A trip to the Zoo
FNGs: Nada
Warm Up: Nope
The Workout: Q organized a route through town that resembled a giraffe and promised a zoo experience for all those who attended in the pre-blast.
@yogurt, @bnb and Q were all operating on a just-in-time schedule for AGS. At 5:59:20, only @wild turkey was in Womble parking lot. By 5:59:45, there was a crew of 4 ready to hit the mean streets of Holly Springs.
We departed womble for quick loop through Remington to complete the leg gap of our giraffe. At the first turn we encountered the first zoo animal, a native odocoileus virginianus doe mere feet from the street.
We then traveled down stinson, across bass lake rd and onto hillspring where we completed the hind leg of the giraffe. As we turned to begin running up the back, we spied the second zoo attraction that Q had organized, a second odocoileus virginianus, attempting to hide in the brush.
As we traveled the remainder of the route, discussing vacations, weddings, upcoming races and home improvement projects we spied assorted felis catus, sciurus carolinensis, and canis lupus familiaris. All added to the zoo experience that Q had promised.
We arrived back at womble around 6:45 for some great mumblechatter and COT.
Prayer: @BNB has a friend in Atlanta going through some health challenges, trying to determine the long term impacts on his fitness. Prayers for doctors wisdom.