Cindy’s Boo Hoo
FNGs: None
Warm-up: Disclaimer, Core Principles, Mission Statement, with no Pay the Man Burpees. @Rico is coming up big for the group.
22 – SSH
10 (IC) – Good Mornings
10 (IC) – Sir Fazio Fwd
10 (IC) – Sir Fazio Bkwd
10 (IC) – Seal Claps
10 (IC) – OH Claps
Mozie to the Workout.
The Workout: 1st Round 1:45 work, :30 Break to switch. 2nd Round 1:00 Work, :30 Rotation Switch to end on time.
Cindy – Over Head John Cusak Bleacher Climb
Cindy – WWIII’s
Cindy – Tricep Extensions
Cindy – Murder Bunnies
35lb Kettlebell Swings
50lb Ruck – Squats
55lb Sandbag – Burpees
80lb Sandbag – Bench Press
Cindy – Curls for the Girls
Mary: Mosie back to the flags
Announcements: Travis Manion Date changed to 5/3/24 check slack, Travis Manion Foundation supporting the HS Classic by manning an Race aid station check slack for details.
T-Claps (Recognition):None
Prayer: A couple of Pax have lost loved ones very recently; keep them and their families in your prayers. @Rubix son got his cast off, prayers to speed his recovery and full range of motion, @Rico friend Carlos and his wife are home after their accident.