Virgin Q Fram
Warm Up: tagged up with Dauber for warm ups and Mary.
Side straddle hop
Hill billies
Imperial March
Toy soldier
Daisy pickers
hops – forward/backward/side to side
Quad stretch
Hamstring stretch
The Workout:
Carry bags to parking lot)
Exercises: 5 sets
Walk with Down Blocks and spin(wrestling move)
Every line one hand third line double with spin.
Sprint back to partner
Partner hold bags OYO exercise on their way. Bags don’t touch the ground.
Set 2 exercises: (sets TBD)
Sand bag exercises (reps 6-12)
> tricep press
> upright rows
> squats
> calf raises
> one arm curls
> lawnmowers (palm back/palm in)
> sand bag swings
> grip and hold (grab sand 2nd time)
> shoulder press
> one arm shoulder press
> 2 arm straight raises
> straight arm holds (bottom/side)
Mary: box cutters, Freddie Mercury’s, down dog pigeon pose.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer:pax injuries, fedex friends surgery, Sargent pepper,