Ivan gets competitive
YHC pre-blasted Crazy Ivan as being something different – a little bit of competition for the pax.
None today – a shame
Warm Up:
Warm up
Warm up lap around the interior of the parking deck – YHC set up some cones on the other end to mark the lap course for the remaining circuits.
SSH x20 IC
Daisy picker x10 IC
Fazio Arm Circles x10 forward/backward
5x burpees OYO for Lipstick being a bit late
The Workout:
Pax grab their kettle bell and circle up for circuit 1:
1x Burpee
6x Turkish Getups
10x Squat Thrusters
20x One arm kettlebell swings
Run a lap
After round 1 the pax partnered up based on the speed of which they completed the round. #1 with #2, 3 with 4, etc with one group of 3.
Repeat round 1 with the faster pax from each pair adding 2x burpees each round.
After two rounds of that circuit we circled up for a round with “big bertha” – YHC’s 60lb kettle bell that doesn’t get enough love. We passsed the bell clockwise between pax with each pax doing one overhead press each. Then we passed it back counterclockwise to keep ourselves balanced (with another press.
We then moved on to circuit 2:
1x Turkish Getup
6x Midget Getups
10x Merkin Kettlebell slides
20x Bell Slaps
Run a lap
After round 2 the pax partnered up based on the speed of which they completed the round. #1 with #2, 3 with 4, etc with one group of 3.
Repeat round 2 with the faster pax from each pair adding 2x turkish getups each round.
Midget cookie pouch x10
Single leg deadlifts x5 each leg slooooooooow
Homer to marge SW style x10 + x5 each leg – all with kettlebell
Homer to marge exicon style until YHC was tired
2nd F/3rd F – Travis Manion Foundation fundraiser at Bombshell tonight. $5 per pax that show up.
Greenhouse build at Holly Springs food cubbard tomorrow
U-Turn will be different – read pre-blast and expect the differences to continue for the full month
ATT long ass run 22Feb20
New AO Prison Yard – Crooked Creek Park at 0500 on Tuesdays.
June 4th 100 mile backpacking trip – 4 days. See Double D for details.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Lucky Charms for kicking my rear
Wallaby and all pax whose families are dealing with addiction – both those battling and those supporting them. Midget’s friend going into detox.
Rash of cancer scares in local community.
Full House’s client’s wife with brain tumor – successful surgery for lemon sized tumor! Full recovery expected.
UTI’s co-worker Carolyn went from full cancer to remission!
YHC’s wife’s back issues have resurfaced – psychologically tough to have issues that were solved reappear for no good reason.