Hills and Halfpipes

16 PAX posted under the promise of exploring some of the topographical and landscaping features at Disney. YHC brought a simple sequence of exercises that took advantage of these features and a little more.

FNG’s: none
Warm Up: Good Mornings, Sir Fazio’s, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Frankensteins.
The Workout: A mosey through the darkness to the large hill on the far side of the soccer fields. DORA was called. We partnered up and one PAX would take off up the hill, do 5 burpees, and return via crawl-bear. Exercises on the ground were: 100 Big Boy Sit Ups, 200 Merkins, 300 Squats.

Next was a 2-line Indian run over to the half pipe somewhat near the flag. We kept our partners here. Partners would run up the opposite hills of eachother a do either 15 Mountain Climbers or 15 Star Jumps. When meeting back in the middle, 10 Patty Cake Merkins. We got through 5 rounds of this.

Next, a mosey over to the playground for 42 dips and BTTW…just as long as YHC decided to do so.

YHC then called for a mosey return to the parking lot entrance hill and we got after 3 hill sprints up to the flag.
Mary: Pigeon Pose, 30 wonderful seconds of silence and quiet.
Announcements: 3rd F at HollyFest. U.T.I will put together a time slot spreadsheet. Brute CSAUP Oct. 16th.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: A family Bondo knows is losing their 28 year old to a battle with liver failure. FRAM has upcoming vacation planned with mom/daughter. Peace in that situation. TomTom son has been diagnosed with auto-immune issues and praying for healing along the way. YHC took us out!