Entries by Kubota

Into the woods

I bit slower and shorter trip than normal but spent some time on the trials between Avent Ferry and Green Oaks.  Lots of fun and good trials but need to […]


Mostly road for 9.8 mile ride.  Fun down hill on Bass Lake Road.

Mumblechatter, upper body and core

FNGs: none Warm Up: Arm circles, t-claps, Overhead claps, daisy pickers, Willy Mayes Hayes… The Workout: dips, planks, peoples chair, low slow flutters, box cutters, WW1, LBCs,.. Good workout and […]

swirling around sugg

A good 9.6 miles circling Sugg farm.  Down Cell Tower, Down Soul Crusher, outside the fence and finish down steeplechase.  Good time where had by all.