Arrived at Mutiny this am to find about 4 cars in the PVA. I headed down to the circle behind Club Works to unload some coupons. Once unloaded I met all the PAX at normal starting spot.
FNG: Welcome Rob Del Riego F3 abacus
Warm Up: We joined forces with Red October for a lap around the gym. Circled up for 30 IC side-straddle-hops, 10IC good mornings, imperial walkers, hillbillies, Frankenstein’s, merkins. Red October went to shelter and we headed off to lower parking lot.
The Workout: Once I realized we had 11 PAX I had Fram head to his car to grab some more coupons. While we waited for him, we ran suicides. After that we lunged walked, bear crawled and crawl beared to the end of the lot. It was here that I went over the stations. Below is what we did:
One PAX on tire carry around circle. He was the timer.
One PAX moseyed to stop sign at top of hill and returned.
American Hammers with weight
Bench Press w/RR weight
Mace triceps extension
Bent over rows w/weight
Squats w/mace rotating L/R hand
Fire Hose Press
Weights between legs roatating hands
Overhead rotations w/weight
Once we rotated through we formed 2 lines and Indian Run around gym. At the 1st corner was 5 burpees OYO. Lined up and 2nd corner 5 burpees OYO, 3rd 10 Merkins on my up and down, last corner 20 crab jacks. Indian Run back to coupons. Loaded them up in the truck and headed to the wall for wall chairs w/seal claps. We then BTW for a 30 count.
Mary: Dauber and Gump were already there stretching. We did 30 IC low-slow flutter, homer-to-marge/left/right leg up also to 10 IC. Stretched and Have a Nice Day!
Announcements: 11:00 am this Saturday F3 Cook-out. See slack for details.
T-Claps: Fram for wearing over 30lb vest the entire workout and to all who EC this am. Special recognition that my workout met the standard for 16 bit. He knows what I am talking about. Glad I did not disappoint you!
Prayers/ Praise: 16 bits mother-in-law battling cancer and treatments, Kayleigh, Daubers daughter travel mercies headed back to Baylor. Praise Fanny Pack daughter graduating 5th grade.
Something that hit me the Preacher said yesterday in Church.
“Who’s beautification process are you enrolled in?”
The world or the kingdom of GOD?
You’ve got to know where you are supposed to be!!!
Honor to led Gents!!