So this workout is FREE???
15 PAX including one FNG and a 2nd timer posted at Paradise City on the steamy morning. A few guys already lost the shirt once YHC took his off. FNG received the disclaimer at 0528. Today’s workout was a repeat from a previous AO in Carterico I led this past spring. The guys hated it so I knew it would be a great fit for PC. YHC mumbled to some PAX as we took off that the FNG had a good chance of merlot on this one. Here’s how the fun went down.
Bondo, Warren is 59 and survived without a merlot. However, he learned about a workout through HS Rec Center that he signed up and PAID money for. Little did he know our workout was free. M4L and YHC instructed him to Cxl his membership immediately and ask for a refund. Tell HSRC it was a horrible workout and they should Cxl this class.
Warm Up:
Butt kickers, High knees, Carioca
Circle up
Throwback for Blue Hen since he couldn’t make it.
Jacked Up
SSH x 20 IC
Plank Jacks x20 IC
Smurf Jacks x20 IC
Seal Jacks x20 IC
Red Bull Smurf Jacks x20 IC
The Workout:
Four corner stack’ems
C1 – diamond merkins x10
C2 – monkey humpers x10IC
C3 – crab cakes x10IC
C4 – Turkish getup x10
Run to C1 do exercise, back to start and same exercise.
Run to C2 do exercise, back to start and stack’em.
Repeat for C3 and C4, keep stacking
Black snake run to opposite parking lot
Split group in half
Loop burpees increasing merkins
10 burpees w/1 merkin (10)
9 burpees 2 merkins (18)
8 B 3 M (24)
7 B 4 M (28)
6 B 5 M (30)
Total 40 burpees and 110 merkins
Ramp belly sprints x3
Absolutions on recovery at bottom of ramp x5 (2 sets)
She fartsacked
See slack, HS/FV Q swap coming in August
T-Claps (Recognition):
EC HIM and Bondo jumping right in…RESPECT
COVID-19 battles, Clay’s family, Matt friend of Bondo, unspoken
Great job to all those men pushing themselves. Cupid said he set a bootcamp record for calories burned at 600+. There were a couple guys that should be challenging themselves more because they are stronger than what they think. Appreciate the opportunity to lead as always.
BS Out!