Mountain Jacks, Plank Merkins, Squat Jacks and the like…
FNGs: none
Warm Up: mosey, GM’s, SSH IC, DPs IC, Sir Fazio forward/reverse, seal clap, overhead clap, LBCs
The Workout: 4 HIM set out to set up shop behind HT – UTI comments on how the workout isn’t planned…oh you just wait buddy. PAX gather for pyramid/stack em ups/whatever the hell you call them – 5 merkins at first stop, 10 plank jacks at next, 15 squats, 20 mountain climbers and 25 WWI’s at the last stop. The MPSMW is born…catchy name! Between each set, run back to the beginning for 5 start jumps, stopping on the way back to hit each exercise again. PAX thought it was funny that I kept screwing up the names of each exercise…YHC was up late and no coffee, so a bit off kilter. Regardless we pressed forward. After we decided to audible on the pyramid, we hit balls to the wall x 2 with people’s chair in between.
Mary: calf raises, homer to marge, low slow flutter, freddy mercury’s, up, out, together, down to round out with have a nice day to finish.
Announcements: Thanksgiving meal drive for HS food cupboard, HS half marathon
Prayer: UTI’s uncle in hospital with COVID – speedy recovery; injured PAX