Are you bad listeners or am I a bad leader?
FNGs: Not today
Warm Up: Mosey to a wall for BTW and a count off of PAX… It took us about 6 times to actually get a count off. The precedence was set for a chatty workout with nobody listening to YHC. We began to mosey to other side of lot for SSH x15. PAX was surprised by the x15 on SSH, as YHC is known for his x50 or even x100 to begin workouts. YHC threw a curveball on the SSH, as he called them again, but this time as 21’s. Q calls out 2 count SSH for the first 1-5 and then 6-21 are silent. If the PAX don’t finish all at the same time in cadence on 21, repeato….Lets just say we repeated quite a few times. We even had some OYO Peeping Lipsticks when the PAX struck out 3x for not being quiet. We continued the mosey to another lot and did more warmups.
The Workout: Partner up and suicides across lot with peeping lipsticks. 6 suicide stops- Pax 1 goes to first and back while Pax 2 does peeping lipsticks, rotate partners after each suicide stop, until we got to the end. Pax had a hard time understanding and also questioned the legitimacy of a peeping lipstick (turkesh getup with a star jump) It’s in the exicon! Next we mosey to the bus stop where YHC had coupon pain stations setup. Partner 1 worked with coupon while partner 2 ran out and back. Switch roles and then switch stations as we rotated through 7 stations. Stations as followed: Merkin Jack Webb with Cinderblock (2 stations) Weighted jump rope, grave diggers with 20lb mace, death march with 10lb mace, kettlebell swings 35lb, kettlebell tricep extensions 15lb. Closed out with 21s again to test our progress. It only took 3 times to nail it, Pots even turned his back to the Pax!
Mary: Mary caught the bus and we kept the heartrate up until the end!
Announcements: June 26th Picnic at Harris Lake, Families invited, Emeril is smoking 32 Pork Butts
T-Claps (Recognition): All Pax for showing up during this challenge. The engagement, fellowship, accountability, etc has been awesome. Let’s keep this going through the summer!
Prayer: Heidi, Emeril’s family friend with Cancer