Thank God Deer Don’t Eat Meat
Six 6 Pax for a solid start to the week at Downtown Train.
FNGs: None
EC: Coal Ash, Nemo
Warm Up: Field trip over to Womble. Circled up for 10 burpees OYO, daisy pickers, merkins, good mornings, SSHs
The Workout: Mosey’d over to picnic tables for the following rounds of exercises…
Round 1: Step-ups x 10, SSH x 20, Step-ups x 20, SSH x 40, Step-ups x 30, SSH x 60, LBCs x 50 in cadence
Round 2: irkins x 5, squats x 10, irkins x 10, squats x 20, irkins x 15, squats x 30, irkins x 20, squats x 40, LBCs x 40 in cadence
Round 3: dips x 5, lunges x 10, dips x 10, lunges x 20, dips x 15, lunges x 30, dips x 20, LBCs x 30 in cadence
Round 4: 2 x Peoples chair (10 count each Pax), balls to the wall (10 count each Pax)
Indian run back to home base
Mary: LBCs x 50 in cadence
Announcements: Dec 7 Frosty, Christmas Party,
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Warbucks family, Coal Ash’s grandfather, those who are serving/have served in military