Baby Yoga at Disney.

Several PAX had indicated over a couple of months that we should do more stretching or yoga during a workout.  YHC thought what better time to drop it on my 2 year celebration week.  40 min of  yoga from a non-YOGI master.  Names of moves and fluidity were suspect, but nonetheless we made it through. DRP taken!

FNGs: John P. AKA: Cheesy Tots
Warm Up: SSH, SFAC, Frankenstein’s
The Workout: Various Yoga poses.  Don’t know all the names, but we moved through Vinyasa’s, Triangles, Warriors, Reverse Warriors, Runner pose, Twisting Triangle, Etc…etc…..etc… Groan, grunt, cuss, Groan….breath……hold breath…..breath……groan, cuss, breath again……..CUSS!  “Damn that was fun, different and great! Let’s do it again sometime.” said various PAX’s.  Cue a “That’s what she said line” by Quiver every 30 sec during the ME.
Mary: LBC, Rev LBC, Full LBC, Butterfly’s, Two hand heel tap, Oblique V-ups, Scissors.
Announcements: Too many to list, check Slack.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Woody’s son traveling to West Coast, Family in Golf cart accident. Fram daughter in NE.