Co-Q Duel Kickoff at Downtown Train

F3 Southwake Co-Q Duel got started in a big way at DT. Record attendance for this site that averages 3-5 #HIM as we had 36 strong post. Was excited to have our newly named Weasel Shaker, and a guy who has had a major impact on me over the past few years, Mookie as the surprise Co-Q. DT is sort of like a “poor man’s Disney”, lots of great rides available and I was looking forward to showing a couple of them off for all the new faces posting to DT for the 1st time. Mookie and I decided to do a little split Q so everyone had a chance to spend time with both of us, and we went with 2 DT classics – repeats on Cemetery Hill, and a visit the drug store. Mookie would lead the hill work and I would take drug store with a group switch in the middle. Quite the impressive scene as I headed back to the lot from EC to find guys looking for overflow parking. Was cool to see guys reconnecting and catching up a bit on life, with some great mumble chatter out there this morning. Thanks to all who posted and thanks for a solid start to the donations for Healing Transitions.

FNGs: Not today, but I noticed several of or newer guys out there this morning. and it’s great to see you all coming back and really getting to be part of F3.
Warm Up: Stayed at the flag knowing we would be opening the workout with a jog and we did some SSH, Good Mornings, Fazio Arm Circles, Mt Climbers and of course, a Nemo classic the Goofballs.
The Workout: Counted off by 2s to split the group and headed out on the jog towards Earp where 1 group veered off the tracks to head over to Cemetery Hill and the other headed up and along the back road to the drug store. Mookie took his group through hill repeats and focused on keeping together by adding sets of burpees at the bottom, merkins at the top and mixing in low slow flutters, shoulder taps and LBCs. Cemetery Hill is a DT favorite and I was glad to see Mookie pushing the PAX to put in the work on these repeats. At the drug store we worked through another DT classic set that really just involves doing a bunch of different stuff with little, if any, recovery. Without details of count/cadence it went something like this: BTTW, People’s Chair, BTTW, straight into plank, shoulder taps, plank, merkins, plank, nipplers, plank – then on the feet and hold out the arms, slow seal claps, hold out arms, overhead claps, hold out arms – then drop and bear crawl across lot, plank hold for 6 then merkins, then crab walk back. Recover, repeat. We worked in some SSH too, and 2nd set we stopped short of the bear crawls for time. After the full set at each spot, the groups met midway and swapped. Then we converged again for a fellowship jog back the flag.
Mary: Circled up and did a set of 6″ hold/low slow flutter, LBC, Homer to Marge, American Hammers. Then Mookie treated us to some clockwork merkins and closed us out with some good stretches.
Announcements: After name-o-rama we brought back a tradition I really like and we asked the 6th man in the count to tell us how he got his name and what he has appreciated about F3. Tetanus was the 6 in the circle and he explained his name and talked about how he appreciates the accountability and how he looks forward to posting. Co-Q Duel continues this and next week – head over to Nutcracker tomorrow for Moby and some surprise Co-Qs, Mulching Bass Lake going well.
T-Claps (Recognition): Guys out on EC, Boy George for posting after a tough 50k trail race this weekend, everyone who brought donations, Pikachu for a great setup for trunk coffee 2nd F
Prayer: Let’s keep Quiver’s uncle and family in our prayers as he recovers from covid, unspoken, YHC shared a message about the work we each need to put in to being good leaders. 10 count silent for unspoken and YHC took us out.

Honor to lead and to co-Q with Mookie, hope you all have a strong start to the week