There’s Darkness on the Edge of Disney

Today marks the 71st birthday of my musical hero. You’d think with all the heavy music YHC is into, that my selection would be different. But that artist is none other than the great Bruuuuuce! Springsteen from the great state of New Jersey! His music captures themes of brotherhood, loyalty, perseverance, rising above your expectations of yourself, using your good heart to do good things, and the ass-kicking power of rock n roll! It was a dark morning in the places YHC took the pax today. It’s in dark places we can find faith and we can measure our strength. Contrary to the pax initial thoughts, we did not only do activities reflecting that we are Born to Run.

FNG’s: None
Warm Up: Mosey loop around soccer field with a detour to the bottom of the large disc golf hill. “Take the Hill” warm up commenced. Good Mornings x10, take the hill!, Imperial Walkers, run along the ridge, Hillbillies, return to bottom. Repeated the loop 2x more with SSH x20, Frankenstein’s, Windmills, Sir Fazios, Squatted Seal Claps, Overhead Claps. 1 pax disappeared to lighten his load and met up with the pax later.
The Workout: Indian run the 3/4 mile-ish to the Abyss. Pax who disappeared, met us there. YHC called for a DORA. Pax partnered up and completed 100 hand release-release merkins (a move from IronPax), 200 Star Jumps, 300 monkey humpers. Pax going down the stairs started with 3 burpees at the bottom and added 1 with each trip down. Most pax got to 8-9 burpees. YHC just about gassed out twice on the abyss. Hit me like a dump truck.  When finished, we fellowship ran back to the flag for Mary.
Mary: 10 WW1, 15 H2M, 20 LBC’s IC.
Announcements: 3rd F Ted Talk next Tuesday featuring Dahmer. F3 HS half chatter.
T-Claps (Recognition): Midget for checking on YHC when he was woozy a few times. Kid Cracker for finding the most “wonderful AO in SouthWake”
Prayer: Firefighters in Clayton for the loss. Our brother Nemo. Our brother Tetanus with injury. POTS took us out. Honored to lead this group today!