
Life Lesson Naked Mole Skin

Sprung out of bed and was ready roll, and no better way than have the opportunity to have your teenager run into the workout. Would never imagine doing that in the past. So thank you to this amazing group of guys-#goobers/ #fritter
Yellow card and I had discussed the game plan for the workout. Had a friend drop a cooler- full of drinks ( water/ Gatorade) so yhc can take to workout but we were planning on running 3.6 miles from home front to PT, so that did not happen 🤪. Texted emeril to grab/ bring some water and of course he stopped and got some cheap ass water. Thank you
Parking lot was full and we rolled in right at 0523, rest of the 10 guys were just coming back from the EC run.  Thx, grabbed 2 tires and rolled them just like he use to back in the day, as a toy, all he could afford while in 3rd world country.
Set the stage/ tires- dawg # brought the rope( thank you). Dawg was very excited about carrying tires and ropes etc but he had no idea his perfect workout may not happen ..

Fartsackers: dumbo/ wacka wacka/ wallaby- pablo knew it would be a hard workout so he sent his M on a work trip – (great excuse).

EC: Dawgpound, Buford, Cowboy, Emeril, BB-8, Brony, Blue Hen, Banana Seat, Peak Weak, LED, H1N1

FNGs: BB-8
Warm Up:

It is 0530- disclaimer was done and we ran to storage unit and did the following warmup exersice.
Sshx15, smurf jacksx15, sir fazio x 15(backward/ forward), imperial walker/ hillbillies x 15.
The Workout:

We lined up went for a ‘burpee mile’ waited for the 6th ofcourse through the hood that we never visit and behind aviator etc. we never know, we may pick a guy up. We also did burpees in honor of Bernie, in front of aviator bar (that fun night after the ruck). Emeril announced that we were 20 mnts in and we did the count off, stove pipe thought 10 count.. but no No no, no 10 count, this is not a (DD) workout, so we did 5 burpees to punish our selves. We also did 5 burpees since dumbo fartsacked and 5 in honor of my good friend puddles.
Break off in group of 5, one guy pulled the tire/ carry the tire and flipped the tire, while rest of the group did Ab exersices.
We still had 15 mnts, run to the tennis courts, of course dawg was salty but not as salty as he was at whiplash, since he did not get his fix of tire flipping-

Tennis courts-
Bear crawl-
Duck walk-
Balls 2 walls 5 count (entire pax line)
Frog jump
Crab walks
Balls 2 walls 5 count ( entire pax line)
People’s chair – hands up ( 5 count)
Next- plank square x 2- you had to be there


Low slow flutter/ ww2/ quick feet n honor of you know who-


5 year next Thursday 4 dead bolt

Sasquatch.  Midget is Qing so somewhat organized somewhat not.

T-Claps (Recognition):


Emeril’s Papi
Chips neighbor’s son was in a car wreck
Crablegs as he continues his trip
Michelle and also help Duane and hope doctors can help them during this time


Naked mole skin-

Bet you guys didn’t know you got a midget lesson this morning. Life lesson-
You have a plan- You think things are set ( tires/ rope/ all the good stuff you asked for) and than someone takes you down a road where you have to do things that you hate( burpees)or do not like but you have to because you are dealt with those cards and you thought you had everything lined up. But guess what you are with a group of guys that every .10/ mile waiting on you cheering you on, looking out for you.. you take a longer road but you are a little bit stronger- storm of life has passed and day light has come, now go enjoy the tires..
For you dawg 😄

Always honor n fun to be with you guys
#keep pushing the boulder