The Warden Went Down To Captain Caveman
The Warden went down to Caveman and he was looking for a soul to steal, he was in a bind cause he was way behind and looking to make a deal. He came across the HIM sitting in his truck and he say boy let me tell you what. I bet you didn’t know but im an EC’er too and if you care to take a dare I’ll make a bet with you. Now you run pretty good ole boy but give the Warden his due, I’ll bet a Mace of gold against your soul that says I’m better than you. The boy said my name Dahmer and it might be sin, but ill take your bet to cause your gonna regret as I’m the best that’s ever been. Dahmer raise up your lighted vest and run your legs hard cause Hell’s broke loose in the Springs and the warden outs of the Quay, if you run this 2 miles hard you get this shiny Mace made of steel and if you lose you have to work out anyway.
The warden said let me start this show and AC/DC flew from his phone and a band of HIM’s joined in Lipstick, Hurts-a-Little, and Tail Pipes joined in and sounded something like this.
A mosey around the parking lot and up the stairs for a 22 count of Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers/Hillibilies followed by some up, side, and back parking lot tracing back to the start for a few good mornings and weed pickers.
Well, that’s pretty good old son, but get in the circle and let me show you how its done, 7 stations around the horn, with a sandbag for clean and press, Mace for around the world, pain stick for Squats, Mace for lunge and shoot, Abs wheel for pain, Mace for controlled overhead chop and the heavy Mace for row your boats.
Pax rise up your effort and hit those exercises hard as the Warden is in the garage having fun, 2 mins of strait go child go, rotate and go get some more. 2 trips around the sun and we were done.
Now the Warden may have bowed his head because he knew that he was beat, by that workout that took the pax around the parking deck concrete. But when it was said and done, we will try again cause I told yall once ya son of bi!$ch I’m the best (Warden) that’s ever been, in South Wake..haha
Announcements: The May contest continues, let’s remember to accelerate each other for the right reasons.
Closed in Prayer