RESPECT 80s Hair Bands

: None
Warm Up:  Sir Fazios, Good Mornings, Seal claps, overhead claps, daisy pickers and static stretches.
The Workout:  Three different exercises.  Rinse and repeat 2X.

swings, halos, tricep extensions

figure 8, midget love handles, thrusters

upright row, lawnmowers, bus drivers

on the mat: straight are extensions, nipplers, 6 inches

on the mat: overhead press, plank pull, modify burpee

farmer’s walk with two kb; slap kb; curls for girls

popcorn kb included lawn mowers, burpee, side lifts, etc

Mary:  stretches/yoga
Announcements: Derek Davis 5K
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Isabelle and Jany (mother-in-laws of Best In Show and Dauber respectively) – help with illness; PRAISE – Dauber’s promotion

Great turnout by RESPECT PAX


Honored to lead – Dauber