Battling the stuff!!
Warm Up:10 pax’s up and at it this morning to find room in their garage and workout. If you were there and I didn’t see you I apologize for leaving you out.
SSH, good mornings, fazio arm circles, hillbillies imperial walkers
The Workout:
3 sets – 20 swings, 10 lunges each side, bent over rows
3 sets – 20 sumo squats, 10 press each side, 20 ic count figure 8s
3 sets- 20 side bends, 10 side lunges each side, 20 triceps
10 one leg dead lift each side
20 ICAmerican hammers
20 IC Lsf
Mary:She was sleeping!
Announcements:see slack
T-Claps (Recognition): 16 bit for getting AO containment setup and all the pax’s continuing to get at it while stuck at home!!!
Prayer: we can take the time to enjoy this slow pace and family time. Guidance for all Americans on how to be safe and do their part to slow the virus. All the medical workers on front line