Passing the Baton
Probably close to two years ago Fonzie and I took over as site Q’s at Possum Trot. As one of our favorite AOs it was fun to keep it running, Qing as much as we could, and making sure things went smoothly. Over time, and with injury, we lapsed in our duty. It became evident that new leadership was needed so we reached out to local PAX to find potential candidates. After a lot of searching two stepped forward, almost at the same time. Both Stovepipe and Rubiks wanted to help lead South Wake’s original AO and felt up to the task. YHC picked up the Q for the day and asked the two of them to be there for the official hand off. All in all, 11 other men joined the three of us for a beatdown and the official handoff of the site.
FNGs: None
Warm Up:
SSH x27 IC (that was the temperature when I looked when I woke up)
Windmills x10 IC
Daisy Pickers x10 IC
Imperial Walkers x10 IC
Hillbillies x10 IC
Sir Fazio Arm circles x10 IC forward and reverse
The Workout:
We started at the back corner, by the rock pile, to begin a four corners workout. Each corner would be some sort of leg or ab workout with the exception of the first because I finally feel like I can lift a (small) rock.
Curls for the girls x10 IC
Tris for the guys x10 IC
Rut Rows x10 IC
Chest press x10 IC
We then did a backwards mosey to the next corner, by where the parking lot met the road.
No Surrender x10 IC
Bobby Hurley x10 IC
Star Jumps x10 IC
We then proceeded to the next corner, on the other side of the tennis courts. We made our way there via Walk like an Egyptian. This is a lunge walk Indian Run where everyone steps in to a lunge while the guy at the back lunge walks to the front of the line. Once they get there everyone steps in to a lunge with the other leg while the next guy goes. This got a little unruly at times and, honestly, took way longer than I thought but all the complaining really fed my soul.
The next corner was abs. We did an LBC cycle
LBC x10 IC
Reverse LBC x10 IC
Side LBC x10 IC each side.
We did a rinse and repeat and then did a slow mosey to the next corner for some squat rounds
Squats x10 IC
Wide squat x10 IC
Feet together squat x10 IC
Two rounds of that as well and then it was a duck walk back to the rocks to do another round of what we had done before. After that we returned our rocks and went to the tennis courts. We started with a set of calf raises. After that, there was a lot of mumble chatter which made YCH feel like he hadn’t worked everyone hard enough so we went in to a round of suicides across the width of of the court.
American Hammers x16 IC
Sleeping Hillbillies x10 IC each side
Box cutters x16 IC
Prayer outreach with Rubiks down town Raleigh at 7:00pm
Bleeder recovering from surgery
Always an honor to lead and it has been an absolute privilege to have led this AO. I look forward to what new leadership will do.