It gets HEAVIER as we go!

YHC had been wanting to get out the big boy toys for some bulking up.  The Prison Yard is notorious for coupons and tabata style work. We had tires, ropes, an ab wheel, Pain sticks, 15lbs DB – 65lbs DB, 125lbs on the straight bar, 40lbs Tractor weights, a fire hose and battle rope. Time to get to work.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: I/C SSH 20, I/C 10 Good mornings, Daisy Pickers, Frankenstien’s SFAC forward/reverse.
The Workout:  Thang 1> Instructed PAX’s to get into groups of 3 and we talked about each of the stations.  The 3 man teams rotated inside of each station performing a super set per muscle group.  Each exercise was 50 sec with 7 sec rest/rotate. After each superset was complete PAX rotated to next station.  Superset 1 ABS (Toes touch each plate on the straight bar with 125lbs while holding a bench press/AB wheel/ Double overhand smash with battle rope.) Superset 2 Shoulders (Two PAX standing press the tire while 3rd man does Bobby Hurley’s, Rotate through every 50 sec…There was some swearing on this one) Superset 3 Biceps ( Railroad iron curl/Hammer Curls 40lbs/15 lbs alternating curls…FED EX gets credit for naming the BB on this station) Superset 4 LAT/Delts (Front raise with fire hose/ Heavy bag or tire flip/Pain Stick press….DEADBOLT wanted to know if there was a rest station built in) Superset 5 Shoulders/Traps (Tractor weight shrugs/Upright Rut Rows/ 30lbs or 65lbs Lawnmowers) Thang 2 > Stack’em Curls for the girls with Plank hold.  40lbs, 60 lbs, 35lbs, Railroad iron, 25lbs, 15lbs. Start with two reps and work your way up to 12 reps finishing with the 15lbs. As the PAX move through the stackems the other plank hold while waiting their turn and when you finish move to plank hold.  Release when last PAX gets to end of group….DOUBLE D was sleeveless Fuquay-Varina style and was ready for the gun show after this.
Mary: OYO 10 reps. Big Boys, Butterflys, Two handed heal touch, Leg climb, Freddy Mercury on Q’s count. Cobra to Downward dog stretches.
Announcements: Carpex swap.  Quiver signed up and willing to Co-Q.
T-Claps (Recognition): Sprinkler for running EC with an EH from POTs.
Prayer: Banana Seat with unspoken.  YHC took us out.