Last Weeks Caveman
Yep I forgot to do this last week.The weasel hasn’t shaken me down just yet, but I figure I should record this for history.
This workout was advertised as shoulder light and leg light to heavy. I think it lived up to the advertisement.
EC: Kettlebell swings: Dawgpound, Emeril, Pikachu, Dahmer. Red was a lonely runner
FNGs: Nope
Warm Up:
We did some bounces and some other onnit warm ups. It was a week ago and I don’t plan the workouts. I’m sure we traced a foot once or twice.
The Workout:
5 Rounds
Hallow Hold Press 10 Each side (Chest Press with legs straight and off the ground)
Switch Grip Reverse Lunge 10 Each Side
Uppercuts 10 Each Side
Romain Deadlift to Single Leg Romain DeadLift (10 Each Side) Weight on post leg
Rotational Row Twist 10 Each Side
Overhead Squat 10 Each Side
I cannot remember what we did for Mary. I will have to make sure I do these the day off from now on.
There was an Epic Christmas Party on Thursday
T-Claps (Recognition):
Fanny’s M
187 Wife