Everyone Needs a Little Mercy
A beautiful weather morning for 13 HIM to show up at the “Happiest AO in SouthWake”. YHC had pre-blasted that loud voices would be heard during a few audible exercises at Disney today. YHC had also heard that a decent contingent of Disney regulars had a pretty stationary (albeit painful) beating at Possum Trot the day before, so I decided to keep the feet moving. Fairly certain we got a bit over 2 miles.
FNG’s: None
Warm Up: SSH x 40IC, Good Mornings x 20IC (always a crowd pleaser), Sir Fazio Arm Circles (F/R) x 10 IC.
The Workout: Counted off by two’s and formed two lines for a lengthy Indian Run to the front of the high school by the circle. Group 1 would bear crawl around the circle, while Group 2 did AMRAP dips on the nearby benches. We then rotated. Now it was time for voices to be heard. We stayed in our groups and each group took a turn doing an Indian Run line from the circle up the hill of the parking lot and return, while the other group did the “loud call” AMRAP exercise. Warbucks called for group 2 to do Pickle Pounders while Group 1 was gone. Roger Roger called for Group 1 to do WW2’s while Group 2 was gone.
We basically repeated this sequence in a couple more spots on our travels today. Next, we went to the bottom of another hill around the side of the high school. Each group took a turn sprinting up and down the hill with 5 Star Jumps at the top. The group waiting did AMRAP LSF’s.
Back to the Indian Run lines…this time to the Abyss. Once again, Groups took turns going down the stairs and returning, while other group did the “loud call” AMRAP exercise. At the bottom of the Abyss, groups did Mickey Mouse Merkins.
Round 1: 3 Mickey Mouse Merkins at the bottom, Group 2: Burpees at the top, Group 1: Hand-Release Burpees at the top.
Round 2: 5 Mickey Mouse Merkins at the bottom, Group 2: Homer 2 Marge at the top (as Bondo said…everyone needs mercy sometimes), so Group 2 returned the favor this round.
Final Round: 7 mickey Mouse Merkins at the bottom, Group 2: Shoulder Taps, Group 1: Star Jumps.
We did one final whole group Indian Run back to the flag for Mary.
Mary: Zebra Kicks x 20IC, LBC’s x 20 IC, Box Cutters x 20IC, american Hammers x10IC (cuz everyone deserves some mercy).
Announcements: Long Ass Run, March 27th. Check the Slack.
T-Claps (Recognition): Great job to the PAX for picking up the six many times today…this is what we do men!
Prayer: Maggie Peterson., friend of Roger Roger with breast cancer. Pikachu’s M and some ongoing pain concerns. Bondo stepped up to take us out.