What is Morning Wood?
Another humid but not so bad soupy morning for a workout. Mutiny had cars that just kept coming in. We had 18 total PAX. Two for EC arrived just before the workout started. (Norm and Martini) Planted Cupid’s flag but no Cupid. No FNG’s. 0530 so we blasted off like this.
Warm Up:
Lap for warm up with butt kickers and high knees then snake on hill. Circle up in middle of field
Up downs x10
Mtn climbers x20
Carolina dry docks x20
Sumo squat x20
Lower body stretches
The Workout:
Partner up with like speed
Catch me if you can with morning wood on track ~ 1 mile
P1 fast mosey P2 does morning wood on each arm, then chases down P1. Tag and switch exercises.
Switch from mosey to backwards run every other time you run
*A 4 year veteran asked “What is Morning Wood?” YHC quickly responded to see the exicon.*
– This is a Turkish Get-up without the Kettlebell. Laying flat on back with one arm raised sit up and then come up into a standing position. Added degree of difficulty = don’t use other hand to push yourself up! (A Turkish Get-up without a Kettlebell is aka A Turkish Get-up.)
YHC called recover then mosey to upper field.
Suicide merkin ladder – start at center field. Shuffle or carioca to right cone 3 merkins back to center field 3 merkins, then to left cone that’s further out 6 merkins back to center 6 merkins, right cone even further out, 9 back to center 9, left cone 12 center 12, right to end of field 15 back center 15. Cones will be spaced longer as you go.
Plank for the 6
10 big boy sit ups to catch our breath
Rinse and repeat with star jumps
10 BB sit ups
Burpee plank ladder
PAX plank about 3 feet from each other. HIM at the end hops up, jumps over next guy then performs a burpee. Continue this until you reach the end of ladder then return to plank. Each HIM goes twice.
(Rapid) Mary:
American hammer 20
Box cutter 20
Freddy Mercury 20
Heels to heaven 20
Dying cockroach 20
FB slack, CSAUP Odyssey, Norms departure
FedEx M for healing, Noah’s Ark M, Shredder’s dad passed away,Banana Seats uncle passed yesterday after battle with cancer, Crab Legs always, unspoken
Always great to be in the gloom. Most guys cannot fathom waking up this early. My M says she sees a big difference in the days that I do and don’t post. The days I do post always tend to bring more energy to the day and days I don’t post seem to be slothish (probably not a word). Anywho…I appreciate all the hard work each of you put in today and every time you post. Keep pushing that rock and if you need help pushing it, let somebody know. I’m sure someone will help you!
BS Out!