
Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 2.49.09 PM

52nd Birthday Q

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, Arm Circles, GM, WMH

The Workout: Choose a coupon (#15 to #45 kettlebell or ball) and added one rock from the rock pile.  

Two columns of exercises. 52 cards + 2 jokers; Cadence given number on card; face cards 10; Ace BTTW 11 count in cadence; Joker Wall Sit each PAX 10 count and change exercises to other column 

Diamonds: Wonder Bra | Rows

Hearts: Ground Pounder | Squats

Clubs: American Hammer | Windshield Wiper over the KB/rock

Spades: Curls | Triceps 

Mary: This one came down to the wire. Return coupons

Announcements: Picnic , Memorial Day Murph, Check slack

Prayer: PAX traveling, recovering from injury, looking for work

31, 13, 6 suck

Pax of 6 turned up for some Halloween suck administered by John Deere.

Pikachu, Gump, Crosby, Sting, Airsoft, John Deere.

EC – Pikachu/Gump 20min Ping-Pong. Deere with 6.1miles hitting up Crossway and a Bass lake to Grimsby PR. Crosby walk from home :0)

Warm Up:Mosey from tennis courts to rock pile… during mosey some dynamic high knees, butt kickers, high leg toe touches, over head arm stretches and cross chest arm stretches.

At rock pile circle up: 13 Cotton Pickers, 13 arm circles F&R.

Collect a ‘medium’ rock and John Cusack back to grass at Tennis Courts.

The Workout: All in Cadence

31 x SSH, 31 x Curles, 31 x mountain climbers, 31 x squats with rock, 31 x Merkins, 31 x Ruck rows, 31 x monkey humpers, 31 x cadence timing plank, 31 x triceps extensions, 13 x Double Merkin Burpees (with star jump Bat Wing)


john cusack rocks back and mosey to tennis courts.

Mary:Pax choice 6 count: as follows

Diamond Merkins
Plank Left arm up
Plank Right arm up
Reverse LBC
Peter Parker’s
Freddie Mercury’s
Homer to marge Left leg up & Right Leg up
American hammers

John Deere closing out with 31 x American Hammers

Announcements:UTurn 6.30 HSHM preview, bottle share Nov 10th. Watch out for kiddies and teenagers on the way home.

Prayer:General prays… thanks to Gump for taking us out.



Nothing Runs Like A Deere

Backblast posted for John Deere…..
PAX of 7 for a warm and humid Thunder…

Warm Up:

Mosey from Tennis courts to the rocks for warm up
20 x slide strattle hop
20 x windmills
15 x forward arms circles
10 x reverse

The Workout:

Grab a rock and mosey, turning right at the baseball field down the path to the bottom part of the path. Stopping facing the hill at the gap between the fields.

11s…..Triceps extensions (start 10 end 10) – Run up hill to baseball field – Burpee’s (start 1 end 10)

Leave the rocks ;0)

Mosey turning up Grimsby for 4 random stops:
Stop one – 20 x LCB
Stop two – 25 x Low slow flutters
Stop three – American hammer
Stop four – 30 Merkins
Stop five – 20 box cutters (at Grimsby & Stinson)
Mosey to flag pole for hydration.
Mosey Back to rocks by baseball field hill…..

Curles (start 5 finish 5)
Drop rock run up hill
Spider-Man Merkins ( merkin left leg, merkin right leg = 1 set. Start 1 finish 5)

Mosey to rocks for return
Mosey with purpose to tennis courts.


Alligator Mekins width of tennis courts.


CSAUP Saturday, Patch is taking Wolfie (Brandon)


 Rams recover, H1N1 (torn MCL), John Deere’s Neighbour cane off his road bike and having elbow reconstruction.


Thanks men, my honor to lead…..