FNGs: Mr. Terrific (aka: Quitter)
The Workout:
We worked out, it was hard. Not a lot of mumble chatter to be heard. I tried to mix up legs / core / shoulders / chest. Got a bit more than a mile in, but I know my heart rate was up the whole time.
More importantly, though. Twice during the workout, instead of a count-hold, I asked the PAX to share. Why do you do F3? What makes you keep doing F3? What do you need from your F3 brothers during the holidays?
A quick sample of popular responses:
- “Family is my biggest stress during the holidays (and also what I look forward to the most during the holidays)”
- “I need / look forward to accountability from my F3 brothers.”
- “I want to pray for a lot of close friends struggling with mental health / family issues (but don’t want to really admit I have the same stuff going on)”
Accountability in Fitness is why we keep coming back. I hope we take a few moments to think about what Accountability would look like outside of a workout. I’m glad that I’m 20 pounds lighter, a few minutes faster, a lot of pullups stronger after 3 years of F3. I’m more thankful that I’ve got a group of guys who are helping me be a better husband / father / son. In 2020, my goal is to make it easier for the whole of f3SouthWake to find that if they’re looking for it.
Announcements: Christmas Party; Oakwood 24
T-Claps (Recognition): Great to see Shredder back in the Gloom, especially FNG in tow
Prayer: Oakwood 24; Family burdens; Quiver; Mental Health; More Family