Cinderblocks murder Disney
Warm up lap around fields
Good mornings
Smurf jacks
Sir fozio
Mtn climbers
Grab cinder blocks
Take them to turf fields Cusack style
Murder bunnies with wonder bras built in for 50Yds
Colt 45’s
Murder bunny with diamond merkins back 50Yds
Bolt 45’s
Mosey down and back
Block swings x15
Dips on block x20 IC
Sprint field then lunge walk back
Cinderblock squat leg lifts x20 (squat down onto block and lift legs then back up)
Rocky toe taps x20 IC
Mary on turf decline
American Hammers
Freddy Mercury’s
Dying Cockroach
Strong work today by all PAX. Definitely one for the books.
BS Out!