Now That We Ran a Little Bit…

10 PAX arrived ready to board the Downtown Train on a Monday and knock out some hill repeats first thing! Some of those fellas…Moose, Best in Show, Cupid, and Sunshine…blasted up that hill a few times! A great morning for movement and a welcome break from the heat for a day or two!

FNG’s: No
Warm Up: Good Mornings and Sir Fazio’s followed by a mosey down to the library with some but kickers and fast feet on the circle. SSH x 20 and Imperial Walkers x 15 to finish up the warm up.
The Workout: 7’s on Library Hill. WW2’s at the top, Standard Merkins at the bottom. Those that moved faster, we’re rewarded with either Homer to Marge or Pickle Pounders while waiting for the crew during each pass.

A mosey over to the parking garage for a 5 corners…yes…5 corners routine with a partner. Each corner had a certain count exercise, while the partner did AMRAP wall or core exercise, then switch. Corner 1: 30 Derkins/Pickle Pounders. Corner 2: 40 Dips/LBC’s. Corner 3: 50 Monkey Humpers, BTTW. Corner 4: 40 Star Jumps/Peoples Chair, Corner 5: 30 WW1’s/Bear Crawl.
Mary: Monsey over to the flag for 10 more Good Mornings
Announcements: F3 2ndF picnic at Harris Lake, July 30th. Sign up sheet out there. Volunteers needed for July 5th fireworks event.
T-Claps (Recognition): Lot’s of RESPECT in the house today!
Prayer: Small child battling COVID/RSV…friend of POTS. POTS took us out!