8s, deadlifts, and Midget love handles

Mary: Midget cookie pouches, boobity boobity with a 6″ hold, plank rows, pickle pounders and a 90 second plank with shoulder taps, nipplers, and mountain climbers mixed in.
Announcements: Monthly Challenge
Prayer: Fumunga just had surgery, and friends struggling with Covid.