
Roaming Yoga in a Thunder/Lightning Storm

I wasn’t exactly raring to go today.  Signed up to Q last minute the night before because, who know why.  No plan, but feeling like I needed  a recovery sort of routine after this week, so I had a general idea of a slow mosey around the track with yoga stops along the way.  I know very little yoga so I wasn’t sure how this would go, but it actually went well, accomplishing just what I was looking for and pretty spot on with timing.

Rolling up to Cletus, the dark morning sky was flashing lightning in the distance, didn’t think much of it, but soon it just opened up and poured buckets on us.  It was awesome. 

The Workout:  Slow mosey walk, not run, around the track, stopping at each corner to attempt some yoga poses.  Each stop began with downward dog then progressed into: runner’s pose, crescent pose, warrior, warrior 2(?).   

I learned that Moose is alarmingly, and comically inflexible. 

We completed two laps around the track, then joined Crazy Ivan for COT.